Category Archives: Politics

Let’s Be Political Dropouts

I had a vision in the first month of 2021 in which I saw a train speeding across the plain states. Somehow, I knew the train represented America. 

My perspective changed in the vision and I saw hundreds of miles ahead of the train. There I saw a deep gorge, but the bridge over the deep chasm was out. The train was heading toward disaster!

My perspective changed again in the vision and I was inside the train. There I watched Christians preoccupy themselves with attempting to change the train’s engineer and crew to their viewpoints or if that didn’t work, to set in place a new engineer and crew. It was loud and competitive! A few people had divine insights about the disaster lying ahead of the train and attempted to warn the Body of Christ, but their seemingly mere whispers were drowned out by the louder voices concerned with the engineer and train crew.

I then felt the Holy Spirit ask me: “Do you want to board the train and attempt to warn people? Or do you want to spend your time preparing for the upcoming disaster?

I chose the latter.

The vision ended.

            “Politics is one of the Church’s worst problems. It is her constant temptation. The occasion for some of her worst disasters. It is a trap set for her by the prince of this world.” (Jacque Ellul)

Whether we like it or not, America’s government and political system is a part of the world system which is under the rule of Satan. This system is fueled by lust, greed, pride, selfish ambition, contentions and idolatry. To ever think that we could somehow clean up this system is foolhardy for us believers to even consider.  This won’t happen until the seventh trumpet is blown and the angel announces, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and He shall reign forever and ever!”

Yes, we should vote for good, moral men/women to represent us. This is our civic duty and I believe the Lord endorses our efforts in carrying out these obligations.


I believe the Church needs to wash its hands of ever endorsing a political party or any candidates. Let each believer make up his or her mind without any judgmental attitudes from churches or its leaders. Period.

Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are not called to be cheerleaders for political parties or politicians. Their callings are to help equip believers for service in the Body and to help bring us into maturity so that we are able to walk in unity and full knowledge of our Lord.

Most unbelievers think Christians are nothing more than Trump supporters and Republican voters. They can’t see Christ in us because our political clatter and partisan stances overwhelm them.

Let’s return and do the simple words of Jesus:

             But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness… (Matthew 6:33)

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prophecy

New Book Release: “What Did God Accomplish in the 2020 Election?”

After writing quite a few blog posts on the 2020 election, I decided to write a short book on the 2020 Presidential Election:

Over forty years of America treading down a path of superficial spirituality has brought us to this moment of time, with Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

How could the Lord have let Evangelical Christians down? What about all of the prophecies proclaiming a victory for Donald Trump? Didn’t God understand the importance of the 2020 presidential election? What about Israel? What about Planned Parenthood and abortions? What about our religious freedoms? What about this? What about that?

What did God really accomplish by allowing Joe Biden to win the 2020 Presidential election? 

This book answers many questions about how white Evangelical Christianity, the Prophetic Movement and the Republican Party have ended up in the mess we are in right now. And what we can do to move forward.

One of the most important books of 2021.

Publication date : February 3, 2021

43 Pages                   Author and Publisher: Larry Nevenhoven

Kindle eBook: $2.99

Print length : 43 pages

Available on Amazon for Kindles and Kindle Apps.


Filed under book review, Books, Christianity, Church, Election 2020, Kindle, Politics, President Trump, Prophecy, Publishing, Self publishing

The Case for Trump Winning the November Election

Lance Wallnau called President Donald Trump — “God’s Chaos Candidate.” An apropos title, right?

Viewing Trump’s presidency at this point in time, we see an impeached President, one accused of colluding with the Russians, the overseer of the largest unemployment figures and the greatest GNP drop since the Great Depression, a man hated by the news media, Hollywood and at least 40% of the population, a leader scorned by most of the world’s leaders, a supposed failure in handling America’s response to Covid-19 and who knows what else!

Not only that, Trump is a bombastic tweeter who attacks his foes with disdain and little mercy.

There has never been a President like Trump before…or has there?

When President Harry Truman gave a rousing speech during the presidential election of 1948, a supporter in the crowd shouted, “Give’em Hell, Harry!”

“I don’t give them Hell,” Truman said. “I just tell the truth about them, and they think it’s Hell.”

From that time forward in his reelection bid, Truman was known as “Give’em Hell Harry.”

Sadly, Truman’s presidency was riddled by scandals, corruption, investigations, vulgar remarks, hatred by the media and a threat via a letter against a Washington Post critic:

Dec. 6, 1950

Mr. Hume:

I’ve just read your lousy review of Margaret’s concert. I’ve come to the conclusion that you are an “eight ulcer man on four ulcer pay.”

It seems to me that you are a frustrated old man who wishes he could have been successful. When you write such poppy-cock as was in the back section of the paper you work for it shows conclusively that you’re off the beam and at least four of your ulcers are at work.

Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you’ll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!

Pegler, a gutter snipe, is a gentleman alongside you. I hope you’ll accept that statement as a worse insult than a reflection on your ancestry.


Don’t you think President Truman might have used Twitter against his foes? I do.

But both Truman and Trump had one thing in common: Israel.

At eleven minutes after midnight on May 14, 1948, the very day Israel declared itself a nation, President Harry S. Truman recognized Israel as a sovereign nation. America was the first nation to do so.

On December 6, 2017, President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Then, the U.S. Embassy was moved to Jerusalem in May, 2018. Plus, Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy by recognizing Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights. All of these were firsts!

No other presidents or world leaders have stuck their necks out for Israel like Truman and Trump did during their presidencies.

And I will bless those who bless you [Israel], and the one who curses you [Israel] I will curse. (Genesis 12:3)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you.” (Psalm 122:6)

Since I believe God honors His Word, I believe President Trump will be reelected for a second term in November.

Now, does this mean that I think Trump’s second four years in office will be easier than his first four years? No, absolutely not.

I believe Trump will win the presidency, but that the Republicans will lose both the Senate and the House in November.

Give’em Hell Donald!


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, End-Times, Israel, Jerusalem, Politics, President Trump

Prayers for California to Wake up (1/22/2019)

The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to Timothy in 63 AD, encouraging him and the churches to pray, intercede and give thanks for all men, but especially for their government leaders so that the believers might lead quiet and peaceable lives.

The main government leader at the time was Emperor Nero, head of the Roman Empire.

What happened next?

A great fire broke out in Rome in 64 AD, destroying great portions of the city. Nero laid much of the blame on Christians and hunted them down. Horrific tortures were inflicted on Christians with thousands of believers being martyred. Paul, himself, was beheaded by Nero in 67 AD.

But guess what?

Christianity grew and became stronger during these four years of heavy persecution, which ended in 68 AD, at Nero’s death.

Just think for a moment: Paul and the believers prayed, interceded and gave thanks for Nero during this cruel time period, hoping for peace. Yet, it took four years for their prayers to produce peace in the Roman Empire. Four years until their breakthrough!

This should give California believers hope!

The newly installed California government is not a Christian-friendly one nor can we expect Bible-based laws to be enacted in the days ahead. But let’s follow Paul’s exhortation by giving thanks, intercessions, supplications and prayers for the following government leaders, believing that God will have His way in California:

Governor Gavin Newsom.

Lt. Governor Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis

Attorney General Xavier Becerra

President Pro Tempore of California Senate Toni Atkins

Majority Leader of California Senate Robert Hertzberg

Minority Leader of California Senate Patricia Bates

Speaker of California Assembly Anthony Rendon

Speaker Pro Tempore of California Assembly Kevin Mullins

Majority Leader of California Assembly Ian Calderon

Republican Leader of California Assembly Marie Waldron

US Senator Kamala Harris

US Senator Dianne Feinstein

Speaker of US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi

US House Representative Maxine Walters

My prayer today:

Lord, raise up a hundred thousand believers who will make a commitment to pray according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2 for our government leaders on a regular basis, believing You will have Your way in our state.

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for California and the West Coast.


Filed under America, California, Christianity, Fasting, Politics, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Politicians, False Prophets and Jesus (Part 2)


Global Warming

It may be hard to believe now, but in the 1970s, the scientific community was concerned about the earth sliding into a new ice age. Studies show that 65% of the scientific papers written in that time period supported this global cooling theory.

The Smithsonian Museum even had one entire wall charting the cooling of the earth over the last sixty million years. The chart on the twenty feet of plastered fresco showed no significant warming periods in its downward arc.

But in 1988, NASA scientist James Hansen testified before Congress and presented scientific weather models. He stated, “I am 99% sure that global warming is upon us now.”

Hansen’s words propelled America and other nations to jump onto the global warming bandwagon. The UN then created the the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide a scientific view on climate change and its political and economic impacts.

The IPCC predicted severe heat waves, droughts, powerful hurricanes, the melting of massive glaciers at both poles, causing sea levels to rise between 11 and 38 inches, enough to swamp many of the cities along the American coasts.

These dire predictions moved forty-one nations and the European Union to adopt the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. President Clinton signed the protocol, but President Bush backed away from the agreement when he became president in 2001.

All of the global warming talk would have died out except for Al Gore appearing on the scene with his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006. The former Vice President’s documentary won two Oscars, made him a multimillionaire and pushed Gore to the forefront as the spokesman for global warming.

Today, 97% of climate scientists agree that there is a global warming trend and that human beings are the main cause–that is, that we are over 50% responsible.

Oh yeah! What happened to the wall in the Smithsonian Museum?

It was painted over with a new chart, supporting global warming as a truth.

What does the Bible say about global warming?

(Continued in Part 3)


Filed under America, Calamities, Christianity, Climate Change, Global Warming, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prophecy

Politicians, False Prophets and Jesus (Part 1)

Much later, another panic attack awakened me. Someone moved in my cell. What did he want?

“De Luz, stand up. Let’s go.”

Rolling over, I saw the same two guards again. The big one had his hand on his gun and the smaller one held leg irons and handcuffs in his hands.

I yawned and stood up.

“What now?”

“Shut up.”

I held my hands out as he put the handcuffs on. He stooped down and tightened the leg irons around my ankles.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Where?” I said.

“Down the hallway toward the visitors’ room. And shut up. No talking.”

One of the gang-bangers woke up as we walked past his cell.

“Hey man, where you taking him at 1 a.m. in the morning?”

The big guard looked at him, his eyes seething.

“Shut up, if you don’t want to end up in lockdown.”

The gang-banger mumbled something and then pulled the blanket back over his head.

Just before we reached the visitors’ room, the big guard grabbed my shoulder.

“Stop here.”

He opened a door with a key and held it open for me. I duck-walked past him into an interrogation room with a white iron table bolted to the floor. There were two metal chairs, one on each side of the table. Three walls were painted pale green and the fourth wall had a large one-way mirror. I supposed people watched me through the mirror.

“Sit down.”

As I did, Mayor Streyer walked into the room, carrying two cups of coffee. He wore jeans, a blue chambray work shirt, and a pair of Italian loafers. His famous million-dollar smile perched itself under his nose. He sat down opposite me.

“Remove his handcuffs, Jeremiah’s not going anywhere. Then, leave us alone. I’ll call you when we’re done. Thanks,” he said in rapid fire staccato.

The small guard took the handcuffs off. The two left.

The mayor handed me a cup.

“Starbucks,” he whispered. “Your favorite, right?”

I smiled and sipped some coffee. It tasted great.

“Wondering why you’re here?”

I nodded, but did not say a word.

“My wife, Dina, is worried sick by your prophecies. She can’t sleep. Can’t eat. Wants our two children to stay in Phoenix with her parents until this blows over,” he said, sipping coffee.

“Tonight, she begged me to talk with you,” he went on. “She hopes I can persuade you to ask God not to destroy San Francisco.”

I looked at him as if he came from another planet.

“Let me get this straight, okay?” I said in a measured tone. “She believes I’m a prophet?”

The question embarrassed him. His eyes dropped to his coffee cup.

“Yeah,” he whispered under his breath.

“What about you?”

He shrugged and showed off his million-dollar smile.

“I’m a politician with a capital P. If a pollster can prove believing you’re a prophet will add fifty thousand votes to my tally, then I’ll believe you’re a prophet. But I don’t see that happening. You’ve alienated the gay community, which is twenty-five percent of the voters in San Francisco. That’s a tough nut to crack.”

“What about people? Don’t you care what happens to them?”

His blue eyes opened wide.

“Well, it’s obvious I care about Dina and my two children. I’m here, aren’t I?” he said, leaning back in his chair. “But the people, whether they’re gays, feminists, peaceniks, liberals, straights, conservatives, fall into specific voting blocks. I just need the blocks to add up to fifty-one percent at the end of every battle on my side of the ledger. Sounds easy, right? Let me tell you, it’s not. You have to kiss butts and gargle Lewis Lye to make it work.”

I stared at him and shook my head.

“Shocked at my candor?” he said with a grin. “Don’t be. I’m just laying my cards on the table. If you think church leaders are any different, you’re wrong. They’re just as pragmatic as politicians and maybe even worse!”

A strange look flashed across his eyes. I got the sense there was a lot under the surface he was not saying about church leaders.

“The Freedom Riders had a favorite Gandhi quote, describing politicians and leaders like you,” I said. “There goes my people, I must run and catch up with them, for I am their leader.”

“Great quote. It sums up the art of politics in one sentence.”

We both took a break and drank coffee.

He leaned forward with his eyes staring full bore into mine.

“So what’s your answer?”

“San Francisco must repent.”

He slapped the table and stood up.

“That’s probably not happening, but who knows? Maybe I’m wrong. If I am, I’ll make a quick change and run to the front of the group. After all,” he said with eyebrows raised, “I’m their leader.”

He pivoted around and left the room.

Two minutes later, the two guards escorted me back to the cell.

The mayor’s words aggravated me when I was alone again. I paced back and forth from one wall to another. My spirit was stirred up. I was upset. Tears and sweat rolled down my cheeks. Politicians care about one thing: power. I thought. How can politicians be our answers?…What hope do we have?

(Excerpt from Jonah by Larry Nevenhoven, © 2012, Amazon eBook)

(Continued in Part 2)


Filed under America, Calamities, California, Christianity, Church, Climate Change, Global Warming, Kingdom of God, Politics, spiritual warfare

Christians: Stop You Whimpering About Trump’s Sin


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My new weekly column entitled, “Christians: Stop Your Whimpering About Trump’s Sin,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can perhaps read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Commentary, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prayer, President Trump, spiritual warfare

Why Trump Shouldn’t Worry About a Gnat Like Mueller

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My new weekly column entitled, “Why Trump Shouldn’t Worry About a Gnat Like Mueller,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can sometimes read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.

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Filed under America, Christianity, Politics, Prophecy

Why God Had Me Stop Voting For Years

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My new weekly column entitled, “Why God Had Me Stop Voting For Years,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can sometimes read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Forgiveness, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prayer, spiritual warfare, World Net Daily, Writing

US Embassy: This Year In Jerusalem

The following article appeared as a guest column on World Net Daily two days ago:

US Embassy: This Year in Jerusalem

Exclusive: Larry Nevenhoven says God placed Trump in office for “such a time as this”

President Donald Trump repeatedly promised during his presidential campaign that if he were elected, he would move the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

His counselor, Kellyanne Conway, backed up Trump’s words last December in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, “That is a very big priority for the president-elect, Donald Trump. He made it pretty clear during the campaign…”

Vice President Mike Pence revived President Trump’s promise in March 2017 at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee convention in Washington DC, “After decades of simply talking about it, the president of the United States is giving serious consideration to moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

But is President Trump really a man who honors his promises or just another political hack, blowing smoke into the ears of Evangelical Christians and American Jews to garner their support?

The modern history of Jerusalem dates back to the armistice signed after Israel’s war of independence in 1948 when Jerusalem was partitioned into two parts. The western half of the city became part of Israel, while Jordan controlled the eastern half, along with the Old City. West Jerusalem became Israel’s capital with the nation’s executive, legislative, and judicial branches set up there.

This East-West partition remained in effect until Jordan attacked West Jerusalem on the second day of the Six-Day War in 1967. The bloody fighting ended with Israel capturing and annexing all of Jerusalem and the entire West Bank. The city has been unified under Israeli control since 1967.

In 1980, Israel passed a law stating Jerusalem was the “complete and united capital of Israel.” The United Nations declared Israel’s law was a violation of International Law and ruled it was null and void. The UN also called upon member nations to withdraw diplomatic missions from the city.

American politicians soon entered into the Jerusalem dispute with Bill Clinton and George W. Bush backing the moving of the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem during their respective presidential campaigns in 1992 and 2000. Both showed their true colors when they reneged on their promises as soon as they entered the White House.

In 1995, Congress joined the cause by passing a law, which declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and required the US embassy to move its offices to Jerusalem by 1999. Failure to comply would cause the US State Department to lose half of its budget. The law allowed presidents to waive its requirements for six months at a time if it was determined to be in our nation’s best interests. Clinton, Bush, and Obama have dutifully signed waivers every six months since the passing of the law.

President Trump will face his first six-month waiver deadline in June.

Now, there’s no doubt Trump is up to his hips in alligators as he attempts to drain the swamp in our nation’s capital. Obamacare, building a wall, sanctuary cities, immigration issues, judicial court overstepping, budgetary problems, job creation, and so forth are more than enough monsters for any administration to handle. Yet, let’s be honest about these issues, okay? Trump needs the help of Congress and the Senate for significant changes to occur with these issues. And there’s no guarantee this will ever happen in today’s political climate.

Even so, it’s my deepest belief that the Lord placed President Trump into the oval office for one main reason: moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. Has the Lord ever done something like this before?

“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

Over fifteen hundred years ago, the Lord set a Jewish girl named Esther into a leadership position as the Queen of Persia. She risked her reputation and life to fulfill her divine destiny by standing up for the Jews. Esther’s legacy still stands today as a shining example for government leaders to follow.

What are the legacies for the two presidents who defaulted on their promises to move the US embassy to Jerusalem? President Clinton is a convicted liar and President Bush is forever labeled with these words: “Bush lied and thousands died.”

It is tough to look in the rearview mirror to gauge the what-ifs of history, but let’s do it anyway. What might have happened if the two presidents had kept their promises about moving the US embassy to Jerusalem? It’s my opinion the Lord would have honored His promise in Psalm 122:6 by somehow covering their mistakes.

Clinton and Bush are forever cemented into their presidential legacies, but President Trump doesn’t have to make the same mistake that they did. He can honor his promise by moving the American embassy to Jerusalem now.

Let’s pray he does.

Larry Nevenhoven is a Christian author/businessman who has written over 1,400 articles on his Larry Who blog ( and published 13 eBooks on Amazon. His letters to editors have appeared in major newspapers from the LA Times to the Virginian Pilot with a dozen or so published on WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Israel, Jerusalem, Kingdom of God, Politics, President Trump, Prophecy, spiritual warfare