Monthly Archives: February 2014

Friday’s Prayers for Prisoners (2/28/2014)


“Get the stuff you don’t need here and give it to someone you don’t like,” said a street beggar, selling trinkets to American tourists in Los Algodones, Mexico. The city of 5,500 people is known for its inexpensive medical care and prescription medicines, which draws senior citizens to the city.

But not only are there hundreds of dentists, opticians, and pharmacies, there are thousands of street beggars peddling trinkets, with most of them being women. Many held babies in one arm and their wares in the other one.

How brutal it must be to awaken each morning, realizing they must beg on the streets all day long, dependent on other people’s charity. Their faces reflect the pain they feel at their stations in life. Few offered smiles, especially the older women who have been on the streets for decades.

Okay, they live painful lives and then what? They die and go to Hell.

Yes, that’s right!

You see, only 5% of Mexicans are born again Christians.

Today, I prayed for the prisoners held hostage by the kingdom of darkness in Mexico:

“Lord, help us Americans to love our Mexican neighbors as we love ourselves and to loose the oppressed prisoners in Mexico with our fasts.” (Based on Mark 12:31 and Isaiah 58:6)

Join with me on Fridays to fast and pray for prisoners, according to Hebrews 13:3

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, jesus, Mexico, Poverty, Prayer

This Message Is For Me…What About You?

Will you give your life away in order to unleash God’s life-giving power in you? Watch as K.P. passionately shares about the desperate need there is for believers to “stand in the gap” for the lost and dying in this world. God can and wants to use our lives in mighty ways, if only we will surrender ourselves to Him.

Learn more about K.P. Yohannan’s passion for the lost in his book,Revolution in World Missions.



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Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gospel For Asia, India, Kingdom of God, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Got 99¢


Beginning today and ending on March 4, my novel Deceived Dead and Delivered is on sale at Amazon for $.99. You can download it onto your Kindle or any iPad, PC, Mac, iPhone, and all smartphones with Kindle apps.

Amazon book description:

Deceived Dead and Delivered consists of two short novels, a prophetic allegory, and a few short stories, written especially for believers who are looking for answers to today’s tough questions.

In the first short novel, Pull the Plug, life was perfect for Chuck Brewster until that Easter Sunday in San Francisco when the angel arrived and opened Chuck’s eyes. From then on, Chuck’s new revelations stirred up nothing but trouble…or so his wife and family thought.

The second short novel, Deceived Dead and Delivered, takes place near the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, where Daniel and Amanda McCord attend the progressive Jesus Is Love Community Church. Then one morning a new spiritual gift causes Daniel to realize, “demons suck,” and that his church has big problems.

The Great American Church Derby is a prophetic allegory which takes place in a Starbucks with two men drinking coffee. It offers hope to hungry believers who long for a church who truly walks in unity.

The book contains the above, and also a few short stories.

Fiction or revelations? You can decide for yourself after reading Deceived Dead and Delivered.

212 pages     Regular Price $3.99     Author & Publisher Larry Nevenhoven

Available on Amazon for Kindle and Kindle apps.

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Filed under Books, Christianity, Church, Fiction, Gifts of the Spirit, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare, Writing

Tuesday’s Prayers for America (2/25/2014)


I would estimate that less than 1% of American Christians prophesy. Most of the believers who prophesy attend Pentecostal/Charismatic churches and are located in the Southern states, also  called the Bible Belt.

Now, this becomes a big, big problem if you live on the West Coast or in the Northeast. These states have lower percentages of Christians and lower percentages of Pentecostal/Charismatics. Thus, less believers who prophesy.

Without prophecy, Christians and their neighbors will not receive early warnings from the Lord for upcoming disasters in their regions, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, terrorists attacks, and so forth.

Prophecy can save lives, as it did when Jesus prophesied in Luke 19:41-44. Forty years later, every Christian packed up and left Jerusalem because of Jesus’ prophecy. Jerusalem was then destroyed by a Roman army in 70 AD. One million Jews lost their lives but none of them were members of the Jerusalem church.

I repeat: prophecy can save lives.

Today, I prayed for America:

Lord, I pray that all Christians in America pursue love, yet earnestly hunger for Your spiritual gifts, but especially that each may prophesy. (Based on 1 Corinthians 14:1)

What do you think and did the Lord speak to you?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for America. 

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Lord, Help me Love Democrats (Part 5)


Does the word, Nehushtan, ring any bells with you? Probably not.

But it was the name of the brass idol King Hezekiah broke into pieces and destroyed after he ascended to the throne of Judah. Yet, Nehushtan was not created as an idol.

Seven hundred years earlier, while on their wilderness journey, Israel sinned by speaking against God, Moses, and also complaining about the food. God sent fiery serpents among the people to get their attention. Many died, causing the others to ask Moses to seek the Lord. Moses prayed and the following two verses were the results:

And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live.” So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live. (Numbers 21:8-9)

Okay, put on your thinking caps for a moment.

Were the Israelites healed because of the brass serpent’s healing powers or because they obeyed the words spoken by the omnipotent God?

Obviously, the answer was their obedience to God.

Now, let’s look at the Civil Rights Movement here in America.

Did the 1964 Civil Rights Act come about because of the many marches, bus rides, and speeches or because God’s hand was on the Civil Rights protestors?

The answer is simple: God’s hand produced the victory.

The unwavering belief that we were doing God’s work became a daily source of faith and courage that undergirded our freedom movement. (Coretta King)

When Rev. Jerry Falwell studied the success of the Civil Rights Movement, he overlooked the three hundred years of prayer, fasting, and crying out to God for deliverance by generations of black people. He did exactly what Israel did with the brass serpent, Nehushtan. Falwell looked at the end results and latched onto the vehicle of God’s deliverance for African-Americans, which was government.

Why did Falwell choose to emphasize the political arena rather than prayer and fasting?

Here’s my guess, which comes from twenty-nine years of experience: It is a lot easier to get people enthused about laying the blame on perceived enemies, like politicians, judges, the media, and so forth, than it is to get them to fast and pray, seeking God’s will and ways on issues.

(Continued in Part 6)


Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, God, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel




Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua.  Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is …

Beloved sisters and brothers in Yeshua, I greet you in The precious Name of our Lord, may He be blessed and glorified, and may you be blessed today.

Well…where would I begin.  I have missed all of you in this season of personal change and challenge.  Nothing has been comfortable for me, but I strive to rest in the new realities of my life.  This is NOT an attempt to sound spiritually squeaky clean, because I am NOT. But I do want to be transparent as I try to share what is going on, since many of you have been praying for us and I so thank you for your prayers.

In other times of my life, it seemed easier to blend His Life in me with the daily situations.  Oh, I am NOT saying life was easy by any means because we all have our mountains.  But my surroundings always gave me a corner of comfort for myself.  I have been so blessed to live in such beautiful regions where it was peaceful and there were beautiful things to look at.  I  have always had a chair with my Bible beside it, which added to the peace.  Ah, the seasons of life!  How GOOD He was to give me such blessings, and how GOOD He is to take it away now.

As I write this, there is the piercing scream of a shop alarm going off.  It has been going for over an hour across the street from us.  Although it is Shabat, on this main road the din of traffic is only drowned out by the loud groups of people enjoying the sunshine, children playing, and teens blaring music.

We were blessed by the young people from my fellowship (kehila) who came to help my husband paint while I visited our children in America.  This past Shabat, one of them, Tsaki, said to me, “I really loved your new apartment when I stood out on the merepeset(sort of balcony). It is RIGHT in the middle of everything and you can pray for the whole city.  I choked! Tsaki and his family live in a beautiful, quiet, rural yeshuv (village).

I answered in my head, “Well I have plenty of opportunity to pray for the whole city as I ride the packed trains and buses to my stressful job every day.”Thank God, the words did not come out of my mouth.  But his words burned their way into my heart adding another “nail in a sure place.”

I walked out onto my merepeset later on and looked down.  There were 3 young guys getting drunk.  Across the railroad tracks was the newly widowed neighbor, standing, lost in his grief. “Yes Lord,” I answered.  “Make me willing to embrace all of this change that I didn’t want, that isn’t comfortable.  Give me a new heart to pray for all of these LOUD people. Heal me, Lord, from this tremendous aversion to noise.”

Noise! I told you that I was born in New York soon after the end of WW2.  I remember listening to radio dramas from that time period, maybe  I was 6 years old.  I had 2 favorites: Flash Gordon was one, but the other was Sergant Preston of the Yukon with his dog King. It began with a wolf howl and the sound of the wind and for a space of time it drowned out the noise of the city for me. I determined that SOMEDAY I would escape the noise and live where I could hear the wind and the wolf howls.

I don’t know how old I was when my Mom traded her trusty carpet sweeper in for a modern noisy vacuum cleaner, but that was life changing for me.  Even as a teenager I would put my hands over my ears and scream at the top of my lungs because the noise grated on my nerves so badly.  If I were growing up today there would definitely have been a label for me. My extreme aversion to noise directed my feet OUT of the city to the Northwest as soon as I was old enough to leave.

So you see, The Lord has been so good to me with His dealings. Slowly, slowly molding and changing me toward HIS will and Image as I could bare it.  “But Lord!  I STILL can’t bare it!” I grumble.

“MY grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness,” He answers gently.

And you HAVE to have a sense of humor.

“Bare fruit for the kingdom,” He says.

The ceilings in 3 rooms leaked badly at first. Now there is only one place that leaks and that’s when our upstairs neighbor flushes her toilet. We finally hooked up the washing machine to do a MUCH needed load of wash and the washer was apparently broken in our moving.  My computer crashed. (Thank GOD for a sis who hears from The Lord who GAVE me this laptop while on my trip.) Speaking of laundry: the clothes line is out the back window, but I’m short and can’t reach it. When the washer DOES work, it will have to go in the bathroom and empty into the tub. The kitchen is the tiniest I have ever had, but it is convenient to turn around from the sink to the stove or frig without taking a step. But there is no place to put 40 years worth of active cooking ware or even 2 plates. Then the drains backed up and the door lock broke while my husband was outside in his breakfast clothes with the dog and a cup of coffee.

I am VERY set in my ways.  Who knew?  HE did.  Thank You Lord!

“Change” was the flash word for Mr. Obama and change he has wrought. The middle, far and near east are a broil with anarchy and blood in the streets. The piece…uh…peace negotiations are bringing us dangerously close to the edges of God’s Patience and His Plan.  And in the midst of it, God, the Lord God Almighty, The Eternal I AM, The Way, The Truth, The Light, The Word, The Door ,The Shepherd, The Baby, The Lion, and The Lamb who went to the cross for me, has taken time out to change me, and it ain’t pretty.  But it is GOOD.

It is comforting to know that although the changes going on in the flesh are bringing bloody manifestations of the kingdoms of darkness and the flesh, that The Patient King of the eternal kingdom IS building His kingdom and if He is working so much in me, I have no doubt that many of you are also under His anvil.

I stood at the crowded train station last week grimacing at the thought of the sardine can ride I was facing.  They had just announced yet another “hefetz ha’shood” (unidentified package that would require bomb squad disposal) and after about a 20 minute wait, the train would be a nightmare when it came.  As I watched the people mulling around, 2 young pigeons caught my eye.  In the midst of it all, the young male bird was trying awkwardly to court the young female who wanted none of his attention.  They hurried and scurried here and there in and out of the crowds of oblivious people, dancing about as unconcerned by the people as the people were about them.  Two kingdoms (in this case birds and people) side by side in an odd dance.  My “word” (in this case a phrase) from The Lord to meditate on this year is: “Look away unto Yeshua.”

I had become distracted by the world and now He is weaning me.

So, thank you for your prayers, but don’t pity me because it’s just my flesh which is suffering.  It will continue to suffer until it is dead…that old dead to self but alive to Him is my goal.  To know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, being made conformable to His death, the pearl of great price.

It is time to leave for kehila.  Hopefully I will not soon write another self centered letter like this one, but I do thank you for your prayers.

May His grace and peace be evident in each of us and may HIS kingdom be enlarged.  I send you deep deep love.


your sis J

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Israel, Jerusalem, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Friday’s Prayers for Prisoners (2/21/2014)



Twenty-six or more years ago, I endured months of headaches that would cause me to weep with pain. I would lay down and wrap a blanket around my head so light could not touch my eyes. It hurt so bad I would ask God to kill me.

If the headaches hit while I was at work, I’d do the best I could to survive until quitting time. Afterward, I walked three miles home because this was the time period I had no vehicle.

I fasted. I prayed. I studied scripture, but I could not get a handle on the headaches.

Then, one day, the Lord showed me the problem in a vision. I saw friends praying for me, but it was how they prayed that caused the headaches. These friends believed I suffered mental illness so they prayed for my schizophrenic bipolar problems.

You see, the people prayed the problem rather than the answer for me. The Lord showed me that this in fact was a type of witchcraft, which allowed a spirit of witchcraft to attack my mind. Thus, the headaches.

From that period onward, when I felt a headache coming upon me, I would command it to go in Jesus’ name. It was more of a battle at first, but soon, just the mention of Jesus’ name caused the symptoms to leave.

I have not had headaches like that in years.

Remember: pray the answer for people by praying a scripture or a prophetic prayer for them. This will help set them free.

My prayer for prisoners today:

Lord, teach us believers how to pray effectively and fervently so our prayers accomplish much for the Kingdom of God. (Based on Luke 11:1 and James 5:16)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you?

Join with me on Fridays to fast and pray for prisoners, according to Hebrews 13:3

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Leadership: Yipes!


As a birthday present to myself in 2002, I attended a two-day home church seminar put on my Tony and Felicity Dale in Oxnard, California. The meeting was held in an old barn with forty or so people in the place.

I knew no one and also knew very little about the home church movement in America.

During a break, a man introduced himself and we struck up a conversation. The man said something that has stuck with me ever since: “Frank Viola is the most radical leader in the home church movement.”

Now, the man spoke the words as a warning to me, but it had the opposite affect. You see, I like radicals and made up my mind to read as many of Frank Viola’s books as possible. I now enjoy all of Viola’s books and his blog. And what’s more, I even like Viola as a person.

Now, I said all of the above as a way to introduce the best article I have ever seen on New Testament church leadership. And let me tell you, all of Christianity needs to read this and be set free from the myths that keeps us Christians in bondage to our false leadership ideas. You can read the whole article here.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Leadership, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Behind the Veil of Tears

My life was forever changed in 2011 when I read No Longer a Slumdog by K. P. Yohannan.

The stories about 9.9 million little girls between the ages of 4 and 11 years of age being homeless and walking the streets of India attempting to survive, the stories about 300 million downtrodden Indian people who are considered untouchable because they were born to the wrong parents, and the stories about the degradation of women in India crushed my heart.

My poor heart has never recovered nor do I ever want it to revert back to before reading Yohannan’s book.

The above video was produced by the Saylor Brothers and the quality is A+++, but it is 17 minutes and 22 seconds long. If you have the time, watch it. You won’t regret doing so.

Just so you know: I wept all the way through it, thinking about the six children my wife and I sponsor through GFA’s Bridge of Hope program and asking the Lord to show me how we can do more.

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Filed under Christianity, God, Gospel For Asia, India, jesus, Kingdom of God, Poverty, Prayer

Got 99¢




Beginning today and ending on February 26, my novel Jonah is on sale at Amazon for $.99. You can download it onto your Kindle or any iPad, PC, Mac, iPhone, and all smartphones with Kindle apps.

Amazon Book Description:

The novel, Jonah, consists of two novellas written specifically for people who live in a post-911 America and who no longer see hope in a watered down, same-o same-o religion.

The main character in the first novella, Jeremiah, has his dreams wrecked by a late night visitation with an angel. Then, he receives a prophetic message for San Francisco. Will the city heed Jeremiah’s warning or is the city doomed?

In the second novella, Jonah, two prophets receive identical messages for the West Coast. Though each faces different struggles, it comes down to whether or not the people believe the prophets’ words. If the prophetic words are ignored, what will happen?

Fiction or prophecy? Time will soon reveal the answer to all of us.

Check out the two reader reviews here.

261 Pages           Reg. Price: $3.99     Author & Publisher: Larry Nevenhoven

Available at Amazon for Kindle and Kindle Apps.

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