Category Archives: reformation

Prayers for American Church System (7/18/2019)

Christ Church Stellarton

Photograph of Christ Anglican Church, Stellarton, NS. Taken the morning of October 28, 2005

We can learn much about the Kingdom of God and also the Church by looking at God’s first kingdom venture on earth (after the fall): Israel.

God’s desire for Israel was that the nation would have no king and no standing army. God would be the Israelites’ King and their defense. Israel was divided up into twelve parcels, one for each tribe. The leaders for each tribe would be elders, heads of families and families. Israel was set up to be a loosely governed confederation of tribes and families, unlike any other nation at the time.

In approximately 1043 BC, the elders came to Samuel the prophet and said, “Samuel, you are old. Now make for us a king to rule over us like all of the other nations.”

Samuel felt bad, but God told him, “Listen to the people. They have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should no longer reign over them.”

God warned Israel, telling them all that the kings would do to abuse their authority over Israel. Yet, the people of Israel still said, “We want a king so we are like the other nations.”

From 1043 BC with King Saul until the fall of Jerusalem under King Zedekiah in 586 BC, Israel and Judah had a government headed by a king. They were like the other nations with a hierarchal governmental system. It was a total failure.


God said it would fail and it did.

Okay, now let’s look at the American Church system.

“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25-28)

Thousands of American believers are praying for revival, which they hope will bring a move of the Spirit to America’s churches and change our nation. Hey, if it happens, I will join my brothers and sisters in celebration.

But…I don’t believe it will happen.

Most of America’s churches resemble Israel with a hierarchal government reigning over them. The New Testament name – pastor – sounds better than king, but make no doubt about it, the American pastor is generally an overlord in charge of the membership. He’s the CEO! This type of church system has been in place since Martin Luther reformed the church in 1517. Five hundred years!

Now, many will say that God has often revived the Church in times past. And yes, He has, but He also sent some good kings to Israel and Judah until He didn’t send them anymore. Maybe the American church system is in the same season that Israel was when its hierarchal government failed.

So don’t stay with the same-o same-o attitude about traditional churches just because God has not reformed the wineskin in times past. Seek the Lord.

I believe God will totally reform the church, preparing it for the End Times.

My prayer today:

Lord, help us American believers not to be conformed to this age and its traditions, but to be transformed and changed by the entire renewal of our minds and attitudes so that we may know what is Your good and perfect will for Your Church. (Based on Romans 12:2)

Join with me to fast and pray for America’s churches.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Prophecy, reformation, Uncategorized

My e-Book, “Planning + Preparation = Survival,” is Free Today. Get Your Copy Now!

Planning = Prep1

If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, a computer, or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Planning + Preparation = Survival, is FREE January 29 – 30, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

What is the #1 statement spoken by individuals during large catastrophes?

“I didn’t think this would ever happen to me.”


They believed catastrophes always happened to someone else, but never to them. And if it did happen, they thought the government would arrive on the scene and rescue them before their cups of coffee turned cold.

If this is your present thinking, then allow me to say one word to smash your ideas to smithereens: Katrina. Yes, Hurricane Katrina, the watershed event when all of us should have learned to never again place our faith in governments to rescue us or our families from catastrophes.

Planning + Preparation = Survival is a no-nonsense book written to show Christians how to pray, plan, and prepare ourselves, our families, and our communities for possible natural and terrorist catastrophes in the near future.

Print Length:  56 pages    File Size:  196 KB    Regular Price: $ .99

Free January 29 and January 30, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Church, church planting, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, Poverty, Prayer, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality, Writing

Forty Years Ago Today, I Was an Affable Agnostic

dolly 911

On January 22, 1973, I was an affable agnostic, living in Louisville, Kentucky. The old river city, famous for horse racing and basketball, had a Southern Baptist church on almost every street corner. Yet, I was oblivious to the gospel.

And Roe versus Wade?

If I heard the names at all, I probably thought they were two middleweight boxers, appearing in a big match at the Louisville Gardens. I had no clue the names referred to a Supreme Court ruling.

And abortion?

I obviously knew what the term meant, but I would have never – out of a million guesses – believed that 55,881,922 babies would be aborted in the 40 years following Roe versus Wade.

From that particular January day to May 19, 1985, I viewed Roe versus Wade and abortion with detached apathy. Was I pro-choice or pro-life? My best answer would have been a quick shrug and a fast change of subjects.

But on May 20, 1985, just hours before I planned on committing suicide, I met Jesus on the bathroom floor. Just to think the Lord cared about a man who thought He was, at best, the equal of the Easter Bunny, still blows my mind today.

Because of my eternal about-face, I owe my allegiance to the Lamb.

Since that day on the bathroom floor, I have spent my whole life seeking to know and understand this man named Jesus. I still don’t have all of the answers, even after twenty-seven years, but I am sure of this much: Jesus hates murder.

And no matter how much we dress up Roe versus Wade and abortion by using guilt soothing terms like “pro-choice,”  they still refer to one thing: murdering babies.

I am not confused about this. Are you?


Filed under Abortion, Christianity, Christians, Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, jesus, Prayer, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Prophecy, reformation, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

My e-Book, “New Wind Blowing,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!

New Wind Blowing

If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, a computer, or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Jonah, is FREE January 22 – 23, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)

Since the 1970’s, we Christians have attempted to overturn the Supreme Court’s Roe versus Wade decision. We have fasted. We have prayed. We have preached and prophesied. And then, when that has failed, we have done more and more of the same. Yet, we have fallen far short of the mark.

Maybe, we are doing something wrong. And maybe, it’s time to look at a book like New Wind Blowing.

Part I explains a 2008 revelation on abortion and three other major issues.

Part II relates a 2011 revelation about the 2008 presidential election.

Conclusion states what we Christians should do in light of these two revelations.

Print Length:  57 pages    File Size:  210 KB    Regular Price: $ .99

Free January 22 and January 23, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.

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Filed under Abortion, Books, Christianity, Christians, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Politics, Poverty, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Prophecy, reformation, Sarah Palin, spiritual warfare, vietnam

My e-book, “Deceived Dead and Delivered,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!


If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, or any computer or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Deceived Dead and Delivered, is free January 8 – 9, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

Deceived Dead and Delivered consists of two short novels, a prophetic allegory, and a few short stories, written especially for believers who are looking for answers to today’s tough questions.

In the first short novel, Pull the Plug, life was perfect for Chuck Brewster until that Easter Sunday in San Francisco when the angel arrived and opened Chuck’s eyes. From then on, Chuck’s new revelations stirred up nothing but trouble…or so his wife and family thought.

The second short novel, Deceived Dead and Delivered, takes place near the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, where Daniel and Amanda McCord attend the progressive Jesus Is Love Community Church. Then one morning a new spiritual gift causes Daniel to realize, “demons suck,” and that his church has big problems.

The Great American Church Derby is a prophetic allegory which takes place in a Starbucks with two men drinking coffee. It offers hope to hungry believers who long for a church who truly walks in unity.

The book contains the above, and also a few short stories.

Fiction or revelations? You can decide for yourself after reading Deceived Dead and Delivered.

File Size: 357 KB        Print Length: 235 pages        Regular Price: $1.99

Free January 8 and January 9, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Fiction, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality, Writing

My e-book, “Prophecy 101,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!


If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, or any computer with Kindle apps on it, my e-book, Prophecy 101, is free on New Years Day and January 2nd through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

Do you prophesy? If not, why not?

These may be questions you have not been asked before, or at least, not very often. But did you know that the Apostle Paul asked questions much like these of early Christians? He wanted all to prophesy.


Prophecy is a gift meant for each of us so we can help other people.(1 Corinthians 12:7 paraphrased)

The Apostle Paul knew the early Christians needed prophecy because of their perilous times. Famines, persecutions, wars, and even shipwrecks awaited many of them so they needed warnings from God. And one of the best ways to do that was through prophecy.

Okay, but what about today’s Christians?

On May 20, 1985, I planned on committing suicide, but a businessman spoke prophetic words to me which ended up saving my life.

As you can probably guess, I am fervent for prophecy and like the Apostle Paul, I believe all should prophesy. You see, just one prophetic word might change your life, a family member’s life, a neighbor’s life, or a stranger’s life. And who knows? Lives might be saved because you prophesy.

Prophecy 101 contains 58 simple lessons that I have learned over the last twenty-seven years on how to prophesy. The book is filled with scriptural and personal examples in a quick reading format.

So, do you want to prophesy? The decision is yours.

File size: 297 KB      Print Length: 231 pages      Regular Price: $1.99

FREE on January 1 and January 2, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prayer, Prophecy, Reading, reformation, Spirituality, Writing

A New Novel? Why Not? (Part 11)

2 cats asleep

Chapter 6

While Luke struggled at Maxi Toyota, God heated up another special project in His iron furnace, preparing her for the future. Although her name was Catherine Ann Thakkar, everyone called her Cat.

Cat’s journey began years earlier in Durban, South Africa, when her Indian mother, Leela, met a handsome musician at a concert. The short romance resulted in a pregnant Leela. But sadly, the musician caught a boat back to Mangalore, India, leaving the beautiful teenager behind to grapple with the consequences of her family and culture.

At the time, Durban’s Indian culture valued sons because they could earn money and help families with financial struggles in the South African apartheid society. Any value daughters had, depended on marriages being arranged with other families, especially wealthy ones. Unmarried daughters with children were considered a curse, often shunned by their own families.

Although the pregnancy enraged her mother, Leela remained in the small family home. Yet, the stress of working long hours for a few rand per week and the cultural shunning hurled Leela into a deep pit of despair. Each day, she struggled to put one foot in front of the other

On one especially bad day, Leela and her three year old daughter trudged home after cleaning a house. The home owner promised ten rand for the job, but ended up paying only two rand. When Leela complained, the home owner slammed the door in her face and said, “Take it up with the police, coolie.”

As Leela walked down a dirt road in Durban, she heard music and saw a well-worn tent. The lively music lifted her spirits.

“Cat, let’s stop here and rest for a bit. My legs are tired and the music is lovely.”

Leela and Cat sat in the back row on folding chairs. They listened to the music and then to the gospel message spoken by the evangelist. Leela rushed down the aisle at the altar call, praying with the evangelist for her salvation.

The two dashed home afterward to tell everyone about Jesus. Leela’s mom and brothers, all Hindus, reacted to the good news by grabbing machetes and chasing them out into the street. Standing there in the road, Leela made up her mind to follow Jesus no matter what the cost might be for her.

This decision by Leela eventually led to her marrying Raj Thakkar whom she met on a mission trip. Thakkar, a second generation Indian-America businessman, lived in San Francisco and taught economics at San Francisco State University. Although leaving her family and native land was a difficult decision, America offered a new beginning for Leela and her daughter.

Cat’s reaction to the decision brought smiles to Raj and Leela.

“San Francisco? Is that near Bollywood?”


Raj Thakkar’s favorite story about Cat as a child came about while he was mowing the lawn at their Mission District home in San Francisco. The five year old galloped her broomstick horse straight at him, motioning for him to stop. He turned the Toro’s engine off.

“What’s up, Princess?” he asked with a big smile.

She pushed her black cowboy hat back on her head with one hand while holding tightly onto the broomstick horse’s reins with the other one.

“Guess what, Daddy?”

“No, what?”

“Now, Daddy, don’t laugh.”

“Okay, I won’t.”

“I’ve just decided that when I grow up I’m going to ride in the Kentucky Derby and also be a cartoon runner.”

“Princess, that‘s great. You’ll be the best jockey in the whole world. But what exactly does a cartoon runner do?”

“Oh, Daddy, everybody knows that,” she said in a style reminiscent of Shirley Temple. “Cartoon runners show the Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny cartoons at the movie theaters. And Daddy, promise not to tell anybody, but I’m going to let all of my friends in free.”

She giggled and grabbed her hat, waving it back and forth, content with her career goals. Then, she wheeled around and took off, seeking new adventures in the neighborhood.

(The above is the first part of Chapter 6 for a new novel I’m writing, The Day LA Died, © Larry Nevenhoven, 2012.)

(Continued in Part 11)


Filed under Christianity, Church, church planting, Fiction, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, spiritual warfare, Writing

Christmas in Nashville With Red Hot Chili

dolly tree

Christmas in Nashville. Don’t the words evoke thoughts of Hank,  Dolly, and country in the grandest sense for the best season of the year?

Now, imagine spending Christmas in Nashville with no money, no jobs, no friends, no relatives, little gas in car, rent due, and no prospects in sight?

That’s exactly the dilemma, Honey and I found ourselves on Christmas Day, 1998. How did we end up in such a mess?

It all began a few weeks earlier in Louisville, Kentucky, the city we had just moved to in September. We had jobs and were settling into the city. But then, we felt the Lord said, “Go to Charlotte and be a part of a prayer community.”

We packed up and headed east.

The prayer group had its exciting moments, but then we felt the Lord said, “Go to Nashville.”

Thus, five days before Christmas, we arrived in Nashville with enough money to rent a studio apartment at the Residence Inn and buy a few groceries.

On Christmas Day, Honey cooked her famous chili for our feast. As far as presents, we had none  and couldn’t even afford to phone family.

To say the least, it was a long-faced holiday for us.

On December 26th, we had to move out, but where? We had no clues.

At 9 AM, I went down to the office for clean towels. The desk manager had just received a Christmas card for us with a check inside it.

Honey and I were so excited, but still we did not have enough money to continue staying at the Residence Inn. We prayed and felt the Lord wanted us to head back to Louisville, Kentucky.

On the way to Louisville, Honey phoned her former boss, asking if he needed a sales person at his furniture store. He said, “Yes and we also have a check waiting for you from the November sales period. You forgot to give a forwarding address.”

Both checks were surprises and allowed us to rent a place in Louisville.

So, why would the Lord supposedly make us jump through all of these hoops?

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19)

Willingness and obedience needs to be our life styles, not an every so often event. And God knows just how to uniquely develop these life styles in us.


Filed under Christianity, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, spiritual warfare, Writing

A New Novel? Why Not? (Part 10)

2 cats asleep


Chapter 4

Our sales training class consisted of eight new sales people. After introductions, we spent the morning with the human resources manager, filling out paperwork, and reading through a company policy manual. The manager’s monotone voice did little to stimulate our attention spans, but I noticed he mentioned at least ten times about our first six months of employment being probationary periods.

Ted Hopkins, the sales manager, led off the afternoon session. Hopkins, a former Navy SEAL, was a no-nonsense walrus of a man with a flattop hair cut. His red Toyota golf shirt bulged with muscles, straining to break through the fabric. His voice complemented his physique with an authority which bordered on rage, ready to be unleashed at any time and on anyone.

“Welcome to Maxi Toyota,” he said with his hands on his hips, “you have been selected to attend our sales training class. It will not be easy, but those who pay attention will excel at our dealership. Some of you may earn a $100,000 per year. Some may even be promoted to sales management positions with earnings of $200,000 to $300,000 per year. It’s up to you what you do with your training.”

He picked up a black marking pen from the table.

“Rule number 1: all auto buyers lie,” said Hopkins, walking over to an easel with a large paper tablet sitting on it. “The only time they don’t lie is when their lips are not moving. If you ask them questions about their trade-in, they’ll tell you it’s the sweetest machine they’ve ever owned. They’ll conveniently forget to mention the blown transmission and head gasket. So, how do we combat their lies?”

Oh my! I thought. What has God got me into?

Hopkins proceeded to lay out the Four-Square sales program which all of us were required to use with customers. At the heart of the program was the 4-square, a sheet of paper divided into four boxes for: the trade value, purchase price of vehicle, down payment, and the monthly payment.

But as I listened to Hopkins explain the Four-Square, it reminded me more of a street hustler’s shell game than it did a sales program. You know, three shells, a pea, and the hustler’s sleight of hand while the poor sucker ended up losing all of his money. Just like the shell game, the whole idea of the Four-Square was ripping the customer off through confusion.

Every cell in my body screamed for me to run out of the dealership and never come back, but my butt glued itself to the chair and my feet to the floor. I could not move. Yet, I felt an inner peace which caused me to relax after a while.

Two hours later, Hopkins laid his marking pen down on the table.

“Let’s take a fifteen minute break,” he said, looking at the clock on the wall. Then he added, “Stoner, could I see you for a moment?”

I stood up and walked over to him as the other sales trainees left the room.

“Stoner, I checked out all eight of our trainees on Google this morning, just to see if there was anything happening with you guys. The other seven lead pretty dull lives, but you had 150,000 results. Care to tell me a little something about that?”

My face felt hot as blood rushed to the surface.

“I was a writer and a preacher before I came to California.”

“That’s an understatement. Why didn’t you tell me you were a big deal Christian preacher?”

“The interview was short and you didn’t ask.”

“What if I tell you I don’t like preachers?”

“That’s up to you.”

“Let me ask you,” he whispered, invading my space so his face almost touched mine, “will you have any problems with the Four-Square System?”

“If I don’t ever have to lie, I’ll have no problems.”

He wrinkled his face as if I had slapped him with leather dueling gloves.

“Well, Preacher, truth in car sales is a vague, hazy concept. To the customer, it means one thing and to us sales managers, it means another. All we want you to do is be an actor on a stage and tell the customer what we tell you to say. It’s just that simple.”

We exchanged gazes for a few moments.

“Preacher, I can see I’m going to have trouble with you,” he said, backing away and shaking his head. “And I don’t like having trouble with sales people. It upsets me and makes me want to kick their butts all over the parking lot. Understand me, Preacher?”

I nodded and walked away.

For the rest of the day, we role played customers and sales people, using the Four- Square System. Hopkins acted as the desk manager and critiqued us on our presentations. None of it felt comfortable for me as Hopkins constantly referred to me as Preacher, no longer calling me Luke or Stoner. The other trainees followed his cue and likewise called me Preacher. Soon, the whole dealership followed suit and the nickname stuck.

Walking home afterward, I felt miserable. It seemed like the Lord intentionally dropped me into a den of thieves. Why would He do that to me?

(The above is the second part of Chapter 4 for a new novel I’m writing, The Day LA Died, © Larry Nevenhoven, 2012.)

(Continued in Part 11)


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Gifts of the Spirit, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, reformation, spiritual warfare, Writing

Elijah, Come Out of the Cave! Now! (Part 8)

Click on following links for earlier articles: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.

A pupil is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. (Matthew 10: 24)

In Part 1, I mentioned about the night I visited a small country church where two traveling prophets were conducting meetings. Both prophets were veterans who had been in ministry for twenty years or more.

The preaching was okay and the prophetic words were excellent. But yet, the two prophets did not discern the deeper spiritual needs of the people.

This oversight bothered me and I sought the Lord on why the spiritual radar systems of these two top-notch prophets were so defective.

Finally, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart: “The two prophets are trained by the traditional church system and are dependent on the traditional church system for their financial livelihoods. Thus, their spiritual radar systems for discerning the spiritual needs of believers and then delivering them are dulled and made useless by the system.”

Maybe, you’re not sure about this, right?

Well, who was Elijah’s biggest enemy?

Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, ” So may the gods do so to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.” And he [Elijah] was afraid and arose and ran for his life… (1 Kings 19: 2- 3)

Though Ahab was the king of Israel, it was Jezebel who influenced Ahab to worship pagan gods and turn away from God.  Thus, Jezebel was Elijah’s biggest enemy.

The same is true today for the Elijah-type prophets.

There have been numerous books written about demonic spirits which are labeled Jezebel Spirits, but my personal belief is that Jezebel represents a religious spirit. Nothing more. Nothing less. It plainly dislikes God and His ways and wants to hinder and control prophetic words within the Body of Christ.

And furthermore, it is my belief that the traditional church system is under the control of a  major principality in the demonic hierarchy which rules over America and it is – in fact – a religious spirit.

The only way to break the control of religious spirits on believers’ lives is to have Elijah-type prophets arrive on the scene. Where will they come from?

I believe the Elijah-type of prophets will come from outside the traditional church systems. Maybe from prisons. Maybe from the deserts or wildernesses of America. Maybe from the armed forces. Maybe from professional sports. Maybe from businesses. But no matter where they come from, they will be trained to discern and fight religious spirits.

Lastly, I believe Elijah was the chosen prophet at the transfiguration of Jesus, rather than David, Isaiah, Jeremiah or Ezekiel, because it will be prophets like Elijah who will set us free from the religious requirements and bondage imposed on us by the weakness of the Law, which is the flesh.

Obviously, this is a lot to digest for now. So, we’ll do more on the Elijah prophets in the future.



Filed under Christianity, Church, church planting, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, spiritual warfare