Monthly Archives: November 2018

Radical Democrats, Leftists and Socialists are our Thorns in the Flesh

Democratic National Convention

Have you ever wondered what was Paul’s thorn in the flesh?

There have been many suggestions, but my best guess is that it was the Jews, who constantly hunted him down and tried to kill him. The Jews certainly fit the description of a messenger of Satan who buffeted or treated him with violence.

Yet, look what the Apostle Paul wrote a year or so after he wrote his letter to the Corinthians:

For my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters, I would be willing to be forever cursed—cut off from Christ!—if that would save them. (Romans 9:3)

Even though the Jews may have been Paul’s thorn in the flesh, he loved them, felt they were his missionary field and was willing to die for them.

So, I believe we Christians need to look with Paul’s eyes at radical Democrats, leftists, socialists and others, who are trying to destroy the Christian heritage of our nation. We need to view them as our missionary field and be willing to die for them.

That is — if we want to love like Paul did, which if you think about it, is how much Jesus loved each of us when He took our places on the cross.

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. I am taking the holiday season off. See you in January. 


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Intercession, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Is the Upcoming Civil War our Prep for the End-times? (Part 9)

During the American Civil War, there were denominational church splits for Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans, Baptists and others. Today’s Southern Baptists are carryovers from the Baptist church splits of that era.

These denominational splits were the results of slavery. The northern parts of the denominations were against slavery while the southern ones were deeply embedded in the slave-owning society.

The main holdouts were the Quakers.

Although many American Quakers once owned slaves, they realized that slavery was a sin by the early 1800s and refused to have anything to do with it again. Not only were the Quakers anti-slavery, but they were also pacifists. These attitudes caused the Southern Quakers heavy persecution during the Civil War. Their land was stolen, their livestock taken, many were thrown in jail, and on and on, their troubles continued.

In the midst of the Quakers’ darkest days of persecution, Southerners joined the denomination and became known as War Quakers. Think about this for a moment: people joined the Quakers so they could share in the persecution. Only God could make something like that happen!

It’s my belief that the Lord used the Quakers as lights to the Southerners during the Civil War. Like the church of Smyrna in the Book of Revelation, the Quakers were tested for their beliefs, but they had spiritual ears to hear what the Spirit was saying to their churches at that time in American history.

Could this happen in today’s upcoming American civil war? Could God raise up groups that would go against the grain on one side or the other?

If we view the political landscape right now, a majority of Evangelical Christians lean toward the Republican Party. But most black American Christians have joined the remaining Evangelical Christians in the Democratic Party.

Depending on how the civil war might break out, we could easily end up having Christians fighting Christians, with each feeling they are obeying God at the same time.

It’s my belief the Lord is raising up believers right now who are waiting for the Lord to send them to LA, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and other cities to raise up a standard for God in these places. Their loyalties will not be to political parties, denominations or sides in the civil war, but to the King of kings.

These groups of believers will suffer extreme persecution, but they will stand firm and force many to make a choice between God’s ways and man’s ways. But even so, this is according to scripture.

All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:8

(Conclusion…but if you want to read all of the parts to date, you can go here.)


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Civil War, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel

Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua. Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is —

“When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.  Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before.”  Joshua 3:3-4

Greetings, dear sisters and brothers,

May The Lord be seen, glorified  and blessed, and may you be blessed and edified toward Him alone.

I have been much impressed over the years by the fact that the prophets, the fiery prophets, prophesied NOT during times of great darkness but generally during times of spiritual prosperity.  Isaiah prophesied during the days that, among others, Hezekiah was king.   Jeremiah prophesied during the days of Josiah.

I could go on, but what struck me about this is that it is HARD to hear the message “repent or else” while we think that we are okay, especially  while we are seeking The Lord, praying, reading, obeying.  When it feels to us as if The Lord is blessing, hearing us and answering and we are walking in fellowship. Then all of a sudden, we hear rumblings of “Seek The Lord now or else!”

Sometimes we can feel uncomfortable, condemned and even get angry. “Who do you think you are?”

What a time we live in, and we CERTAINLY have not passed this way before!

I’m sure that it has been with horror that we have all read the reports of the California fires in Paradise. The descriptions remind me of nuclear war, people overtaken by flames and incinerated instantly.  It is difficult to grasp. Everywhere we turn there are reports of great human suffering and we don’t really know if it has always been this way. Or has social media accessmagnified it through bombarding us moment by moment. But no matter what, it is indeed snowballing before our eyes.

Here in Israel we are also experiencing nonstop fiery dilemmas.   I have described the fires in the South set by incendiary balloons and kites.  It looked as if it was going to burst forth into a full-fledged conflagration last week when some 450 rockets and missiles were fired at us from Gaza. One person was killed (ironically, a Palestinian man) when a rocket collapsed a building in our southern city of Ashkelon. There were quite a number of injured during the 1.5 or so days of fighting, which then suddenly stopped.

Yes, it was very intense.

The media and the politics appear to be in a free-fall at the moment.  Our Minister of Defense’ Avigdor Lieberman, resigned in the face of our government accepting a cease fire (again) with Hamas.  It appears most likely that we will have to go to early elections as the government is collapsing in the light of the pull out of Avigdor Lieberman’s party from the coalition form of government that we have.  Our word belegan (total mish mash of confusion and mess) seems to apply to the situation before us as Hamas laughs and states that “this has been nothing compared with what we have planned for Tel Aviv.”

And yet I believe that our leaders are not stupid. The rumblings in the north (Syria, Lebanon, Iran…) are serious.  There are plans going on of which we know nothing…

But I have always been arrested by the verse above in Joshua 3:3-4… Step back! Leave a space! You have never passed THIS WAY BEFORE!

Many people feel as if they know what will happen.  I do not.  One thing I do know:  This is much bigger than I am, and I can/MUST bring it all before The God Who IS bigger than ALL.  To do that effectively I need to heed the cry of the prophets to repent fully before our Holy God.

I am telling you nothing new, and nothing that you don’t know until this point, but I will lighten up. I DO have some local stories to share.

So here is a story:

Last night was Friday night, erevn Shabbat (the evening of Shabbat, when Shabbat enters.  Saturday night is motze Shabbat- when Shabbat leaves).  We have been blessed to have our younger daughter and family back in the land for the past more than 2 years already, and as they only live two blocks away, they join us for most erev Shabbat meals: the festive meal.

I have shared before a bit about our son in law who was born here, the oldest of 14 in a Haradi (ultra orthodox ) family from French Algerian background.  He is a sweetheart and I have learned a lot of traditions from him that are different from those that I was raised with in New York City, America.

Last night our 4.5 year old Granddaughter Maya said, “In the shuk today a man gave me a yummy birthday present.”  She smiled broadly.  

“But Maya,”  I said, “It isn’t your birthday.”

Yitzhak (our son in law) said, “No.  But it was HIS birthday.  That is how you are SUPPOSED to do it.  You have to bless OTHERS when it is your birthday because you have gotten the BIG blessing of your life on the day when you are born.  You are already blessed with the biggest gift so you need to bless others on your birthday.”

Maya added, “Abba and I went to the shuk and this man gave me a bag full of sweet things and nice things and blessed me.”

I asked, “How old was this man?”

Yitzhak answered, “He said that it was his 85th birthday and he was handing out bags of goodies to everyone at the shuk”’

I smiled and thought of Meir Slama who was the first one that I knew of at my work who came to me with a beautiful box of expensive handmade chocolates and flowers and told me that it was his birthday. I was taken aback.

When we first made Aliyah, it was common to be on the bus and a girl or boy would pass around goodies and tell everyone it is their 16th or 18th birthday. I was so touched as they shared but I didn’t understand the depth of the tradition.

I thought back a few years and remembered again, older people at the shuk, passing around goodies and flowers on the occasion of their birthday. It began to fall into place.  “You need to bless people because you have been blessed with life.  They have it backwards in the west where people get gifts on their birthdays.  You have to GIVE.”

I remembered visiting Maya’s gan (pre-school) for her birthday party and remembered how our daughter had to bring 30 little gifts and packages to give to all of the other children.

Huh!  I think that I like this tradition.  At my husband’s birthday dinner, Yitzhak had told him that he should go around and give each one a blessing. It was a special time as he did just that and we were all edified.

It is a good tradition with its roots in truth, but it is still a tradition.

I  feel challenged today to cut away the nice things of my life and get to the raw part. Let God deal as deeply as He did the day that I met Him because the time is short. Even so, I have not passed this way before.

In my last letter I described the march of the young people from the south saying that they had had enough of “red alerts” and fires.  That was just a few short days before the whole south blew up into a full-fledged battlefield.  It was also just before our Mayoral runoff elections about which the word that was in my heart was either the sons of Greece or the sons of Zion (Zechariah 9:13).

The religious candidate won over the secular candidate.  How strange that that was all just one week ago.  It really feels as if it has been years!

May we be found in HIS Peace gazing at Him, abiding in Him, as time and this world continue to run.    And as it runs, may we sit at His feet.  And as we are at His feet may we sing blessing and honor and glory and praise unto HIM WHO ALONE IS WORTHY, Whose Name is The Word of God (Rev. 19:13).


your sister J


Filed under America, Christians, Church, Israel, Jerusalem, spiritual warfare

Prayers for America (11/15/2018)

Everyone needs to make up his or her own mind about today’s America. It’s either the worst of times or the best of times for us Christians. Our decisions on this question will determine our attitudes and actions in the days ahead.

For me, Marine Lt. General Chesty Puller’s statement during the bloody battle of Peleliu summarizes my attitude:

“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time.”

My prayer today:

Lord, open the eyes of Christians to show them that they have been chosen by You for such a time as this to win great victories for Your kingdom. (Based on Esther 4:14)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America. 

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Filed under America, Christians, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Is the Upcoming Civil War our Prep for the End-Times? (Part 8)


But as Jesus came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, He began to weep. “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes. Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you from every side. They will crush you into the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you did not accept your opportunity for salvation.” (Luke 19:41-44 NLT)

Jesus spoke the above prophecy on Palm Sunday, just days before He was crucified. His prophetic words were fulfilled nearly forty years later when General Titus and his Roman army destroyed the Temple and burned Jerusalem in 70 AD. Over a million Jews –men, women and children – were slaughtered by the Romans.

Now, the Jews heard Jesus’ words on that Palm Sunday and most certainly talked about them, but they hung onto their traditions and just wanted to preserve their way of life.

The Christians on the other hand, remembered Jesus’ prophecy so that when a believer prophesied around 67 AD about the soon coming devastation of Jerusalem, they heeded his words. They fled Jerusalem and relocated to Pella and other TransJordan cities, sixty miles away.

Even though the believer’s prophecy was specifically spoken to Christians, believers certainly would have explained to their neighbors why they were leaving. They would have mentioned both prophecies, attempting to convince their Jewish neighbors to flee, too. The neighbors would have repeated the conversations to others. On and on it would have continued until the whole city knew the reason for the Christian exodus: the soon coming destruction of Jerusalem.

Yet, the Jews ignored the Christians warnings and were slaughtered by the Romans.

Could God have stopped this slaughter from happening?

God’s foreknowledge doesn’t always mean He can change the hearts of people fast enough to prevent calamities because He will not tamper with people’s free will. God is not a cruel dictator but a King who woos us with His love. It’s always a heart to heart deal between God and us.

If you look at the above prophecy by Jesus, you will notice that Jesus said, “But now, it is too late…”

Our Father loves His creation and usually gives us warnings far in advance to prepare us for calamities. Then, He will follow up with later warnings.

So, what should we do about my prophetic words about the inevitability of a civil war breaking out in America?

(Continued in Part 9…but if you want to read all of the parts to date, you can go here.)

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Filed under America, Christians, Church, Civil War, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for the American Church (11/13/2018)

Christ Church Stellarton

Photograph of Christ Anthglican Church, Stellarton, NS. Taken the morning of October 28, 2005

How would you like to fight a war with modern weapons, but no ammunition? Or vice versa?

This is pretty much how the American church is heading into the End-times to fight spiritual battles. The Gentile church is missing its Jewish counterparts and the Messianic church is missing its Gentile counterparts.

Jesus created in Himself one new man from Jew and Gentile believers. This one new man is supposed to be one body reconciled by the cross to God. Then this unified body is supposed to make known the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.

My prayer today:

Lord, we ask You to fulfill Your words that You would build Your church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. (Based on Matthew 16:18)

Join me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for the American church.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Hebraic roots, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Is the Upcoming Civil War our Prep for the End-Times? (Part 7)

The four Gospels contain eighty-nine chapters, which reveal the heart and power of Jesus during His first coming on earth. But there are more than one hundred and fifty chapters in the Bible which are focused – at least 51% – on Jesus’ second coming.

Yet, most Christians have no clue about the End-times because they haven’t studied or thought about it much — if at all. This seems ridiculous, especially when you consider there is only one book of the Bible which promises readers a blessing just for reading it: the Book of Revelation. This book details the apocalyptic revelation given to the Apostle John for the End-times.

What’s the problem?

The problem is that the Book of Revelation contains – according to Chuck Missler – four hundred and four chapters with over eight hundred references to the Old Testament. That’s almost two references per chapter.

These Old Testament references require us to read and have an understanding of the Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Malachi and other books.

And we need to have insight into the meanings of the many Jewish idioms used throughout the New Testament. For instance:

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (Mark 13:32)

If we read the above verse with our Gentile minds, we assume that no one knows ahead of time when Jesus will return for His bride. But the Apostle Paul commended the Thessalonians for having an understanding of the times and seasons. They understood because they were sons of light and not of darkness. They knew the idiom referred to the Feast of Trumpets which occurs on the first or second day of Tishrei, which is during our months of either September or October.

You see, the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on the first day of Tishrei in Israel, but is celebrated as a two-day feast on the first and second days of Tishrei  by Jews outside of Israel. The reasoning behind the two-day celebration is that this is a holy day and they want to make sure that there is a new moon.

Thus, these Jews do not know the exact day or hour, but they know it’s in the Fall and what feast will be celebrated at the time.

So, if we want to have an understanding of the End-times, we’re going to have to be like little children and learn about our Hebrew roots. We must remember that we Gentiles are grafted into a Jewish olive tree…and not the other way around.

Wait a second! What does this have to do with a possible civil war in America?

(Continued in Part 8…but if you want to read all of the parts to date, you can go here.)

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Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Civil War, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel


Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua. Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is —

Give ear…And hear…For I proclaim The Name of The Lord.  Ascribe greatness to our God.  He is the Rock.  His work is Perfect;  For all His ways are justice, A God of Truth and without injustice: Righteous and upright is He.”Deuteronomy 32:1-4


Greetings dear friends, brothers and sisters in Yeshua h’meshiach,

May HE ALONE be glorified and may He be blessed in His body, and may you be blessed and edified.

I hope that the above pieces of verses aren’t too cryptic but this morning it was speaking to me: “GIVE EAR…HEAR…NOW I saw’…NOT what I saw or heard before, but NOW.  And is there any doubt in any of our minds that we really need to hear for NOW, minute by minute and day by day? How QUICKLY the changes are coming.

My husband had just come in for lunch because he works directly across the street from our apartment. We suddenly heard a great deal of noise from the street below us.  We rushed to the merepesset (balcony) and there were thousands of young people walking with signs, flags and firm determination.  “What is this about?” my husband asked.

“Wow! We get to watch them arrive in Jerusalem!” I answered.  “These are the young people’s march from the south of the country for normalcy in their lives.

They were the youth from the Gaza periphery communities who have been living under the daily tension of the fires from incendiary balloons and kites, the daily riots at the Gaza fence and the from-time-to-time rocket attacks throughout the summer. They have had enough.

Amidst the many flags, some of the signs that they carried read in Hebrew: “We need a normal life” or “Peace now” or “The south is burning.” They have been walking all week, these young people, dressed in the national colors of blue and white, and also black for the land burnt throughout the south.  They have grit. They are determined to stay but they are all suffering from posttraumatic stress, living under the constant threat of attack, most of them since they were born. They are NOT living in disputed territory (areas taken during the ’67 and ’73 wars).  They are living in Israel proper.  Territory NOT up for negotiation.  

Along the street we all cheer them on, encourage them and look at their faces, bright, young, hopeful.  “Lord, reveal Yourself to them,”I pray, staving back my own doubt that there is any power in these prayers of mine.  ‘Lord, put YOUR passion into these prayers. YOUR power alone is what saves people.

‘Sherooteem?  Yesh lechem sherooteem?’ (Do you have a bathroom?) the girls call to those standing along the street.  The kids are packing sleeping bags and camping paraphernalia, but they are in the city right now, the Capital of their nation.  People at ground level kindly shuffle them off to bathrooms in apartments along the way.

They are part of the same dilemma that you face in your countries: division, abundance of real problems with no solutions in sight, deep and weighty problems and then there is the anger, polarization, signs of judgment and not of blessing.

They come to a city without a mayor.

My last letter spoke of our regional elections and here in Jerusalem, the city set upon a hill, the city where The Lord CHOSE to put His Name, we have no mayor as yet.  There are to be runoff-elections on the 13th. The two candidates are a classic example of what is happening around the world because they are as different from one another as night and day. So WHAT IS THE LORD SAYING?  For me, there is no choice. And yet as I listen to my sisters and brothers in The Lord here they feel that they have no choice in the OPPOSITE direction.  HUH? LORD, HELP!  YOUR MIND!  YOUR HEART!  YOUR CHOICE, NOT OURS!

Moshe Lion is generally considered “the religious candidate” and Ofer Berkovitz the “secular one.”  We have pre-set ideas.  Yeshua overturned the moneychangers’ tables, and hated the religious system.  That means to many: “DO NOT VOTE RELIGIOUS NO MATTER WHAT”.  Berkovitz, 35 years old, is for doing away with Sabbath restrictions: allowing stores – closed on the Sabbath to be open, allowing  public transportation on the Sabbath, etc.) and is very pro other liberal rights.

I often wondered after I got saved about the Sabbath.  And certain kosher restrictions as well.  OH MY, WE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW, that is for sure!  We are free.  HE has set us free for HIS glory, but for more than 40 years I wondered why people who would NEVER consider murder, or theft, or lying, or taking The Lord’s Name in vain, WHY when it came to keeping the Sabbath, the Commandment spoken of more than any other throughout scripture except for loving The Lord our God, WHY that was considered an expression of legalism.

Surely there are legalistic ways that it can be enforced, but the Shabbat itself?  Commanded by God?  Given as a gift?  To be cherished?  I never understood why it was so controversial.

To me, if God said something was an abomination to Him, I figured that He meant it and that it was an expression of my love and fear of Him to AGREE with Him.  So, yes, it troubles me to see a potential mayor of Jerusalem speaking of doing away with the quiet of Shabbat in JERUSALEM.

We are divided.  You are divided.  The world is divided.

But the body must not be. I’m NOT saying that we all must vote one way, but we all MUST be of One Spirit. HIS SPIRIT ALONE WITHOUT MIXTURE. SEEKING HIM FOR HIS GLORY.

He IS our Shabbat rest.

So…our local elections are continuing and not only in Jerusalem but there are run-offs in other municipalities as well.

Did I mention to you a bit ago about a large stone falling out of the Western Wall?  Thankfully, none of those praying below were injured, but I don’t know of anyone who did not take that as a definite pause.

Well this week a large, nonpoisonous SNAKE proceeded to slither out of the wall!  Uh, is God speaking?  Is it a coincidence?  These are NOT common occurrences.

We all have our theologies. We have learned, we have heard, we have read, and by His Mercy we have heard from Him and hidden His promises in our hearts. But my heart does quiver when I see these things, signs, warnings and reminders that HE IS HOLY and that HE sees EVERYTHING and that His great mercy is not without judgment. For He is Righteous.

AND it is DRY! The rains are not yet here…

AND we have measles.  LOTS of it!  Working at the doctor’s office we get the daily Health Department updates and on Wednesday the cases were nearly 1,300.  An 18-month old baby died from complications of measles at the hospital down the road from us on Friday.  I was told that signs are posted at the airport for those arriving that Israel is experiencing a measles epidemic.  It is cause for concern, not a superstitious concern but “Give ear…and hear…” concern.

And thankfully, we don’t need to rely on signs to tell us if we are walking in His blessing or needing correction. We have His Holy Spirit Who WILL lead us into all Truth and bring to remembrance those things that He has told us, as we fear and reverence Him.

The countries around us continue to be looking for ways to destroy us.  We seem generally as blind as ever, BUT THE LORD IS THAT ROCK AND HIS WORD WILL NOT FAIL.

In that I have no doubt!

I must run and make dinner now, but I pray that you will be found worthy and faithful.  GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU AND MAKE HIS FACE TO SHINE UPON YOU AND GIVE YOU HIS PEACE AND LEAD YOU IN HIS PEACE!


your sister J

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Israel, Jerusalem, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Is the Upcoming Civil War our Prep for the End-Times? (Part 6)

Almost thirty years ago, I worked as a maintenance man at a motel in Ames, Iowa, near the campus of Iowa State University. The motel hired track athletes to help them set up for banquets in its ballrooms. Many of those track athletes were runners from Africa. One of them was from Kenya, who I spoke to in casual conversations from time to time.

One day, while I was talking to him, I had a quick vision. In it, I saw his parents holding hands and praying for him. They prayed, “Lord, we put our son into Your hands and ask You to do whatever You have to do so he will walk in his calling as a preacher here in Kenya.”

I looked at the young man. “You’re a Christian, right?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied with a smile, “how’d you know?”

“I just had a quick vision of your parents praying for you to walk in your calling in Kenya.”

He laughed. “That’s not happening!” he proclaimed. “I am the number-three ranked triple  jumper in the world and ranked in the top five or six in the four-hundred meter dash. I will earn $75,000 this summer running in events in Europe and next year after graduation with my degree in international finance, I’ll earn hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you —”

“Don’t worry! I’ll be okay.”

A couple of months later on a cold December morning, I walked into the motel’s kitchen to begin my work day. There sitting on a chair with his pant-leg rolled up and blood dripping from his knee was my Kenyan friend.

“What happened?” I asked, rushing to him.

“I was late. So, I ran across the parking lot and slipped on some ice. My knee is ruined,” he said with tears rolling down his cheek.

“Ah, you’ll be okay,” I said.

“No, world-class runners never come back from knee injuries like this. The half-second they lose puts them in the losers’ bracket forever. I’m done.”

I stayed with him until the ambulance arrived.

If you’re thinking God wouldn’t do something like this to bring a man into His kingdom purposes, you need to reread the book of Jonah. God is a loving Father who will do whatever He has to do to fulfill His purposes, especially in answer to prayers.

Okay, maybe God will do something like this in answer to the prayers of parents for their son, but will the Father do this in answer to prayers for a region or state or nation?

(Continued in Part 7…but if you want to read all of the parts to date, you can go here.)

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Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Civil War, End-Times, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for America (11/8/2018)

If a modern-day Jonah walked through our cities, proclaiming, “Yet forty days and this city will be no more,” would anyone pay attention to him? Would anyone seek the Lord? Would anyone repent?

My prayer today:

Lord, open up the ears of American believers to hear what the Spirit is saying to our nation. (Based on Revelation 2:7)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America. 

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Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Judgment, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare