Category Archives: Christian Conservative

Lord, Help me Love Democrats (Part 6)


Few Christians have had as great an impact on their generation as Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer.” (The Francis Schaeffer Foundation)

To say Francis Schaeffer (1912 – 1984) has had a profound impact on American Christianity would be a massive understatement. Rev. Jerry Falwell, Rev. Pat Robertson, Dr. James Dobson, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Michelle Bachmann, Randall Terry, Ralph Reed, and thousands of other Christian leaders have been greatly influenced by the writings of Dr. Schaeffer.

Along with his wife Edith, the daughter of a missionary couple to China, Schaeffer pastored two churches in America and then moved to Switzerland to be a part of missionary group in 1948.

Dr. Schaeffer and Edith eventually founded L’Abri (French for shelter) in Switzerland in 1954, which helped fulfill the couple’s dream of working with young people. It was a unique combination retreat, commune, and seminary, without really being any of the three. It was at L’Abri that Schaeffer wrote his twenty-two books and followed his intellectual pursuits in art, music, science, and politics.

In the mid-1970’s, Dr. Schaeffer produced a film/video series and a book, entitled, How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture. He toured America and was enthusiastically received by Evangelical leaders. The video series encouraged Christians to become active in politics to stop abortion.

A second video series, Whatever Happened to the Human Race, and a book, The Christian Manifesto, cemented Dr. Francis Schaeffer as the guiding light for the entrance of Evangelicals into American politics. Schaeffer set the tone and agenda for today’s Christian Right.

Schaeffer’s books and videos are still used in Evangelical seminaries today.

Rev. Jerry Falwell embraced the writing and teachings of Dr. Francis Schaeffer. And because of that, Falwell arrived at the  the same wrong conclusions that Schaeffer did… that the entrance of Evangelical Christians into politics would remove abortion and other sinful practices from our nation.

Sadly, we’re still making the same mistakes today after almost forty years of going down the wrong road.

(Continued in Part 7)


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Has Christianity’s Involvement In Elections Been A Waste Of Time?”

so_many_right_wing_christians_so_few_lions_tshirt-p235165823330500205q3v3_400The Moral Majority was founded in 1979 by Jerry Falwell. It’s purpose was to mobilize Americans on campaign issues which were against traditional Christian values, such as abortion, homosexual rights, Equal Rights amendments, anti-family proposals and so forth.

Another group, Christian Coalition, founded in 1988 by Pat Robertson has taken up much of the slack from the disbanding of the Moral Majority. It is active on the same issues.

Add in Concerned Women for America (Beverly LaHaye), Focus on the Family (Dr. James Dobson), Eagle Forum (Phyllis Schlafly) and countless other groups,  and you have millions of dollars spent and millions of Christians involved.

So, has this heavy involvement by Christians in the election process been a waste of time and money?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys


Filed under Abortion, Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Do You Pray For President Obama?”

obama8The Apostle Paul wrote his letter, 1 Timothy,  in 63 AD. At the time, Nero had been the Roman Emperor for nine years; and yet, as blood thirsty and horrible as Nero was to the Christians, Paul penned the following:

I urge you first of all to pray for all people. As you make your requests, plead for God’s mercy on them, and give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in godliness and dignity.  This is good and pleases God our Savior, for He wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (1 Timothy 2: 1-4 NLT)

So, are you praying for mercy and giving thanks for President Barack Obama? Or is President Obama the exception to this scripture’s directives because of his stance on abortion, gay rights, Obamacare and so forth?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare

Swimming Upstream: “Sometimes The Lord Is Quiet…So Just Wait”

Right now, in my life, the Lord is quiet. Very quiet.

I don’t think it’s a sin problem on my part; or that it’s a lack of my seeking Him. How can I be sure, right? I have peace in my spirit; there is no churning restlessness within me. Just peace.

Why is the Lord quiet? Over the years, I have learned that when He is quiet, He is about to do something in my life. Maybe change or rearrange something within me. His quietness is sort of like the still before a storm.

Does this mean my life is in perfect shape … with no problems? Oh heavens no! Everything is up in the air. There are loose ends all over the place. Disaster awaits us just ahead if He doesn’t answer our prayers, but what’s new, right?

And yet, He is quiet.

So, what do I do?

Be still, and know that I am God… (Psalm 46:10)

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

Swimming Upstream: “What About The Apostle Peter’s Wife?”

What do you think the Apostle Peter’s wife said when he came home and told her he was dropping everything and following a man named Jesus?

Maybe, something like: “Are you nuts? What about the fishing business? Who is going to run it? And what about my mother? And me? You can’t be serious, right? We’ll starve, won’t we?”

Now, we Christians read scripture and gloss over facts without ever putting our brains in gear. We just assume the Prince of Peace waved His magic wand over Peter’s household and everything fell in place. All nice, neat and tidy. Right?

Maybe, when Jesus healed her mother (Mark 1:30-31), it helped convince Peter’s wife. And also, the other healings at Peter’s house that evening (Mark 1: 32-33) probably helped some, too.

But my guess is that Peter and his wife struggled with his apostolic calling.  As in STRUGGLED!!

After all, they were humans just like us, and guess what? We humans who are married struggle with whatever calling the Lord has placed on us versus what our mates expect from us.

Jump to the back of the book of Mark to where Peter denied Jesus (Mark 14:72). Try to imagine how Peter’s wife handled the Crucifixion and Peter’s self-destruction.

Maybe, she said things like, “I told you so. Didn’t I? But no, you wouldn’t listen, would you? You believed everything He said, didn’t you? Now, look at yourself!”

But out of all their possible struggles over Peter’s apostolic calling, we can eventually be encouraged:

Do we have no right to take along a believing wife, as do the other apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas? (1 Cor. 9:5)

Peter’s wife joined him in his apostolic ministry.

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

Swimming Upstream: “Who’s True Confessions!”


Okay. Okay. So you want the truth, huh? We’ll, it ain’t pretty, but here it is:

You see, I’ve been a pizza delivery driver for the last eighteen months. That’s right!

I know. I know. My about states I am a businessman, real estate agent, dreamer and more. And also, my web site lists a bunch of glamorous sounding jobs that I’ve held in the past. Repeat: the past.

But right now, I’m a pizza delivery driver. Period.

And you might as well know the whole truth, okay? That is, if you can handle it.

I don’t listen to Hillsong Worship music while I’m driving my truck on pizza deliveries. In fact, no Christian music at all.

“Oh no!” you are probably ranting at this very moment. “What pagan stuff do you listen to on your MP3?”

Sarah Brightman, Andrea Bocelli, Yo Yo Ma, Sissel, il Divo, Irish Tenors, Mario Frangoulis, Placido Domingo…and a smidge (an itsy-bitsy smidge) of Bob Seger (Like a Rock), Neil Diamond (Pretty Amazing Grace) and Allison Krause (Gone, Gone, Gone).

There you have it. Whew! I feel better. What about you?

And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

Swimming Upstream: “New Davids Replacing Old Sauls”

Did you know David was King Saul’s armorbearer before David fought Goliath?

So David came to Saul and stood before him. And he loved him greatly, and he became his armorbearer. (1 Samuel 16:21)

Not only did David strum his harp for Saul when the king was distressed, but David was also Saul’s personal servant or amorbearer. Now, this brings up an interesting question?

How come King Saul loved David when the lad was a peon, but hated David when he became a national hero?

In 1 Samuel 9:2, it states that Saul was the most handsome and tallest man in all of Israel. He looked good! He looked like a warrior! He probably even had a deep, booming voice!

And yet, when it was Saul’s duty to fight Goliath on the battlefield, he cowered and stayed away, and allowed a fifteen-year old youth to be his combat substitute.

Then afterward, how did  Saul treat the victorious hero?

So Saul eyed David from that day forward. And it happened on the next day that the distressing spirit came upon Saul…So David played music with his hand, as at other times, but there was a spear in Saul’s hand. And Saul cast the spear, for he said, “I will pin David to the wall with it”…(1 Samuel 18:9-11)

So, how is this relevant for us today?

Every David that the Lord is raising up to fight the Goliaths who are ruling over cities, inner cities and  regions in America needs to remember spiritual truths do not change.They remain the same down through history.

So, these Davids (spiritual warriors) should expect to  fight  principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts (Eph. 6:12), as well as taking on the Sauls of our generation at the same time. Many of these Sauls will be respected church leaders.

Sounds exciting, right?

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

Swimming Upstream: “”Here’s The Rest of the Story”

I grew up listening to Paul Harvey on WLS Radio every morning before I went to school. So, borrowing on his theme, this article tells The Rest of The Story for my Mother’s Day article:

A week before Officer Fred Cannon stopped Mom for speeding, a confrontation between him and her had occurred in his office at the town jail. The occasion? Three other boys and myself were accused of overturning an outhouse on Halloween.

You have to understand that this scene did not take place in an interrogation room at LAPD with a good-cop, bad-cop routine attempting to break apart a gangbanger’s alibi. It took place in a small, stuffy police office in the middle of a town with a population of 1,150 people.

The accused – us four boys – sat on wooden chairs lined up in front of Officer Cannon’s desk. Our parents stood directly behind us. Cannon sat in a swivel chair behind his desk. A bright light shone over his left shoulder into our faces. No other lights were on.

Cannon laid out our despicable crime to everybody. He summed up by adding, “I know these boys are seniors in high school. They have high hopes of  playing basketball on the school team this winter. But who knows? A crime like this could make them ineligible. What do you parents think?”

“Officer Cannon, whatever you decide, I’ll back you,” said one parent. Two other sets of parents nodded in agreement.

Cannon turned toward my parents. “What about the Nevenhoven’s?”

Mom glared at him. “Freddie, this is so stupid. I don’t really care what you do. We’re going square dancing!”

Mom and Dad turned around and left. The door slammed behind them.

The other three sets of parents began laughing. The  accused – including me – laughed so hard we almost fall out of our chairs. The meeting ended moments later.

So,where’s the scriptural principle in all of this, right?

A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word. (Proverbs 15:23)

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, humor, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, morality, mother, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

Swimming Upstream: “Ouch!That hurts!”

There are times when God’s words do not comfort [us], they sting! This is because we want God on our side. However, He has no side but His own! To be truly comforted, we must see our situation from God’s angle. Comfort will come not by understanding God’s perspective, but by adjusting to it. Real comfort comes through submission. (Graham Cooke, Permission Granted)

Ouch! That hurts!

Swimming Upstream appears at this blog site on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s  a little of this and a little of that, all written  to encourage and exhort believers in their Christian journeys.

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Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality

Where’s America’s Most Important Church Located?

Christ Church Stellarton

Is America’s most important church located in Lake Forest, California? At Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church.

Or in Houston? At Pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church.

Or how about South Barrington, Illinois? At Pastor Bill Hybel’s Willow Creek Church.

Or maybe it’s your personal church where you go an hour or two each week to hear a sermon that may change your life?

No. No. No. No to all of the above.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:31-32)

The most important church in America is your home … with you and your spouse as the main members.

So, is your home a house of prayer?


Filed under Christian Conservative, Christianity, Christians, Church, church planting, Emergent Church, Faith, Gifts of the Spirit, God, grace, Home Church, Inspirational, jesus, Kingdom of God, morality, Prayer, Prophecy, Red Letter Christians, reformation, Religion, spiritual warfare, Spirituality