Monthly Archives: July 2020

Pray for My Friends in Manila

A missionary friend, Mark Pedder, texted me yesterday evening asking for prayer for a sad happening in Manila, specifically BASECO:

Marco and Marivic’s oldest boy, Nicolai has had a girlfriend for I think the last four years. Her name was Mikey, just 21 years old, beautiful girl. She got pregnant etc, etc…she was full term this week.

She went in to deliver and both mum and child are dead. Then to add to the trauma of the whole thing, due to the virus getting out of control there, all dead bodies are being cremated, so no funerals.

So the body goes from the hospital to the crematory and instead of his girlfriend and a baby, Nicolai gets a pot of ashes. Neither of them were walking with God. No one was allowed in the room with her, so she went through that literally all alone, just very incompetent staff with her at the time. All just her horrific thoughts.

It’s Manila, in a povo’ hospital, so there will be no real way of ever knowing exactly what happened, but Nicolai went from waiting in a waiting room to see his new baby, then waiting at the crematorium for the body to be burn’t…not sure how you carry that.

It’s more or less a 12 hour turn-around from healthy, happy and having a baby, to literally ashes. Very, very sudden.

There is no way she’d be dead if she was in another country. Marco already has so much pressure on him, Marivic is overseas and there are no flights, it would take a miracle for her to be able to get home. There are a lot of other complexities, it’s really a mess. It’s all sort of madness.

My wife Christine is not doing well with it at all.


These are our brothers and sisters in Christ. If you can, pray for:

Nicolai – the young father.

Marco – Nicolai’s father

Marivic – Nicolai’s mother

Mark and Christine Pedder – missionaries to BASECO.


We run quickly to Your throne of grace, asking to find mercy and obtain grace to help Nicolai, Marco, Marivic, Mark and Christine right now in their time of need. Our minds can’t wrap around this tragedy, but we know You, Father, can offer each one of them comfort and a peace that will pass all understanding. Only You can do that for them. They need Your Father’s heart of compassion, pouring out Your love on them.

And Father, out of this terrible tragedy, use it for Your good. Raise up Nicolai with a passion for You and Your ways and send Him to the nations.

In Jesus’ name,







Filed under Prayer