Monthly Archives: January 2013

“Don’t You Judge Me, Ya Hear!”

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“Don’t you judge me, ya hear!”

Right after hearing these words, our knees wobble, mouths dry out, and heads hang down. Then, we Christians slowly sink into our seats.

We’ve been body-slammed by the Matthew 7 catch-all retort used by the media, politicians, activists, atheists,  butchers, bakers, and candle stick makers who hope to justify ungodly lifestyles by using the words of Jesus.


If they hate God, dishonor their parents, murder, commit adultery or fornication, and tell lies, they have already been judged by the Word of God, specifically the Ten Commandments.

Furthermore, if they are involved in abominable sins, such as homosexualty, abortion, or cheating in business, they are also judged by the Word of God.

And guess what?

The verses in Matthew 7 are not a magic “Get Out of Jail Free” card, shielding people from their guilt. If they have committed any of the above sins, the verdicts have already been rendered. They’re guilty. No excuses, alibis, or flippant retorts will help alleviate the judgments against them.

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. (Matthew 7:1-5 NLT)

Jesus spoke the above words in Matthew to prepare us – the believers – for helping prisoners in the kingdom of darkness. They’re guilty and need our help. But first, we need to get rid of our own sins.

Our goal is to be able to demonstrate God’s love to them and say, “Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye.” Because every breakage of the Ten Commandments or abominable sin is just a speck waiting to be washed clean by the blood of Jesus.

Yesterday is gone. So, now is the time for us believers to prepare our hearts for today’s world.


Filed under Abortion, Christianity, Church, Faith, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Homosexual, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Prophecy, Religion, spiritual warfare

My e-Book, “Planning + Preparation = Survival,” is Free Today. Get Your Copy Now!

Planning = Prep1

If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, a computer, or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Planning + Preparation = Survival, is FREE January 29 – 30, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

What is the #1 statement spoken by individuals during large catastrophes?

“I didn’t think this would ever happen to me.”


They believed catastrophes always happened to someone else, but never to them. And if it did happen, they thought the government would arrive on the scene and rescue them before their cups of coffee turned cold.

If this is your present thinking, then allow me to say one word to smash your ideas to smithereens: Katrina. Yes, Hurricane Katrina, the watershed event when all of us should have learned to never again place our faith in governments to rescue us or our families from catastrophes.

Planning + Preparation = Survival is a no-nonsense book written to show Christians how to pray, plan, and prepare ourselves, our families, and our communities for possible natural and terrorist catastrophes in the near future.

Print Length:  56 pages    File Size:  196 KB    Regular Price: $ .99

Free January 29 and January 30, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Church, church planting, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, Poverty, Prayer, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality, Writing

Forty Years Ago Today, I Was an Affable Agnostic

dolly 911

On January 22, 1973, I was an affable agnostic, living in Louisville, Kentucky. The old river city, famous for horse racing and basketball, had a Southern Baptist church on almost every street corner. Yet, I was oblivious to the gospel.

And Roe versus Wade?

If I heard the names at all, I probably thought they were two middleweight boxers, appearing in a big match at the Louisville Gardens. I had no clue the names referred to a Supreme Court ruling.

And abortion?

I obviously knew what the term meant, but I would have never – out of a million guesses – believed that 55,881,922 babies would be aborted in the 40 years following Roe versus Wade.

From that particular January day to May 19, 1985, I viewed Roe versus Wade and abortion with detached apathy. Was I pro-choice or pro-life? My best answer would have been a quick shrug and a fast change of subjects.

But on May 20, 1985, just hours before I planned on committing suicide, I met Jesus on the bathroom floor. Just to think the Lord cared about a man who thought He was, at best, the equal of the Easter Bunny, still blows my mind today.

Because of my eternal about-face, I owe my allegiance to the Lamb.

Since that day on the bathroom floor, I have spent my whole life seeking to know and understand this man named Jesus. I still don’t have all of the answers, even after twenty-seven years, but I am sure of this much: Jesus hates murder.

And no matter how much we dress up Roe versus Wade and abortion by using guilt soothing terms like “pro-choice,”  they still refer to one thing: murdering babies.

I am not confused about this. Are you?


Filed under Abortion, Christianity, Christians, Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, jesus, Prayer, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Prophecy, reformation, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

My e-Book, “New Wind Blowing,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!

New Wind Blowing

If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, a computer, or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Jonah, is FREE January 22 – 23, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Albert Einstein)

Since the 1970’s, we Christians have attempted to overturn the Supreme Court’s Roe versus Wade decision. We have fasted. We have prayed. We have preached and prophesied. And then, when that has failed, we have done more and more of the same. Yet, we have fallen far short of the mark.

Maybe, we are doing something wrong. And maybe, it’s time to look at a book like New Wind Blowing.

Part I explains a 2008 revelation on abortion and three other major issues.

Part II relates a 2011 revelation about the 2008 presidential election.

Conclusion states what we Christians should do in light of these two revelations.

Print Length:  57 pages    File Size:  210 KB    Regular Price: $ .99

Free January 22 and January 23, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.

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Filed under Abortion, Books, Christianity, Christians, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Politics, Poverty, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Prophecy, reformation, Sarah Palin, spiritual warfare, vietnam

My e-Book, “Jonah,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!


If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, a computer, or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Jonah, is FREE January 15 – 16, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

The novel, Jonah, consists of two novellas written specifically for people who live in a post-911 America and who no longer see hope in a watered down, same-o same-o religion.

The main character in the first novella, “Jeremiah,” has his dreams wrecked by a late night visitation with an angel. Then, he receives a prophetic message for San Francisco. Will the city heed Jeremiah’s warning or is the city doomed?

In the second novella, “Jonah,” two prophets receive identical messages for the West Coast. Though each faces different struggles, it comes down to whether or not the people believe the prophets’ words. If the prophetic words are ignored, what will happen?

Fiction or prophecy? Time will soon reveal the answer to all of us.

Print Length: 225 pages.  File Size: 388 KB  Regular Price: $1.99

Free January 15 and January 16, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under book review, Books, Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Reading, Religion, spiritual warfare, Writing

My e-book, “Deceived Dead and Delivered,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!


If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, or any computer or smart phone with Kindle apps on it, my e-book novel, Deceived Dead and Delivered, is free January 8 – 9, through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

Deceived Dead and Delivered consists of two short novels, a prophetic allegory, and a few short stories, written especially for believers who are looking for answers to today’s tough questions.

In the first short novel, Pull the Plug, life was perfect for Chuck Brewster until that Easter Sunday in San Francisco when the angel arrived and opened Chuck’s eyes. From then on, Chuck’s new revelations stirred up nothing but trouble…or so his wife and family thought.

The second short novel, Deceived Dead and Delivered, takes place near the campus of the University of California, Berkeley, where Daniel and Amanda McCord attend the progressive Jesus Is Love Community Church. Then one morning a new spiritual gift causes Daniel to realize, “demons suck,” and that his church has big problems.

The Great American Church Derby is a prophetic allegory which takes place in a Starbucks with two men drinking coffee. It offers hope to hungry believers who long for a church who truly walks in unity.

The book contains the above, and also a few short stories.

Fiction or revelations? You can decide for yourself after reading Deceived Dead and Delivered.

File Size: 357 KB        Print Length: 235 pages        Regular Price: $1.99

Free January 8 and January 9, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Fiction, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality, Writing

My Prayers and Offerings for India are Mere Drops in an Ocean of Need


If I were Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, I could help thousands of abandoned children in India with a signature. The check could be for a million, or even a billion dollars, and it wouldn’t faze me… if I were one of these two men.

But sadly, I’m not.

You see, I’m just an ordinary Joe. My life has been spent treading water from one month to the next, never quite affording a boat to travel atop the waves. A tsunami is new brakes for our car. A fiscal cliff  happens to us at the end of every month.

Yet, even though I’m an ordinary Joe, the Lord has laid the abandoned children of India on my heart.

I hear their cries. I see their tear-streaked faces. I feel their loneliness. I know their hopes do not include iPads or iPhones or college educations, but rather, they just hope to survive today. Tomorrow is too far away to even think about it.

Here’s a poem by an abandoned Dalit child:

I am nobody

Worthless my life is

To Untouchables I was born

A Dalit child my fate sealed.


I was born in slums

Rights? We have none

To upper-caste our lives we owe

Slaves to serve all their wish.


Poverty and hunger

Is all I ever knew

If there is hope

Tell me how?


What is my future?

Do I have any?

It all looks so dark

And I wish I was not born

(No Longer a Slumdog, K. P. Yohannan, gfa books, ©2011)

There are eleven million abandoned children in India between the ages of 4 and 11 years old. Ninety percent of these, or 9.9 million, are little girls. These abandoned Indian children = the population of the state of Ohio.

Now, of the 9.9 million abandoned girls, 1.5 million will end up in the sex trade, where half of them will be dead before they are fifteen years old.

Using Ohio as our comp, the 1.5 million girls = the combined populations of Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland.

The above numbers are overwhelming for an ordinary Joe like me. My financial offerings and prayers are mere drops in an Ocean of need for India. But what can I do?

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” (Mother Teresa)

Who knows? Maybe my little drop will cause others to add their drops. Then, maybe we’ll have a teaspoon. Or a cup. Or a quart. Maybe even more.

But it all begins with a drop.

If you’re interested, check out Gospel for Asia and their Bridge of Hope program. 100% of your offerings go to help the children.


Filed under Christianity, Church, church planting, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, India, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

My e-book, “Prophecy 101,” is FREE Today. Get Your Copy Now!


If you have a Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, Nexus, Galaxy, or any computer with Kindle apps on it, my e-book, Prophecy 101, is free on New Years Day and January 2nd through Amazon.

Amazon Book Description:

Do you prophesy? If not, why not?

These may be questions you have not been asked before, or at least, not very often. But did you know that the Apostle Paul asked questions much like these of early Christians? He wanted all to prophesy.


Prophecy is a gift meant for each of us so we can help other people.(1 Corinthians 12:7 paraphrased)

The Apostle Paul knew the early Christians needed prophecy because of their perilous times. Famines, persecutions, wars, and even shipwrecks awaited many of them so they needed warnings from God. And one of the best ways to do that was through prophecy.

Okay, but what about today’s Christians?

On May 20, 1985, I planned on committing suicide, but a businessman spoke prophetic words to me which ended up saving my life.

As you can probably guess, I am fervent for prophecy and like the Apostle Paul, I believe all should prophesy. You see, just one prophetic word might change your life, a family member’s life, a neighbor’s life, or a stranger’s life. And who knows? Lives might be saved because you prophesy.

Prophecy 101 contains 58 simple lessons that I have learned over the last twenty-seven years on how to prophesy. The book is filled with scriptural and personal examples in a quick reading format.

So, do you want to prophesy? The decision is yours.

File size: 297 KB      Print Length: 231 pages      Regular Price: $1.99

FREE on January 1 and January 2, 2013. So, check it out here and while you’re there check out my four other e-books here.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prayer, Prophecy, Reading, reformation, Spirituality, Writing