Monthly Archives: November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. May we all learn to live like the Apostle Paul learned how to live his life.

Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. (Philippians 4:11- 12 NLT)

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Filed under Christianity

Sometimes I Can’t Write Piffly Pooh!


Working with frustration is a key factor in turning our potential into something actual. I like frustrated people. They are one of the hopes of the Church. Most people are frustrated because they care about something. However, they have a distinct responsibility to the Holy Spirit to use their frustration for the correct purpose. It is sent to provoke them into intercession. They must allow the Holy Spirit to direct their frustration into meaningful prayer and waiting on God. In this way, by the Spirit, frustration is turned into passion, which releases the prophetic to empower people before God.

If people abuse their relationship with the Holy Spirit, their frustration is used by the flesh to sow discord, strife and division. They become a dissenting voice rather than a positive prophetic utterance. Frustration will reveal our true heart and release an impartation that is either negative and destructive, or positive and empowering.

…Frustration is sent to change us, to make us into the image of Jesus; that is cause and effect, stage one. Stage two occurs when we allow frustration to cause us to stand in the gap and intercede for others, the effect of which is a release of impartation that empowers and inspires. Stage three occurs only through the success of the first two stages. That is, we arrive at a place of trustworthy servanthood after having passed the test of unselfishness.

…Part of our frustration too is that we cannot see where our lives fit into the current circumstances unless they change…Be assured that the significant test in frustration is to determine whether we will sacrifice what is close to our own heart in order to serve God. Can we lay our desire and our hope for significance on the altar of God and trust in Him alone to fulfill it? (Permission Granted by Graham Cooke and Gary Goodell, Destiny Image Publishers, 2006, pp. 160-161)

I have been so frustrated the last two days and no matter what I have tried  through prayer or study has helped me one bit in writing.

But what’s really frustrating is that I know there is a prophetic stirring within me to write. Yet, I can’t write.

So, tonight, the Holy Spirit reminded me of Graham Cooke’s words about frustration. They help a little…but I’m still frustrated.


Filed under Christianity, Uncategorized