Monthly Archives: November 2008

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (11/30/2008)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under 250 words. And if you need to, attach a link to your site for longer messages.


Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

Spiritual Warfare aka “The Football Game”

As a young Christian, my revelation of spiritual warfare was much like that of a football game. Satan and his monster crew versus us weak, pathetic Christians. But the sad thing about my revelation is that we Christians never played offense. We were always on defense, and the whole football game was played on our one-yard line.

So, Satan as the quarterback would march up behind his center, waiting for the snap to set the play in motion. I would turn around and look at my team mates. We were puny runts, barely able to wear pads. We were pathetic.

Satan would hand off to one of his four horseman in his backfield. The back would smash into the line; and somehow we would stop him. But after each play, we Christians were a little slower to get back on our feet. We were battered and bruised.

How much longer could we withstand the onslaughts of Satan’s team? They were so much bigger than us. We did not stand a chance of winning. O Lord, rapture us, please!

Then one day I had a new revelation about a time in the future. Then, the game would change. Then, the rules would change. Then, Jesus – the Lord God of Hosts – would be our quarterback. It would no longer matter how puny or unskilled we were because Jesus made each of us more than conquerors. We would walk the field as victors, not as wimps. Satan would always be on defense; and we Christians would always be on the offense.

That time that I saw in the future is now.


Filed under Abortion, African-American, America, black people, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Prophecy, Race, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (11/29/2001)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under 250 words. And if you need to, attach a link to your site for longer messages.

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Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

Picture of a Prophet

The prophet in his day is fully accepted of God and totally rejected by men.

Years back, Dr. Gregory Mantle was right when he said, “No man can be fully accepted until he is totally rejected.” The prophet of the Lord is aware of both these experiences. They are his “brand name.”

The group, challenged by the prophet because they are smug and comfortably insulated from a perishing world in their warm but untested theology, is not likely to vote him “Man of the year” when he refers to them as habituates of the synagogue of Satan! (From America Is Too Young to Die by Leonard Ravenhill. Full article here.

If you have never read any of Leonard Ravenhill’s books, this short article will probably moisten your taste buds to read more.


Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (Black Friday, 2008)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under 250 words. And if you need to, attach a link to your site for longer messages.


Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (Thanksgiving: 11/27/2008)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under 250 words. And if you need to, attach a link to your site for longer messages.


Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (Wednesday: 11/26/2008)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under 250 words. And if you need to, attach a link to your site for longer messages.

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Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Spirituality

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (Tuesday: 11/25/2008)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under


Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

So, What Is The Lord Saying Or Doing? (Monday: 11/24/2008)

It is my belief that we Christians depend too much on what an individual pastor or an individual prophet or another anointed person thinks that he (or she) is hearing from the Lord, rather than trying to hear for ourselves or listening to many different voices from all over the Body of Christ. Dependence on just an anointed few is a guaranteed recipe for failure.

So, each day, I invite you to write what you believe the Lord is telling you, showing you, or doing for you. Testimonies. Short teachings. Prophetic words. Scriptures. Prayers. Whatever you believe that the Body of Christ needs to know or will be blessed by hearing. Try to keep your words under


Filed under America, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, Spirituality

Depressed About The Election Results, What Are You Going To Do?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,  or so it seems, I was a painting contractor. What a collection of motley Christians we were. Oh my!

One of my painters was a gifted musician and worship leader. He could play his guitar like Charlie Daniels and hit the high notes on a trumpet just like Louis Armstrong. And when he played, the presence of the Holy Spirit would fall on a group.

But he had one problem: depression.

Every morning, he would fail to show up for work. I would jump in my truck, drive to his apartment, and bang my fist on his door. He would mumble, “I’m too depressed to work today. Leave me alone, okay?”

I would bang louder on the door; and eventually, he would open the door. I would barge into the room and kick the door shut. He would stand there in his jockey shorts, wrapped in a sheet, and his face would look like a puppy which had been kicked in by a bully.

Then, I would say, “In the name of Jesus, I command that unclean spirit to go from you, now!”

His face would instantly change; a smile would appear. He would give me a hug and say, “Thanks brother.” Then, he would get ready and go to work.

This happened every morning. It was one of my regular routines.

Now understand this, the young man had problems. At one time, he and his wife were Christian singers, headed for the big time, but their marriage fell apart. Another man. Ugly divorce. Hurting children. No money. Big debts. Loss of ministry. Etc.

But his biggest problem was not the depression – after all it was only a demon – but rather,  it was that he never took the time to build up his inner man with prayer and studying the Bible. How sad!

So, if the 2008 election has depressed you, consider this: Spend time in prayer. Study your Bible. Then, open your mouth and say, “Spirit of depression, I command you to go in Jesus’ name.”

The depression will go.


Filed under Abortion, African-American, America, Barack Obama, black people, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, Election 2008, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, Joe Biden, John McCain, Kingdom of God, morality