Monthly Archives: April 2018

Inside Israel


The Shuk in Jerusalem

Greetings again, dear brothers and sisters,

I know that it is perhaps too soon since my last letter, but I did want to share what I have seen and heard while it is yet fresh in my heart.  May you be encouraged and blessed and may THE LORD alone be glorified and edified!

“for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it”.  MATTHEW 13:17

I suspected that Israel turning 70 would be dramatic even though I am always amazed when I walk around Jerusalem. The city is a clear example of The Lord’s ability and faithfulness to fulfill His own promises.

The grieving that I began to describe in the letter that I sent you on Remembrance Day, seemed deeper this year.  How was that possible? It is terribly deep EVERY year.  As I watched films and saw photos of soldiers and families, it hit me afresh that not one picture was taken on foreign soil but all HERE…in our neighborhoods, around the corner and down the block in this very tiny country…because these, our sons and daughters, husbands and wives really are defending the land that is in front of their houses, our houses. I

It is all so personal and all so in your face ALL the time.  There are no faceless people, even though the population of the country is approaching 9 million. They are daily on the train with me. Many are soldiers whom I laugh with and pray for and whose packs I trip over as it is strewn in the aisle.  I tell a sleepy soldier to mind his bullets as they are slipping out, or another that his phone is ringing.

But then it happened: the crowds gravitated back to Har Herzl (Mount Herzl).  Streams flowing into rivers and then becoming an ocean of people.  I watched and then turned on the television.  I like to watch the ceremony (“tekes” in Hebrew).  It is truly like having a finger on the pulse of a patient.  It is only in Hebrew and I can understand much of it, and so it means a lot to me.

Always it seems as though it is IMPOSSIBLE to go in a hair’s breadth from deep and real mourning into rejoicing, but now I have come to expect that they will pull it off, AGAIN. Nevertheless, I lift up a prayer because there is the heart and morale of this people who still do not know Him at stake.

And this is the 70th year!

The Biblical significance of the numbers do not go unnoticed here. Seventy is perfection, completeness, I could go on and on. Most of you know, and this country knows, and seems to me to be looking up with expectation.  Everyone is excited. Everyone over 70 remembers…

The ceremonies are opened and the prayers are spoken and embraced.  The trumpet sounds its minor notes and moves to the major ones and the flag is raised. The eyes look upward.  The ceremonies are intermingled with song, prayer, poems, speeches and a theatrical show in lights and dance. This years was spectacular.  The story of our people from the beginning.

How in the world did they do this: turn the stage into Mt. Sinai one minute and a flood of the words of all of the prophets in Hebrew in the next? Drones flew over adding displays to the sky.

But it is NOT the ceremony – dramatic and emotional though it was – that I want to describe to and share with you.  Not the speeches that moved the heart and inspired and brought tears again and again:  Not the memories that reminded us that THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT IT IS!

Let me share with you a few things that turned my head.

I am moved by our national anthem, HaTikvah.  I waited for it at the end of the ceremonies and there in my living room alone when it began I stood to my feet to sing  .  When it ended, I turned off the television to go out into the streets and I STILL heard HaTikvah being sung loudly.

I checked the TV and radio and they were off. So I went out onto my merepesset and there across, the street and spilling over into the street and all around, hundreds of people stood straight and tall singing with one voice raised spontaneously. “Eretz zion, vey Yerushaleyem…”

It was one of those defining those moments!  A moment of deep deep transported emotion, transported into the full knowing that INDEED GOD IS DOING THIS.

And you might roll your eyes at that statement, thinking it is just fleshly emotion, if you did not KNOW The Word and He Who gave The Word and made the promises, but I know that I am speaking to people who have also read and been quickened by The Holy Spirit to KNOW that GOD IS FULFILLING HIS WORD. GOD IS BRINGING HIS PEOPLE BACK TO REVEAL HIMSELF for the last days HAVE been written about and…well…here we are!

At work yesterday, each patient shared about their day and their wonder at it all. I asked people and heard many stories. Twice I was in for a personal shock.  Tova told me that she was a baby in 1948 when her family arrived from Romania. They went to Jerusalem which was shortly besieged by Arab armies, and there was no food.

She told me about being a small child in war and starvation and then she said, “I am sure that we would have starved to death except for these things: care packages.  They kept us alive.”

I began to shake.  Do you know how the stirring of a childhood memory can cause you to shake?  Perhaps it just touches something so tender but there I was shaking.  “Tova, I was born in NYC in 1946 and brought home EVERY DAY from the time that I was in kindergarten. We would pack those care packages with our own hands.  I brought around a can to my neighbors and said, ‘Pennies for Israel!’ And yes Tova, I DO know about those boxes.  My young heart really DID care as we packed them!”

We stared at each other and hugged with tears.  What a strangely intense moment.

A little later I was sharing that experience with Binyamin and Sylvia. They are in their 80s and 90s and seemed like typical New Yorkers to me so it never occurred to me that perhaps they had immigrated first to the US as children. But they had, from the war.  And it startled me when Binyamin started recounting the awful times that this world has seen and referred to the great depression.

I had always heard about it from my parents who grew up in it and were greatly impacted by it, but it always seemed to me as if the war overshadowed even that.  Suddenly Binyamin explained something I never understood before. “You know, there was NO FOOD in THE WORLD!  Do you realize that we lost our 6 million, but 42 million people died in the war. The earth was scorched.  There was no one to farm the land that wasn’t burned and there were no farmers. The animals had no food and died.  The factories were burned and gone. THERE WAS NO FOOD EXCEPT IN AMERICA!

Growing up in America, if I had learned about that I didn’t understand it fully.  It never hit me, but it DID hit me that moment as I watched him describe the world wide hunger and starvation after the war.  And again I shook.  “THANK YOU LORD FOR OUR DAILY BREAD.”

I have one more vivid experience to share before sending this and running off into a way too busy day:

We, once again, joined our kehila (congregation) at the home of dear brother and sister who live in the hills above Modi’en to share barbeque (‘mangel’ in Hebrew) fellowship, song, and testimony. As we left, one of the young soldiers asked for a ride back to Latrune where he was meeting other believing soldiers.  Happily we took him and as we stopped at the bus stop in Latrune to let him off, a young woman at the bus stop, tanned and sporting a huge backpack, ran up and asked if we were going to Jerusalem and if she could have a ride.  As the door swung open to let her in, a second young woman with several backpacks ran up and asked the same question. This one in accented English, so we took her as well.

As we asked each one about themselves and how their celebration had been, the second one took over.  She did not speak Hebrew as she was a 19-year old German tourist from Berlin who did not know WHY she came to Israel. “Probably for the weather.”

My husband asked her if this had been her first Passover and she burst out, “Oh YES! Do you KNOW that they don’t eat bread for a whole week? I have never heard of such a thing!  It was awful!  AND they have this thing called Shabbat when the buses do not run. Amazing!”

I asked her, “Have you ever read the Bible? All of these things are written about in there.”

She laughed, “Oh no! I have never even seen one but I will likely read one now, after the Quran, of course!  They have some interesting stories I hear…”

We did not have much time, but I admit to being shocked that this German girl from Berlin knew nothing about the Jews.  I thought that the Holocaust was taught extensively in Germany and assumed that the basics of who the Jews were would also be understood. And this young woman had never even SEEN a Bible…

HOW QUICKLY I FORGOT MY OWN IGNORANCE!  How can I be truly thankful until I remember how MUCH GOD HAS TAUGHT ME AND the way that HE has lead me in my ignorance.

AND YET HE CONTINUES TO LEADS. (IF we will let Him).  You, me, this nation and yours. May we glorify HIM and may this, our 70th year be the year of revelation and of revival.


your sister J



Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Israel, Jerusalem, Prayer, Prophecy

LGBT Battle: Why Isn’t God Helping Christians?

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My new weekly column entitled, “LGBT Battle: Why Isn’t God Helping Christians,”can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can perhaps read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.

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Filed under America, California, Commentary, Fasting, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, Homosexual, Kingdom of God, LGBT, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare, World Net Daily

Prayers for America (4/26/2018)


God loves Jerusalem. He loves it so much that when He creates a new heaven and a new earth at the end of this age, He will also create a New Jerusalem.

Not only that, but God shall dwell on a throne in New Jerusalem.

My prayer today:

Lord, help American believers to actually believe Your Word enough to wholeheartedly pray for the peace of Jerusalem until it becomes an actuality.  (Based on Psalm 122:6)

Just a reminder: on May 14, 2018, the new American embassy will open in Jerusalem. Let’s continue praying for America to continue forward on this.

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Israel, Jerusalem, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for LGBT Believers


Most believers, including me, would love to have a LGBT person give his or her life to the Lord and presto! Every LGBT desire would instantly be removed from the person’s life.

Yet, it seldom works that way!

But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body [of Christ] just as He pleased… In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. (1 Corinthians 12:18, 23)

My prayer today:

Lord, help the Body of Christ to care for each member as You do because he or she is necessary and if one member suffers, help us all to suffer with them so that there is no division in the Body. (Based on 1 Corinthians 12:25-26)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for LGBT believers.


Filed under America, Christianity, Fasting, Gay, Homosexual, Kingdom of God, LGBT, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel


The Shuk in Jerusalem

Greetings dear sisters and brothers,

May this letter be an encouragement to you, and ALL GLORY to God Almighty, Who created the heavens and the earth, and His One and only Messiah and Son Jesus, Yeshua, Who saved us and brought us to our Father.  May He be praised with our whole hearts and may we tell of all of His marvelous works.  May we sing praises to His Name.

“To the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Death of the Son.” A Psalm of David. “

 “I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” (PSALM  9:1-2)


What perfect timing.  I will explain.

My husband and I took the train to the bus last night and then walked through a park to our health clinic.  We had a question for the skin doctor and the way to get it answered is to run up to the clinic and push your way in. Really!

It is NOT our nature, but after years of NOT getting urgent questions answered we have learned that sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zone.  The train was quite crowded for that hour and as we are only one stop from Mount Herzl (housing our national military and state cemetery) and two stops from Yad v’shem (the Holocaust memorial) and The World Zionist Museum, we were in for a surprising sight.  It is the time to remember “the dead sons.”

But let me back up a bit in the time line and remind you of a few of the events of the past several weeks:

1)  We are in the midst of “the Friday wars” on the Gaza border…week 3 has past and 4 is coming up,

2) Iran has blamed the Allied attack on Syrian chemical weapons base directly on Israel and has promised to retaliate directly and strongly soon.  We are preparing).

3) A week ago we commemorated Holocaust Remembrance day meaning that 4) beginning with the siren at 8 PM tonight we begin our Memorial day in remembrance of Israel’s fallen soldiers and terror victims.

AND 4) TOMORROW night at 8 the ceremony changes from grief to joy as we begin celebrations for our 70th year of Independence.


So, setting the ‘backdrop’, I will return to our train ride.

We were surprised by the crowds, but as we approached the next stop, we began to understand.  Hundreds of thousands of people, waves of people were drifting like clouds into the national cemetery and into the Zionist museum area adjacent to it.

I suddenly remembered that several years ago they decided to designate a separate family time BEFORE the official ceremonies which begin tonight.  A more personal time during the laying of the flags on the graves.  It just took us both by surprise, the vast numbers of people!

So many teenagers, toddlers, babies in arms and strollers, young and old and in between. All of them lost someone or many someones. Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, Spouses, Friends and Children. It was hard to see such a huge crowd and understand that each one had a loved one ripped from them through war.

“To the Chief Musician. To the tune of “Death of the Son.” A Psalm of David. “ They were surrounded as if by shepherds for at least a kilometer or more by armed soldiers protecting them.  Ambulances stood by, so many and yet so private, each one alone in his grief.

“It has begun,” I said to myself.

It is tangible…you can feel it, like a heavy mantle of grief. A thick cloud descending and being spread upon us all, to share, to help carry the weight. Because there has been a price to pay and it is dear, and so we share it as families do.  And yet, GOD IS present. God knows and sees and I pray for an opportunity to share His great gift of comfort with some.

There IS something different’ this year.  “What is it Lord?”

I can guess, but I am not sure.  70 is mature.  My daughter and I recalled the wonder with which we participated in the 50th Birthday celebrations of Israel.  When we came Israel was 46. We can all relate to these numbers in terms of human life.

Which is why this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day was particularly poignant.  Sadly we had a stomach virus and I could not watch the ceremonies but we are all aware that the survivors are coming to the end of their journey.  And that the telling the stories is passing on to their descendants.

Kala Zeltzer, now 94 years old, whom I’ve asked for prayer often over the years, left a book on my desk at work for me.  When I opened it, I wept.  FINALLY she had it.  The story of her life with photos. She had worked on this book for years with volunteer writers who sit with the survivors and sift through the unbelievable stories to re-construct a testimony.  And here was Kala’s life and in her shaky hand she inscribed my name. What a gift!

With the dramatic rise of anti-Semitism again, I have been asking The Lord to awaken me to things that I might be dull to and should know, and He is faithful.  There has been a grouping together of genocides and slaughters and a blending of the Holocaust under the mantle of the world’s atrocities as if it is no different.

I was thinking, “Well, perhaps it isn’t really. All flesh is one and man’s wickedness toward others is abominable in all places.”

I didn’t understand until suddenly I felt Him open a window in my heart. I pray that I can translate this into words.  The Holocaust was unique in this way:  It was personal and with calculated purpose – face to face.  Most genocide is a huge explosive, wicked hatred.  It is faceless.  People do not see who they kill or care who they kill.  They hate a group or want a territory or just explode.

In the Holocaust, it was a personal, systematic RAPE of each individual.  They recorded each name, address, personal information, possessions. Methodically and purposefully, they stripped each individual of their name, replaced it with a branded number, stripped them of their clothes, looked into their eyes and cut off their hair, stroked them and took their possessions and then recorded each one, herded them into gas chambers, and rendered them to ashes. BUT IT WAS ABOUT GOD, who had CREATED us from the dust.  IT WAS THE GOD OF THE JEWS WHOSE PLAN AND PURPOSE THEY SOUGHT TO DERAIL ON THE TRAINS TO THE CAMPS.  BUT THEY COULD NOT OVERTHROW GOD’S PLAN!

And SUDDENLY I saw that NO! It is NOT pride to say that the Holocaust stands alone among destructions.  It stands with each act taken by Satan to destroy the plan of God.  If the enemy COULD destroy God’s plans and purposes then woe unto us BUT HE IS FAITHFUL WHO PROMISED.

The enemy tried to abort the first coming of Messiah and could not. So he tries to abort His second coming to this people and the fulfillment of His mercy.  I look at 2 Kings 18– the classic tactics of the enemy through the ages:

22 But if you say to me, ‘We trust in the Lord our God,’ is it not He whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah has taken away, and said to Judah and Jerusalem, ‘You shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem’? ”…25 Have I now come up without the Lord against this place to destroy it? The Lord said to me, ‘Go up against this land, and destroy it.’”… 32 until I come and take you away to a land like your own landa land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive groves and honey, that you may live and not die. But do not listen to Hezekiah, lest he persuade you, saying, “The Lord will deliver us.” 33 Has any of the gods of the nations at all delivered its land from the hand of the king of Assyria?…”

If you have NOT read 2 Kings 18 for a while, it may be a good time to refresh your memory.

Holocaust Memorial day came again in Israel and again Israel stood silent as the siren sounded that dreadful sound.  I took my Grandson out on our merepesset(balcony) to stand at attention and see how it all stops.  They (our daughter’s family) left Israel when he was 8 and now he is 14.

SO, we were ALL pretty FREAKED OUT today while I was sitting and waiting for an x-ray. Suddenly the air raid siren sounded!  EVERYONE jumped up to run for shelter until a woman yelled, ‘No no! I’m sorry!  It was my facebook page!  Someone posted a video of Holocaust Memorial day here and they recorded the siren. I’m sorry.”

A collective sigh of relief, but not very deep as we are aware that the hour is volatile.

On Yom h’Sho’ar,  there is no regular television but the channels that are open, show incredible movies, ones that I never heard of, from all countries, movies similar to Schindler’s List and The Hiding Place.  Other stations show life stories and interviews with survivors or show a still of a memorial flame.  There are no advertisements.

And so it is now.

In a few moments, at 8 PM, the terrible siren will again cry through the sky and all will stop. Tomorrow morning at 11 it will sound for 2 minutes.  It is intense.  I wish that you could experience it.

Again, our television has stopped and the photos of soldiers and terror victims are being flashed on the screen with their dates of birth and date and place of death.  Movies will show intense, depressing, hero inspiring and prayer inspiring movies.  The radio is a treasure trove of first hand testimonies of what eyes have seen in the defense of this country that GOD promised to our people, and God is often spoken about for He indeed has been present.

The siren has sounded now and the cloak of indescribable feelings has again become palpable.  We live in this today, knowing that the tomorrows directly ahead of us are highly volatile.  But today THIS is our path and purpose and tomorrow night, Lord willing, the cloud will rise and the celebrations of the 70th year will begin.

Do you remember that we live so close to Mount Herzl that we can hear the ceremonies from outside and watch the fireworks from our merepesset?

In these days when the tendency is toward burn out and growing cold, may we run into His Arms and press in for more of Him.  Thank you for taking time to read this.  It is written with love and prayer.

Your sister J


Filed under America, Christianity, Israel, Jerusalem, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Don’t Shoot Your Hungry Neighbors

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My new weekly column entitled, “Don’t Shoot Your Hungry Neighbors,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can perhaps read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


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Filed under America, Christianity, Commentary, Gifts of the Spirit, Prayer, Prophecy, World Net Daily, Writing

“Planning + Preparation = Survival” is FREE on Amazon Today

Planning = Prep1

My book, Planning + Preparation = Survival, is FREE on Amazon today through Sunday.

Amazon book description:

WARNING: This book is written by a Christian author who believes Christian principles and prophecy can save lives. It is not just another “doomsday prepper” publication, telling you to buy land in Idaho and build a fortress there for you and your family. The author actually believes Psalm 91 declares the truths about the shelter we all need to seek now.

What is the #1 statement spoken by individuals during large catastrophes?

“I didn’t think this would ever happen to me.”

Why do they say this?

They thought catastrophes always happened to someone else, never to them. But if it did happen, they believed the government would arrive on the scene and rescue them before their cups of coffee turned cold.

If this is your present thinking, then allow me to say one word to smash your ideas to smithereens: Katrina. Yes, Hurricane Katrina, the watershed event when all should have learned to never again place our faith in governments to rescue us and our families from catastrophes.

“Planning + Preparation = Survival” is a new revision of the 2013 edition. It’s still a no-nonsense book written to show Christians how to pray, plan, and prepare ourselves, our families, and our communities for possible natural and terrorist catastrophes in the near future.

This book should be a required reading for all Christians, especially those who live in the cities of San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, and Seattle.

Available on Amazon for Kindles and Kindle apps.


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Filed under America, Books, Calamities, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Publishing, Self publishing, spiritual warfare, Writing

Prayers for America (4/19/2018)

Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The city rests on one of the most hotly contested sites in the history of the world.

Many, including me, believe the original Garden of Eden was centered in Jerusalem. If this is true, the city has been undergoing spiritual warfare for 6000 years, ever since Adam and Eve walked in the Garden and Satan deceived them.

So, there’s no wonder why President Trump is undergoing such hatred by the media and his enemies. Trump was the first president to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and plans on moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14, 2018.

Like most of us, Trump is a flawed person, but God knew his frailties when He chose him to be president of America. I believe Trump’s strength is his stubborn determination to plow forward with his plans, including those for Jerusalem and Israel.

My prayer today:

Lord, raise up people who are willing to stand in the gap before You for President Trump and for Jerusalem during this time period. (Based on Ezekiel 22:30)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under America, Christianity, Fasting, Jerusalem, Prayer, President Trump, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for LGBT Believers (4/17/2018)

The Judgment Seat of Christ is the place where all believers – one by one – will be judged by Jesus Christ to determine what we have done with our lives here on earth. If we have done good, we will receive rewards and good positions in the eternal kingdom.  But if we have done bad, we may end up with shame and loss, even though our eternal salvations are secure.

Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men… (2 Corinthians 5:11)

The Apostle Paul understood that the Judgment Seat of Christ was not a tea party with Jesus and the believer looking through photo albums, remembering birthday parties, family reunions, and so forth. It was a moment of immense fear of the Lord where our motives and purposes are revealed to the Judge.

There are no second chances at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

My prayer today:

Lord, I pray for the Holy Spirit to cloak LGBT believers with the fear of the Lord so that they may depart from every sin in their lives…and Lord do it in my life, too. (Based on Proverbs 16:6)

 What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for LGBT believers.


Filed under America, Christianity, Fasting, Gay, Intercession, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Do We Still Need Prophecy and the Spiritual Gifts?

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My new weekly column entitled, “Do we Still Need Prophecy and the Spiritual Gifts” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can perhaps read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Commentary, Prophecy, Spiritual gifts, World Net Daily