Monthly Archives: April 2014

Tuesday’s Prayers for America (4/29/2014)



If you are a sports fan, then you have probably heard about the brouhaha involving Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA Basketball team. Eighty-year old Sterling voiced some racist remarks to his girlfriend that were recorded and eventually aired on a gossip website. The recording went viral across the internet.

Athletes, politicians, sports writers, President Obama, Oprah, Spike Lee, NAACP, and so forth have weighed in on Sterling with rants and raves about his offensive remarks. The NBA will probably end up punishing Sterling.

His remarks were stupid, ignorant, and offensive, okay?

Here’s my question: how many of us have prayed for Donald Sterling?

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. (Proverbs 10:12)

My guess is that Sterling is not a born-again believer, but instead is a sinner heading to Hell. I certainly know that road well because I traveled on it until Jesus saved me on the same day I was going to commit suicide. The reason Jesus intervened in my life was that a Christian named Lillian Meiners interceded for me.

Today I prayed:

Lord, I pray we American believers are earnest and disciplined in our prayers so that we show deep love for others and that our love covers a multitude of sins. (Based on 1 Peter 4:7-8)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under Christianity, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel



Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua. Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is …

I greet you, dearest brothers and sisters, in His Name, Yeshua h’Meshiach, and in His fear, love, and for His glory.  May you be blessed and may HE be blessed and glorified.

Sometimes I wonder if my greetings sound pretentious or too flowery, but you know what?  I mean them from the heart, and I just can think of no other way to begin these letters, offered to Him for His glory and with so much love for you, His body.  I MEAN these greetings.

It has been a long time since I wrote, but it has truly been a whirlwind.  I can only assume that you know that the “peace talks” between the Israelis and the Palestinians ended today.  Sadly, it was EXACTLY as Israel warned: Having been told by the world, but particularly the US President, that the status quo here would no longer be acceptable, we were plunged into a process that we had seen before. Thus, things are now much worse then before.

Those who had gotten their hopes up are more discouraged then before.  Things have now been said that had been better left unsaid.  Another failure has been added to the long line of failures and now with Fatah and Hamas forming a unity government there is no remote possibility of an agreement.

We have prayed that the land would not be divided and Israel not be pressed into yet even this sin against God, and although we are thankful for that answer to prayer, it does not make the reality on the ground easier.  I am SO THANKFUL that God really does know and have it all under His control.

Passover came and went, full of significance, joy, promise, and matzo.

We were (and still are) BLESSED by a number of very special visitors from around the world, encouraging us through the sweet taste of fellowship.  We have met our new son-in-law’s ultra orthodox (Haradi) parents and eaten with them during the holiday.  I have overheard many conversations (in Hebrew) on the transportation and in the streets concerning Yeshua. People argued about Him with each other and in the midst of all this, our fellowship met in Judea/Samaria, at the lovely home of one of our congregation members for a holiday Shabat dinner.  The spontaneous worship under the stars nearly transported me with His Presence. I don’t believe that I have experienced a time like that in years.  Surely it is a time of promise, a time to catch the breath and look unto Him with great expectancy.

My husband left the country on Wednesday morning to visit with our children and grandchildren.  A miracle trip. He plans to be gone nearly 3 weeks. My prayer is for HIS BLESSING to be upon them all AND I am given my time alone that I have felt I needed.  I covet your prayers as I still have many responsibilities (some extra ones with him gone) and there is quite a temptation to use the time as I please: organize this apartment, visit with long neglected friends, answer tons of letters and emails that I WANT to answer, read, go to the zoo, and to fill the time with prayer, reading, and sitting in His Presence.  What I MOSTLY want is to just do what He wants me to do and I’m in a bit of a panic that I not miss it.

So this is a short, overview update.  I suspect that I will share with you in depth about the peek into a different world as we visited with our daughter’s in-laws and also about the conversations that I overheard as I was out and about.

But…not tonight.  Tonight I leave you for sleep.  I have missed you.  I am so thankful for you and so encouraged when I hear from you.  God bless and keep you and draw you into His secret place.


your sis J



Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Israel, Jerusalem, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Want to be a Christian Fanatic?



The doctors told John Lake there was nothing they could do for his son. He was going to die. Lake ignored the doctors and sat down in a chair next to his son who lay in a coma on a hospital bed.

As Lake sat there, he said, “Death, you can not have my son. Devil, you can not have my son.”

Then, he set his face like flint and did not move for three days.

Doctors and nurses urged Lake to leave the room, but he ignored them. He understood spiritual warfare and he was there to win a battle, not to placate people.

After three days, his son threw his legs over the side of the bed. Father and son then went home.

John Lake’s ministry had over 100,000 documented healing miracles in Spokane, Washington, between 1914 and 1919. At the time, Spokane was called the “Healthiest City in America.” Lake often stated that he saw greater healing miracles during his missionary tour in Africa (1908 – 1913).

Most of us Christians would love to be like John Lake. So, why aren’t we?

If there was ever a man who walked in the revelation of “God in man,” it was John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength, and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person.

He often said that the secret of heaven’s power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on earth, and that this reality could be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them. (God’s Generals, Roberts Liardon, Albury Publishing, © 1996 by Roberts Liardon, pp. 169)

Maybe we believers need to realize that the Healer named Jesus lives inside each us. Then, we can go out and allow Jesus to live through us to the sick and dying world around us.

But then again, someone might call us fanatics…like they did John Lake.



Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Friday’s Prayers for Prisoners (4/25/2014)


After a person has committed a horrible crime, the media normally interviews the criminal’s neighbors. What do the neighbors invariably say?

“Hey, he was a nice guy. We just can’t believe he has committed a horrible crime like that.”

Why do the neighbors generally say this?

The answer is simple: they did not know the man. Period.

Sadly, we American Christians do not know our neighbors. Oh, hallelujah, we love driving ten miles to a church where we worship with believers who agree with us on doctrines. But Lord knows, we won’t walk fifty feet to knock on our neighbors’ doors, introducing ourselves and asking if we can serve them in any way.

You know, we might as well live in a prison cell block for all the good we’re doing in our own neighborhoods.

Today, I prayed:

Lord, help us Americans to love our neighbors as ourselves so that we can help our neighbors bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. (Based on Mark 12:31 and 1 Corinthians 13:7)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you?

Join with me on Fridays to fast and pray for prisoners, according to Hebrews 13:3.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, grace, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Lord, Help me Love Democrats (Part 13)

dolly 6


Let’s fast forward to the year 2000. I still did not follow politics, but I kept up with most of the prophetic words spoken by leaders in the Prophetic Movement. Bob Jones prophesied: “A burning bush will come out of Texas and be elected president of the United States.” Jones prophesied these words before George W. Bush had even entered the presidential race as a Republican candidate.

I began paying some attention to politics when Bush became the Republican nominee for president.

The contentious presidential election ended up being decided by the U. S. Supreme Court when it declared George W. Bush the winner of Florida. Interestingly enough, Bob Jones had prophesied Florida would be the pivotal state with the difference being a scant number of votes.

Like Paul Cain’s prophecy in 1992, Bob Jones gave specific reasons why the Lord was electing George W. Bush to the presidency. The Church needed to pray for President Bush and his administration for these divine reasons to be fulfilled.

The 2000 presidential election hooked me into following politics again. I listened to conservative talk radio when I rode in our vehicles, watched Fox News, read conservative websites, and followed the Prophetic Movement leaders.

The 2004 presidential race did not sneak up on me this time. I followed the primaries, debates, and the election as closely as possible. Many prophetic voices stated the importance of Bush winning the election was so he could fulfill his destiny as the “burning bush from Texas.”

President George W. Bush won reelection on November 2, 2004.

The years between President Bush’s election in 2000 and the 2008 presidential election helped set me up for my prophetic fiasco.

In the spring of 2008, I had a prophetic dream in which I saw the Lord’s hand on Senator Barack Obama. I felt the Lord would use Obama to help reveal sin to our nation’s inner cities. This revelation of sin would help set the inner cities free of four hundred years of spiritual abuse from demonic principalities.

But somehow I twisted this revelation into believing the presidential battle would be mainly over abortions, which is the number one killer of African-Americans. I prophesied on my Larry Who blog that Senator Obama and Senator Joe Biden, both pro-abortion candidates, would lose to Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, both pro-life candidates, because God heard our prayers on abortion and was moving against the sin.

Everything seemed to be turning out as I prophesied until September 15, 2008. This was the day Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. The following day, the Federal Reserve authorized the $85 billion bailout loan to AIG. Financial news then swirled out of control. The headlines pushed McCain/Palin to the background and the Democratic Party to the forefront, with the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 being enacted. This act established the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program or TARP.

McCain/Palin wilted on the campaign trail and Obama/Biden won in a landslide on November 4, 2008.

(The above is an excerpt from my memoir, The Hunt for Larry Who, Amazon eBook, © 2014 by Larry Nevenhoven)

(Continued in Part 14)


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

The Lad Said, “I Made a Difference For That One.”



In some parts of the world, when the tide comes in from the ocean, it brings with it thousands of starfish. Then the tide recedes and leaves thousands of them behind on the shore. Many of these starfish cannot make it back to the safety of the water before the sun comes up and dries them out.

A man was walking along the shore one day and witnessed this sight. He stared at all the starfish, saddened that so many would die.

Then he saw a young boy walking in the other direction. The lad would stop and pick up a starfish and throw it into the ocean. He continued to do this, picking up one after another and throwing them back into the water.

“Why are you doing that?” the man asked. “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of shore? You’re wasting your time. You’ll never make a difference.”

The boy simply picked up another starfish and hurled it back into the ocean. As it landed, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”

(Excerpt from No Longer A Slumdog by K.P. Yohannan, © 2011 by K. P. Yohannan, pp. 117-118, get your free copy here.)

“As we celebrate Mother’s Day and thank God for the influence of our mothers and wives, please remember the millions of children and mothers who have never heard of Jesus, [the One] who will provide for them.” – K.P. Yohannan

If you can, consider honoring your Mom by sponsoring a child in Gospel For Asia’s Bridge of Hope program.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gospel For Asia, India, Kingdom of God, Poverty, Prayer

Tuesday’s Prayers for America (4/22/2014)



The total number of illegal immigrants in America is estimated to be in the 12 million range with over 80% being from Latin American, mainly Mexico. My state of California is home to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants.

Okay, why is this happening?

The alien who is among you shall rise above you higher and higher, but you will go down lower and lower. (Deuteronomy 28:43)

One of the curses for disobeying God’s voice is that the aliens in a nation will be raised up above that nation’s citizens. Has that been happening here in America? Yes, in many ways, including employment, politics, healthcare, and more.

Remember: the aliens or illegal immigrants are not accursed, but instead, we Americans are the ones who are living under a curse because of our many sins before God. Thus, don’t blame the illegal immigrants for America’s problems. We Americans are the problem. We must repent.

How we handle the illegal immigrant problem in America will also determine the grace that God shows our nation in the future. We will end up reaping what we sow.

So, let’s be careful to extend mercy and love whenever we can to the illegal immigrants in our midst.

My prayer for America today:

Lord, help us Americans to see You within the illegal immigrants who live among us. So, that if they are hungry, thirsty,  poorly clothed, sick, or in prison, we would go to them and bless them as though it were You. (Based on Matthew 25:35-40)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, God, jesus, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Friday’s Prayers for Prisoners (4/18/2014)






I have been rereading No Longer a Slumdog by K. P. Yohannan this week:

One of the hardest things to witness is the large number of little boys and girls looking into our Gospel for Asia Bridge of Hope Centers wanting to be involved, but unable to join.

…The hardest part is turning down child after child and seeing them suffer without firsthand contact with the love of the Lord. Honestly, there are so many children out there who need our help. One of the biggest requests from our leaders is, “Can we please open up more centers?”

As we have more resources, we proceed with opening more centers. But there are so many times, I have to tell our leaders, “Not yet.” (No Longer a Slumdog, K. P. Yohannan, © 2011 by K. P. Yohannan, GFA Books, pages 145)

Each morning my heart is blessed when I pray for the six children on the bulletin board over the computer that Carol and I sponsor for Bridge of Hope. But then, my heart is broken when I consider the millions we are not able to sponsor. I always pray, “Lord, don’t let them slip through the cracks of eternity without hearing about You.”

Today, I prayed:

Lord, enrich us Americans in every way to be generous in every way so that we produce many thanksgivings to You. (Based on 2 Corinthians 9:11)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you?

Join with me on Fridays to fast and pray for prisoners, according to Hebrews 13:3.

No Longer a Slumdog is now free at Gospel for Asia. You can check it out here.


Filed under Bridge of Hope, Christianity, Fasting, Gospel For Asia, India, Kingdom of God, Poverty, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Jim’s Testimony




My name is Jim.

My beautiful wife and I have been sponsoring children since we first found out about Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope program. We had always wanted to have a large family, perhaps a dozen children, but our hearts were changed as we saw the incredible need of the poor children throughout Asia.

Instead of a dozen, we have had two children. Then, we got four more through GFA Bridge of Hope. They were our little hearts, children whose letters we read over and over again. Their pictures were mounted on our wall, and every day the four of us prayed for them. I considered them to be my children and loved them as my own, although I was sure we would never meet this side of eternity.

But God blew my socks off and sent me to India on a business venture about a year ago. My wife reminded me about Gospel for Asia and said I should give them a call to see if I could visit a GFA Bridge of Hope center while I was there. Amazingly, I could!

My heart was not ready for the sights of India. Still, the images of people, I can only assume they were Dalits, sitting on the  roadside without any life in their eyes…everything looked so hopeless! I felt incredibly burdened for these people. It almost brought me to tears to see them and still does to this day.

But when I went to the center, I was simply astonished. The joy! The laughter! The sight of these children, dozens of them, beautiful, laughing, singing! It was so different from everything I saw around them. They were so vibrant and full of life.

This group of over a hundred kids was laughing, studying, and learning about the Lord all at once. It was amazing. But all of this did not prepare me for what was about to happen.

There was one little face in the crowd that I recognized. When I saw him, my little Manu, I just froze. The teacher told him who I was, and he locked eyes with me and he smiled the largest smile I have ever seen. He ran up to me and latched onto me like I was a life raft in the middle of the ocean.

This little 8-year old boy stepped back and looked me straight in the eyes. “Dad,” he said, “thank you for loving me.”

I burst into tears.

After that day, I have never been the same. I left India with a new perspective on life. Anything we could do to help these children, we must do.

Now, my wife and I sponsor two dozen children − twice as many as we ever thought we would have on our own. They are scattered all throughout India and Nepal. I cannot imagine doing anything more worthwhile with my life. This is it. My family and I are dedicated to saving as many people as we can. And Gospel for Asia enables us to do that.

(No Longer a Slumdog, K. P. Yohannan, © 2011 by K. P. Yohannan, GFA Books, pages 131-133)

No Longer a Slumdog is now free at Gospel for Asia. You can check it out here.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gospel For Asia, India, Kingdom of God, Poverty, Prayer

Tuesday’s Prayers for America (4/15/2014)



When Jesus walked in His ministry, Israel was a powder keg, waiting for a spark to set it off. The Jews were searching for a warrior, like King David, to lead and rid the nation of Rome’s iron rule over it. They desperately desired their freedom.

Therefore when the people saw the sign which He had performed, they said, “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.” So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone. (John 6:14-15)

Jesus understood that Israel’s problem was not Rome, but rather, its sin. He knew that every human, from the worst to the best, needed a Savior to set  him loose from the kingdom of darkness.

So, Jesus walked in His calling and became the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the whole world.

This week tempers raged in America as the Bureau of Land Management attempted to remove cattle from a ranch in Nevada. Guns were drawn by both sides, but eventually the government forces retreated from the scene.

Sadly, we can expect more confrontations like this, between government forces and citizens or citizens versus citizens, because sin is increasing more and more in America.

As Christians, we are not called to stand on the sidelines and watch the action from afar. We are called to rush onto the battlefield and pray for both sides, hoping God’s grace will cover all disputes.

Today I prayed:

Lord, I pray and intercede for all people and for our government leaders, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in America, godly and dignified in every way, so that all may be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth. (Based on 1 Timothy 2: 1-2, 4)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare