Monthly Archives: August 2009

Swimming Upstream: “What Do You See For The Church 5 Years From Now?”

church2“I look to the future because that’s where I’m going to spend the rest of my life,” said George Burns (1896 – 1996).

Who can forget George Burns’  Oh, God! movie; it  was hilarious. But his witty quote about the future captures what we Christians should be planning and praying for:

as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations” in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Romans 4:17)

It does not take spiritual eyes to look at our present church scene and see problems galore. Division. Doctrinal disagreements. Political schisms. Gay rights. Abortion. Helping the poor. Racism. Etc. Etc. Etc.

What happens in the future depends on what we Christians do now, not on how we react when the future arrives. Our faith. Our prayers. Our actions. All of this determines what the church will be in the future.

So, what do you see for the church five years from now?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Do You Appreciate Your Enemies?”

enemiesOral Roberts once said, “Many of my friends tire me out and wear me down, but my enemies make me stronger. I need more enemies!”

Maybe, Roberts’ take on enemies is accurate. Maybe, we need to embrace our foes.

So, what do you think, should we appreciate our enemies? Our political ones? The enemies of our faith? Or whatever?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

No Shortcuts…Maybe or Maybe Not?


Dreams can be really weird, right? Well, a few days ago, I had a bizarre one.

In it, I was driving a sporty car, possibly a SAAB. It had a five speed manual transmission and plenty of horsepower.

I was driving the auto on a paved highway through what looked like a large parking lot. It seemed to be at a large airport, but not like any we have here in California (or probably anywhere else for that matter.) There were no ramps or fences or tollgates. Just lots of parked cars right off the highway, and rows of them as far as I could see on both sides of the highway.

Plus, there was lots of snow and ice everywhere. On the road. On the parked cars. On the parking lot.

As I drove down the highway, I stepped on the gas which caused me to spin out of control on some ice. I was going sideways, backward, forward and spinning around. I downshifted and did my best to dodge oncoming traffic and avoid the parked cars on the sides of the road.

Because everything was happening so fast, I had no time to panic or worry. I just reacted and was caught up in the action, weaving through possible mishaps.

Then, the auto straightened itself out and I resumed driving on the highway. Up ahead, I saw a stop sign and knew that I was going to take a right turn on a road which angled through some more parked cars off to the right.

As I approached the stop sign, I saw a snow-covered opening between some parked cars. It looked like a perfect shortcut which would save me a few seconds of time getting onto the next road.

I turned into the opening. Then, plop! The car fell into a snow pit. The top of my car’s roof was level with the pavement. I wasn’t hurt, but I realized this was going to take lots of time before I was back on the road again. In fact, I felt like I needed a heavy-duty crane to lift me out of the pit.

End of dream. I woke up.

Sadly, I did not pay a lot of attention to this dream. I just wrote a note to myself: don’t take shortcuts. But now, I have doubts about my conclusion on the dream and its interpretation.

So, help me out. What do you think the dream means and what’s the interpretation of it?

P.S. Don’t be bashful. Jump in and write something. This is a good way to exercise your gifts…and help me at the same time.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Has Christianity’s Involvement In Elections Been A Waste Of Time?”

so_many_right_wing_christians_so_few_lions_tshirt-p235165823330500205q3v3_400The Moral Majority was founded in 1979 by Jerry Falwell. It’s purpose was to mobilize Americans on campaign issues which were against traditional Christian values, such as abortion, homosexual rights, Equal Rights amendments, anti-family proposals and so forth.

Another group, Christian Coalition, founded in 1988 by Pat Robertson has taken up much of the slack from the disbanding of the Moral Majority. It is active on the same issues.

Add in Concerned Women for America (Beverly LaHaye), Focus on the Family (Dr. James Dobson), Eagle Forum (Phyllis Schlafly) and countless other groups,  and you have millions of dollars spent and millions of Christians involved.

So, has this heavy involvement by Christians in the election process been a waste of time and money?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys


Filed under Abortion, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “What’s On Your Bucket List?”


In the movie, The Bucket List, two terminally ill men write out on a sheet of paper a list of dreams and fantasies each would like to do before he kicks the bucket (or dies). Because one of the two men is wealthy, the two are able to live out their bucket lists’ dreams.

The two men leap from planes, drive race cars, eat caviar, motorcycle on the Great Wall of China, get tattoos, eat at a world famous restaurant and do other wild things before they kick the bucket.

Now, I have learned a long time ago that the Lord does not mind me enjoying myself while I walk on the earth. Yes, my citizenship is in heaven, yes I have a love for the church, yes I have a burden for the poor, but it’s okay to enjoy a fine meal or a movie or whatever. It’s just a matter of my wants and dreams being within His plans for my life.

So, what’s on your bucket list?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Do You Pray For President Obama?”

obama8The Apostle Paul wrote his letter, 1 Timothy,  in 63 AD. At the time, Nero had been the Roman Emperor for nine years; and yet, as blood thirsty and horrible as Nero was to the Christians, Paul penned the following:

I urge you first of all to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy on them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity.  This is good and pleases God our Savior, for He wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (1 Timothy 2: 1-4 NLT)

So, are you praying for mercy and giving thanks for President Barack Obama? Or is President Obama the exception to this scripture’s directives because of his stance on abortion, gay rights, Obamacare and so forth?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Do We Really Love Our Neighbors?”

neighborsAsk us Christians if we love our neighbors and you will instantly hear our rousing  knee-jerk response: “Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes and more.”

After all, we all know how Jesus summarized the Law by stating believers should love God and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

And who hasn’t heard the story of the Good Samaritan at least a thousand-zillion times ad infinitum.

We know all of this stuff; it’s Basic Christianity 101. Tickle our ears, give us something new, right?

But do we really love our neighbors?

This is a question I ask myself often. You see, for me, it’s easy to care about the poor and hurting in Asia and Africa or the inner cities of America or even the gays in San Francisco. These are burdens the Lord has placed on my heart.

But I struggle with loving the guy next door or the fellow down the street. After all, can’t I fulfill Jesus’ words by just tossing them a warm “howdy” every once in a while?

And yet, I’m wondering if my Christianity isn’t what the Apostle James termed dead faith.

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (James 2:17)

Do we really love our neighbors? If so, how far do we have to stretch out our love to them? With prayers? With fasting? With our pocketbooks? With our fellowship, even though we don’t like or agree with them? With hospitality? Where does this love end?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “What’s Wrong With The Sinner’s Prayer?”


Finishing his stirring salvation message, the evangelist pauses a moment. He looks at the crowd which is jam-packed into the large football stadium, and then says, “Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes.”

The crowd responds as a group.

“This is serious stuff folks because Jesus is knocking on the doors of our hearts,” whispers the evangelist into the microphone, “so I want everyone to keep their heads bowed and eyes closed and repeat this prayer after me.”

Again, he pauses a moment. The audience is quiet, only the cry of a small baby can be heard for a second or two in the top tier of seats. Then, the mother quiets the child.

“Repeat after me,” says the evangelist, “Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.  Take control of my life and make me whatever You want me to be from this point forward in my life. Amen.”

After a few moments, the evangelist says, “All those who have prayed this prayer for the first time – and have truly meant it – please come forward to this platform. We want to give you something and talk with you.”

Hundreds stand up and begin walking to the front of the stadium.

So, is there anything wrong with this type of evangelism? What about the sinner’s prayer, is there anything wrong with it? What do you think?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Are Baby Boomers At Fault For America’s Collapse?”

protestJohn Brokaw’s  book, The Greatest Generation, paid homage to my parents’ generation. These were the mothers and fathers who survived the Great Depression and fought WWII, ensuring the freedoms and comforts we have today.

Then, the Greatest Generation passed their torches to the next generation: the Baby Boomers.

Like me, the leading edge of the Boomers turned 21 years old in 1967, and then the same ones reached social security retirement age of 62 in 2008.

We Baby Boomers have been influenced by the Civil Rights Movement, John Kennedy, the Viet Nam War, Watergate, the Beatles, TV, technology, big homes, SUV’s and making piles of money.

So, if my parents’ generation is like Israel’s King Hezekiah, is my generation then like Hezekiah’s son, Manasseh? What do you think?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, Race, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Is Obama God’s Tool For Building A Praying Church?”

prayer 5

Something happened after September 11, 2001, something very different from what is happening now. Do you know what it was?

Out of fear for themselves, their family and their country, people flocked into churches to pray.

How long did this unusual phenomenon last? Until the fear passed. Then, it was back to normal ho-hum Christianity.

Eight years later, America is now led by a President who stated during his campaign over and over again, “I am a Christian who prays everyday to Jesus.” Not only that, President Obama often made visits to churches where he stood in a pulpit, quoted Bible verses and sounded like a Baptist preacher.

But now, after six months in office, President Obama seems to be opposing Christian virtues with his anti-Israel/pro-Palestine initiatives, his income redistribution, his Obamacare,  his greater emphasis on abortion and many other programs.

The church patronized is the church paralyzed, therefore, the church in peril. The church persecuted is therefore the church prayerful, and therefore powerful. (G. Campbell Morgan)

What do you think? Is President Obama a tool of God to get us Christians back on our knees praying? If so,  how long will it take before we get the message?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare