Monthly Archives: February 2018

Praying for our Schools (2/27/2018)

When will Christians wake up?

The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. (James 5:16 AMP)

Every community in America needs “religious nuts” like Lillian Meiners who will gather together to pray and fast for the students in their local schools. Whether these believers meet in churches, homes, schools or wherever doesn’t really matter because prayers will reach their targets from anywhere.

This does not mean laws and other things shouldn’t be changed, but prayer and fasting must be the foundation supporting everything else being done for the safety of America’s students. (From my article at WND which can be seen here.)

My prayer today:

Lord, pour out Your grace on American believers so they step into their ordained authority to pray a hedge around each neighborhood school and to stand in the gap before You for their schools’ protection. (Based on Proverbs 29:2 and Ezekiel 22:30

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for California.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, schools, spiritual warfare, Uncategorized

Inside Israel


The Shuk in Jerusalem


Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua. Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is —

Greetings, brothers and sisters IN HIM Who is our Peace and leads us by His Peace, the peace that passes all understanding and that is able to guard our hearts and minds. He IS The Prince of Peace!  May He, Yeshua h’meshiach, Jesus Christ, be glorified and blessed, and may you be edified and encouraged.

As you know I was able to return to work quite quickly and His Hand was tremendously evident in the outward healing from the surgery, for which I thank Him wholeheartedly. My absence from work reminded me of the depth of relationships that I have been able to form with the many patients, relationships that I could have never even imagined before this job, which were SO TOTALLY out of the range of any of my natural abilities twenty years ago.

Elana Levi came in and literally ran around the desk to grab and give me a strong, loving hug.  What a surprise!  Elana is 85 and not a particularly warm person, but over the past twenty years I have gotten to walk with her and her husband Yerimiyahu (Jeremiah) through some very serious events in their lives.  I would have never known them aside from this job opening the door for me, neither of them speak a word of English.  

“Hooray!!  You are back!” she yelled throwing her arms up in the air as she ran toward me.  “I prayed for you.  We missed you!”

That was voiced over and over and the warmth of the sincerity of the affection flooded me.  Shelly Beno, also in her 80s, shoved a bag into my hands containing a lovely blooming cactus. “We missed you,” she smiled.  She and her husband are originally from Turkey, and they returned there as Israeli ambassadors for years.

Then there was Tsvia, who brought soup to my home, carrying plates of sweet Kurdish pastry that she had made. “Just something sweet for you.” What expressions of love!

God’s ways and thoughts are so SO NOT mine. His are SO much higher and wiser.  I try to ‘\fix and plan and work through my own limited perspective and opinions and interpretations and yet HE WORKS.

Who would have thought that this new immigrant, having almost no Hebrew, 90 pounds at the time, having never worked in a front office, or in the medical profession or with computers, being a hermit by nature, running from stressful situations. For many years not even owning a telephone because of its intrusive qualities, living in rural Alaska for the quiet of it all. That was me twenty years ago!

It’s just a miracle!  HIS doing, HIS way, it has NOT been easy but I can only stand amazed and pray, “Get glory for Yourself Lord.”

And so, Mali (whom many of you have prayed for) has left working alongside me and her cousin Kinneret has taken her place as the secretary for Dr. Meshulam.  WHAT A STORY KINNERET HAS!  Oh yes, I ask for prayer for her.  She is a delightful, qualified, kind, gentle young woman.

No one would guess that she has 5 children between the ages of 2 and 16 and that her mother has been permanently institutionalized in a mental hospital since Kinneret was two.  With joy she described to me how her loving father raised her alone, an only child, and how happy her childhood was, but when she was just 14,  her father had a work accident and broke his neck.  Surgery was necessary but it left him totally paralyzed and in a coma for six months.

When he awoke he was moved to rehabilitation for six months, but at 15, Kinneret, who was now living ALONE, attending school daily, doing her homework at the hospital, taking care of herself, was told that she had to find a home for her 49-year old Dad who would not recover.  She told me how she visited all of the facilities and thought, “How can my young strong Abba sit all day with these Alzheimer geriatric patients?  His mind is so sharp and young…”

But she found him a place where one of the doctors would sit with him, writing the things that he said in books because he was so brilliant and deep. Kinneret loved him and continued doing her homework with him daily.  He died suddenly when she was 16 and then she was alone, but not for long.  She told me that she married her husband at that time, when she was 16 and that he was a lot older.

It wasn’t until I was thinking about her amazing story that it occurred to me that he was likely her father’s friend. So I asked her and yes, that was the case.  I am just getting to know Kinneret, but I KNOW that God put her with me for His purposes.  Surely this young woman has had quite a time thus far.  Perhaps you will pray for her, Mali’s cousin, and The Lord will open a door for me to share with her. NOT IN MY OWN STRENGTH, BUT IN HIS  NOT WITH MY WORDS, BUT WITH HIS?

The people who ride the train and bus with me in the morning are still there.  The bus driver greeted me with a warm smile having not seen me for three weeks.  Most assume that I was on vacation and that is fine with me.  There are three interesting Russian men whom I see most mornings on the train. They form quite an old world trio, sort of stereotypes.  They are all in their 60s I would guess.

The one whom I call the conductor is the intellectual.  Right out of a Russian movie, this dude is cool!  He dresses the part in his levis and corduroy jacket with leather patches on the elbows and sandals, summer and winter.  He leads the conversation. He is the lecturer.  Of course, I don’t speak Russian, but the tone is always revolutionary and intense.  His students carry their lunch in a bag.  One dresses conservatively and wears a knitted kippa (a skull cap that is crocheted…each different kind of kippa identifies partially the path of Judaism chosen).  He listens skeptically to the professor’s discourse and doesn’t often say “dah” or seem to agree.

The second student is a blue collar worker.  He also doesn’t say much but his expressions are openly skeptical.  The Conductor’ is never discouraged. He seems to know that he is superior and that it will take much patience for these countrymen to get it.  The scene repeats itself daily, just another little window into the varying cultures that surround me.

As I left work on Friday, a car stopped and called me over.  Another ex-Russian was inside but one that I love so dearly.  Avital Sharansky, the wife of Natan Sharansky.  (used to be ‘Anatoli’ when he was a refusnik imprisoned in the Siberian gulag for so many years and I used to pray for him and his wife by name as I picked berries on the tundra of Alaska…what a privilege to now be considered their friends!)  Avital is a woman of incredible courage, dignity and amazing compassion.  (Avital Sharansky  you can see her and read a bit about her by pressing on the link – and Natan Sharansky by pressing on this link)

Currently Natan has been leading The Jewish Agency and has held many important government seats.  He is a brilliant, kind, sensitive man. They are our patients.  And so I got another hug.

Alas, I wish that all of our encounters were so straight forward and loving.  Moshe Ma’iri seems like SUCH a lovely man with an Iranian and Yemenite background.  He visits his relatives in the cemetery daily.  There are just so many of them there and, well, they are all buried together, and his cousins come too. So they meet there every morning to honor their parents and have a coffee with each other.  Why not?  It’s good company.

I LIKE Moshe, but he isn’t honest.  Compounding the problem, he’s my husband’s landlord for the barber shop that has been my husband’s livelihood and place of social interaction for some 18 years.  We did not rent the shop from Moshe, but from his Mother, Malcha (now one of the cemetery residents).  Malcha and I became close friends and when she had a stroke she did let me pray for her in Yeshua’s name.

We were still in aliyah crisis when I saw the “for rent” sign on the shop that was to be my husband’s workplace.  We called and Malcha who did not speak any English, so she put her son Moshe on the phone. He came along to interpret  when we met a few minutes later.  I’ll never forget that meeting: The Lord was there!

Although I wasn’t SPEAKING much Hebrew yet, I DID understand what they were saying between one another.  We kept our side in English because my husband didn’t speak any Hebrew.  Moshe quoted us a price that was too high for us, but before we could say anything, his mother, looking deeply at my husband said in Hebrew, “Lower!  They can not pay that,” to us she just kept smiling.  He lowered it and she said, “Lower!” again.

I remember Moshe saying, “Ema! We can get much more for the shop!”’

She glared at him. “Moshe, this is a ben adam (a ‘real person…a good person).  We give it to them for lower.”

He sighed and we rented the shop.

Corruption charges are rocking the government at the highest levels.  YES there are political motives and filthy lies abounding, but there is also corruption, bribes, all of the degradation that tempts those with power and money.  I do not know THE TRUTH about all of the allegations.  I have my opinions.  We will NOT go there.  WE WILL PRAY AND PRAYING WE WILL ASK FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE AND TRUTH, NOT as man sees but as God sees.

As I daily read the prophets I shiver to see that these are no ancient books but current events.  That is NOT to say there are no just and God fearing in our midst or in our leadership.  It is to say that we are flesh and blood and need God’s mercy and the revelation of Who He Is!

In a quick nutshell: what is happening here?  There are HOT spots all around us.  The fighting in Syria is heated by serious presence of Iran, Russia and the USA.  Iran has been building weapons factories for Hisbollah right on our border. Things with Iran ARE HEATING UP!

Turkey is always brooding.  Egypt is currently all out in fighting against ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula, where they have gotten a huge stronghold. From there, they have been wrecking havoc upon Egyptians, particularly the Christians.  There have been several deadly tragic terrorist attacks here in our midst, leaving more tears and orphaned children and more cross border attacks from Gaza. More rhetoric…more hate…more more.  (and yes, we grieve with the tragic events in your countries as well, shaking so many of you.)

NONETHELESS, HERE I can report: children, even small children, still walk the streets alone in safety and 16 or 18 year olds will celebrate their birthdays with all of the passengers on the bus (with Jewish and Arab alike) by handing out candies or pretzels that we can all bless them.

 Below I do have LOCAL news links and a brief description.  I ‘bookmark’ these sites and usually check them daily.  I hope that these are helpful for you:

ISRAEL HAYOM  more right leaning…many excellent bright writers.

YNET NEWS  more left leaning (often quite anti govt.) but some up to date articles and insights.

JERUSALEM POST   written with an Anglo perspective

TIMES OF ISRAEL   well written, again, more left leaning

ARUTZ 7  right leaning, religious

INTERCESSORS FOR ISRAEL  this is our IFI site and the news insights are accurate

ISRAEL PRAYER CENTER   this is my Pastor’s site.  It is not often updated, but worth the read.

Again, I want to thank you for your prayers.  Like with many I hear from, there has been a struggle going on.  We have an enemy.  Currently I am dealing with a new level of deep fatigue that is nearly debilitating, although I set my will against it.  HE IS OUR STRENGTH, our wrestling is not against flesh and blood.  AND HE IS OUR PEACE.

We are again on our way to Purim and so soon after arrives Passover  I send you my love.  May we be found abiding in Him, lead forth by His Peace.


your sister J


Filed under America, Christians, Church, Israel, Jerusalem, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Schools Need More “Religious Nuts”

WND logo

My new weekly column entitled, “Schools Need More Religious Nuts,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can perhaps read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Commentary, Kingdom of God, spiritual warfare, World Net Daily, Writing

“Storming the Kingdom” is FREE Today on Amazon

Storming the Kingdom Cover

My book, Storming the Kingdom, is FREE on Amazon today through Sunday.

Amazon book description:

Ask most Christians about spiritual warfare and they will usually answer something like, “Well, you know, God is in control.”

If you then ask them to give examples of where God is in control, they will roll their eyes and say, “Everywhere. Don’t you know that?”

But is God really in control?

“We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19)

The truth is spiritual warfare began in the Garden of Eden and the battle rages on today between the Kingdom of God and kingdom of darkness. We are either willing participants or ignorant victims of this continuing war.

“There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.” (C. S. Lewis)

Storming the Kingdom is written in four parts, beginning with Part I : “The Kingdom of God.” This section explains the history of today’s spiritual warfare and our spiritual rights as sons and daughters of the King.

Parts II, III, and IV gives examples of spiritual warfare. Some are not very pretty, like the time a demon threw the author across the room and a devastating spiritual defeat in a city.

The book is written in an easy reading style with over one hundred and fifty footnotes to back up the author’s words.

Available on Amazon for Kindles and Kindle apps.


Filed under America, Books, Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prayer, Prophecy, Publishing, Self publishing, spiritual warfare, Writing

Prayers for America (2/22/2018)

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven…A time for war and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 8b)

If I could somehow confront every believer in a face-to-face manner, I would shout, “Wakeup! We’re at war with the kingdom of darkness. Let’s commit ourselves to doing whatever it takes to win.”

My prayer today:

Lord, open American believers’ eyes to the fact that we are not fighting flesh and blood adversaries, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. And that we can only win this war, using Your weapons, not ours. (Based on Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 10:4.)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America.



Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Intercession, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for California (2/20/2018)

The angel touched me with his hand after a few minutes.

“Look up again,” he said.

I stood up, obeying his command.

This time the spiritual darkness over the university cleared up enough so I could see through it. There, directly above Sather Tower, was a tarnished brass throne and sitting on the throne was a creature, which resembled a monstrous, grotesque gargoyle. It had an elongated, dragon-like face with horns next to its pointed ears, man-like arms with talons for hands, a scaly reptile-like main torso, and wolf-like hindquarters. A long tail wrapped itself around the being’s front paws.

I realized the spiritual murkiness over the campus originated from this creature. It controlled what looked like a tinted screen layer over the whole campus, which filtered out rays of light from the heavens above the screen.  The atmosphere below the screen was murkier and darker than the one above it. Not only was the creature filtering out light rays: it was also spewing out, in rapid AK-47 salvos, what looked like commands from its mouth to the ground below.

“What you’re seeing is the governing demonic principality over the University of California, Berkeley. It’s a religious one, and one of the gatekeepers mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 16:18. Now, look down,” he said, pointing to students walking along the sidewalks below us.

I watched various students crisscrossing the Campanile Esplanade on their way to classes. They looked normal, wearing typical college apparel. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. My spiritual eyes then kicked in, and what appeared normal in the natural realm was not so normal in the spiritual one.

Have you ever seen pictures of a flying dinosaur known as a pterodactyl? It has a long, slender head with a mouth of sharp teeth, scaly-like body, web-like wings, and talons for feet. This sort of resembles the creatures I saw, sitting on the shoulders of almost every student walking below me. Each creature was the size of a large crow and had wolf hair on its body and a slender rat’s tail. They constantly whispered into the ears of students while holding a wing over the students’ other ears. The creatures also defecated and vomited on the students so that each person dripped with slop and sewage. It was ghastly and I yearned to warn the students.

“Follow those two over there,” said the angel, pointing toward two guys.

I focused on the two students. They continued talking to each other as they walked into a free speech area where a street evangelist preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. Both stopped and listened. I watched the pterodactyl-like creatures use their beaks to snatch the seeds of the gospel out of the twosome’s hearts with swift surgeon-like precision. The two students walked away after a few minutes, none the better for their experiences.

I wanted to shout and warn everyone. Someone needed to do it. Why not me?

(Excerpt from Deceived Dead and Delivered by Larry Nevenhoven, © 2013, Amazon eBook)

The above is a fictional rendering of the spiritual realm over the University of California at Berkeley. Is it totally accurate? It is based on scriptures, but of course, I’ve used literary license to bring it to life.

The real reason I wrote Deceived Dead and Delivered was to open people’s eyes to spiritual warfare. Most believers have no clue about fighting the kingdom of darkness and because of this, we are losing battles we should win.

My prayer today:

Lord, remove the blinders from the eyes of California believers so that we can see how to fight spiritual battles against the kingdom of darkness. (Based on 2 Corinthians 4:4)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for California.


Filed under America, California, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

“Personal Prisons” in Black America

WND logo


My new weekly column entitled, “’Personal Prisons’ in Black America” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can perhaps read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND


Filed under America, black people, Christianity, Commentary, Forgiveness, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Race

“The Day LA Died” is FREE Today on Amazon!


My book, The Day LA Died, is FREE on Amazon today through Sunday.

Amazon book description:

“LA died today. Our nation’s worst fears since the destruction of the twin towers on September 11, 2001, have become a reality. At 3:33 p.m., Pacific Coast Time, a large nuclear bomb was detonated over Los Angles.” (Blake Parker, WNN TV News Anchor) 

Thirty-three years earlier, Luke Stoner made a vow, but does he still have to honor his promise now that the nuclear bomb has exploded in nearby LA? And what about his wife, Cat, and their teenage son, are they forced to buy into the same deal? Thousands of lives hang on Luke’s decisions and his vow.

Others ambushed by the tragic news coming out of LA include a newly elected President, a bitter ex-Navy SEAL, and a popular TV news anchor. All know the clock is ticking down for tens of thousands of people.

“Oh God, where are You? Can’t You help us? (Boomer Smith, ex-Navy SEAL) 

Any hopes for miracles? Not much. Even God may be too late for Southern California.

Powerful. Frightening. And yet, inspiring.

The Day LA Died is a fast paced novel sure to keep readers’ fingers turning pages until its surprise ending. This is the first in the Luke and Cat series of novels.

Available on Amazon for Kindles and Kindle apps.


Filed under Books, Christianity, Fiction, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, Literature, Prophecy, Publishing, Self publishing, spiritual warfare, Writing

Prayers for America (2/15/2018)

Today, Americans are saddened by yesterday’s murderous events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. It truly breaks my heart to know seventeen people died because of one tormented young man.

But I noticed something trending on Facebook and other sites which caused me to take a second look. The somethings people were posting were takeoffs from this article at Huffington Post: “People Sick of ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Demand Action.”

For thus says the LORD of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the LORD of hosts. (Haggai 2:6-7)

There is no doubt in my mind that God is shaking America.

This does not mean that God encouraged the young man to murder people yesterday because He did not. But because God is not the god of America or of this world, our prayerless lethargy and apathy bore its evil fruit of destruction at that school.

What should we do?

Should we seek God with fasting, prayers, weeping, and deep repentance on our parts or should we seek more government control over us in hopes politicians will somehow protect us.

We will either go one way or the other on this.

My prayer today:

Lord, help American believers to humble ourselves with fasting, and to pray and seek Your face and to turn from our wicked ways so that You will hear our voices in heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. (Based on 2 Chronicles 7:14)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Intercession, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for California (2/13/2018)

It looks to me like God has placed believers between a rock and a hard place on illegal immigration. On the one hand, we are called to love the stranger and feel compassion toward the needy.

What heart is not touched by a poor Mexican who has risked his life to cross the desert to America in order to provide a better life for his family. Most of us would do the same thing if we were in the same situation.

But with the decent illegal immigrants, America is also getting a mixture of terrorists, MS-13 gang members, and other criminals. Is this a good trade-off?

Then, on the other hand, California is in open rebellion against the Federal Government with its “sanctuary state” status. God hates rebellion!

How can this ever be handled in a godly manner?

My prayer today:

Lord, we do not know how to pray for California on the illegal immigration issue, but we trust that You know the answer. So, we put it in Your hands and trust in Your mercy.

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for California.


Filed under America, California, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Intercession, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare