Monthly Archives: December 2017

Your Choice: God or Government Ice Cream?

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My new weekly column entitled, “Your Choice: God or Government Ice Cream” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can sometimes read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Kingdom of God, Prayer, World Net Daily, Writing

Why Trump Shouldn’t Worry About a Gnat Like Mueller

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My new weekly column entitled, “Why Trump Shouldn’t Worry About a Gnat Like Mueller,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can sometimes read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.

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Filed under America, Christianity, Politics, Prophecy

Why God Had Me Stop Voting For Years

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My new weekly column entitled, “Why God Had Me Stop Voting For Years,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can sometimes read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.


Filed under America, Christianity, Forgiveness, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Politics, Prayer, spiritual warfare, World Net Daily, Writing

Year End Sabbatical

dolly tree

I will be taking a break from blogging, except for announcing my WND columns, until the first week in January.

May grace and peace be multiplied to you and your household this holiday season.


Filed under Christmas

Prayers for Soon Coming Calamities in America (12/12/2017)

We should do our best to prepare ourselves ahead of time by storing up water, canned goods, and other supplies in anticipation of future calamities. Yet, no matter what we do, we will never have enough.

We will always need God and His provision to help us survive any calamities.

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one. (Matthew 6:9:13)

The Lord’s prayer shows us how to receive God’s provision in good times or bad. We must walk in love, asking forgiveness from God and others and then forgiving others of their offenses against us.

My prayer today:

Lord, send the Holy Spirit and convict American believers now of any unforgiveness toward others, which might hinder our prayers today or when a calamity hits. (Based on Matthew 6:14-15)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for American believers’ eyes to be opened to future calamities.


Filed under America, Calamities, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Will God ‘Show Up’ in Masterpiece Cakeshop Case?

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My new weekly column entitled, Will God ‘Show Up’ in Masterpiece Cakeshop Case,” can be read by clicking here.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can sometimes read it better by using the Chrome browser rather than Safari. Also, you can go to the app store and download a free app called: WND.



Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gay, Homosexual, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, same-sex marriage, spiritual warfare

Prayers for America (12/7/2017)


I was an agnostic without any redeeming virtue in me before Jesus saved me on May 20, 1985. But I had one thing going for me:

The first time I heard the term “religious nut” was in the 1950’s when my mom spit those words out of her mouth. It happened when we shopped at Meiners’ Grocery Store in Forreston, Illinois. Mom picked a few items off the shelves and carried them up to the checkout. Lillian Meiners, the cashier, attempted to talk about the Lord to Mom while totaling the purchases on the cash register. It was a one-sided conversation with Mom saying nothing.

“She’s a religious nut!” Mom proclaimed as we walked to our 1955 Pontiac, parked outside the door.

From that day forward, Lillian Meiners personified a religious nut to me. I would often see her and when I did, Mom’s words popped into my mind. Lillian never knew my true feelings about her. It was one of those inner character assassinations I never spoke aloud to anyone.

Lillian’s name was filed on a forgotten corner shelf of my mind until late 1985. It would still be there covered with layers of dust and cobwebs except for the question I asked the Lord one morning during prayer.

“Jesus, why did you save me?”

A clear voice whispered to my heart.

“Because of Lillian Meiners’ prayers for you.”

His words shocked me, but a few years later, I talked with her pastor, Rev. Orin Graff. He told me Lillian was a diligent prayer warrior for kids who attended Bible Camp.

The first saint I am going to hug upon my arrival in heaven will be Lillian Meiners. I want to thank her for faithfully praying for an agnostic who always thought she was a religious nut. We can have a good laugh about my ignorance and how Jesus set me straight. (Excerpt from my memoir, The Hunt for Larry Who, by Larry Nevenhoven, © 2014, Amazon eBook)

The news is filled with the names of men who are accused of sex scandals. Instead of throwing rocks at them, let’s pray for them. Who knows? Maybe one day, they will thank us in heaven.

My prayer today:

Lord, I ask that You send Your light and truth to each of these accused men. Let Your light and truth lead them to You. (Based on Psalm 43:3)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Forgiveness, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Prayers for Soon Coming Calamities in America (12/5/2017)

Preppers – at least, smart preppers – aren’t preparing for a zombie apocalypse. They’re preparing for life with physical insurance. Take it from me, you don’t appreciate how much you depend on full grocery stores and available utilities until they’re not there.

If the power goes out due to a bad storm, don’t think “God will provide” you with food, water and a heated shelter. It won’t be God; it will be your neighbors or the government – neither of which holds deistic status.

I dare anyone who has lived through a natural disaster to explain to me why they’re glad they had no food, water, or heat for an extended period of time. Come on, let’s hear it.

People, get off your lazy duffs. God provides eternal salvation, but He doesn’t magically fill your empty cupboards each night or keep your house warm during a power outage. That’s up to you. Now get busy. (Why Do People Scoff At Preppers by Patrice Lewis, a weekly columnist at WND and a writer with a great blog, which can be read here.)

I feel the Bible is balanced on the subject of preparing ourselves for future calamities. On the one hand, it tells us to store up what we can and on the other hand, it tells us to trust in the Lord. So, let’s be wise and do both.

My prayer today:

Lord, help us to get off our lazy duffs and do what we can now to prepare us for future calamities in America.

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for American believers’ eyes to be opened to future calamities.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prepping, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel


The Shuk in Jerusalem

Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua. Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is —

Greetings, DEAREST Sisters and Brothers in Yeshua, King of kings and Lord of lords.  May HE be glorified and blessed and may you be blessed and encouraged.

I road to the airport with our oldest daughter for a bittersweet parting following a very short but wonderful five day visit. On the way to the airport the sheroot (ten seater van) was full of talkative Israelis, Hebrew flowing back and forth.

Now the return trip was carrying tourists, mostly first-timers, up to Jerusalem.  I dozed on and off, hugging my daughter in my mind while listening to the hum of English and German and the driver’s radio droning on in Hebrew.  I listened to the comments and questions that the visitors. Suddenly I picked up the words on the radio … discussions, interviews, dates…1967, 1973, 1976, 1954. My ears tuned in.

There was a discussion going on about our history: the wars, attacks, and events.  As we drove past the farms and forests I began to pray for the land and for the visitors. There is just so MUCH history here, line upon line, event upon event. It becomes way too hard to even begin to explain, to share with newbie’s.  We passed the tank- sentinel memorials to the War of Independence and the battles for Jerusalem.  We passed the huge cemetery high on a hill coming into Jerusalem, but they were looking out of the other window, snapping photos of a large group of ultra orthodox waiting for a bus.

“How much will they understand, Lord?” I prayed.  “Open their eyes, and the understanding of their hearts.  Give them divine appointments. Give them discernment, concerning both facts and Truth and guard this Your land where You chose to reveal Yourself.”

I thought about how the recent history of our nation was being proclaimed on the radio at that very moment, but in a language that was not understood by those who did not know this land that were visiting.  It crossed my mind to take over and give them an unasked for tour and history lesson, but I was so tired. It wasn’t HIS Spirit pressing me, but my own thoughts. So I sat and prayed.


My thoughts turned to our borders: the events heating up on all of them, on the BDS movement, on the destruction of housing in Judea and Samaria, the tunnels being built under the border from Gaza into Israel, the huge Isis attack in Egyptian Sinai, Iran on our Northern border in Lebanon, and so forth. Did you know about the tunnel that Israel destroyed from Gaza into Israel and about Israel attacking Iranian bases in Syria…

I often get the impression that most of you keep up with Israeli news and don’t need to hear any of it from me.  Indeed, some of you are better versed than I am concerning our history, geography and current events.   But then I receive emails and input from MANY others who say that they don’t find a source that they can depend upon, and ask many good questions. I’m sharing this section for you.

It would SEEM as if the apparent ending of the awful, heart wrenching Syrian war would be a good thing for Israel and none of us dare say that it isn’t. We ALL want peace and grieve because of the bloodshed.  IN FACT, I was surprised to find out how MANY people don’t know about the thousands of Syrians that have been treated in Israeli hospitals through an fascinating network. It has been nothing but miraculous, as our two countries are still in a declared state of war and have no diplomatic ties.

It began with desperate Syrians approaching the border fence under cover of darkness with their wounded children. Israeli soldiers take the injured to our hospitals and bring them back when they are well.  It has grown to include adults, pregnant women, the ill, and so forth. Soon provision were being sent from here to there. WHO?  We have never asked.  People needed help…we helped.

I stand to testify that this is what Israelis do.  Silently, secretly, the stream got surprisingly wide: the results even more surprisingly.  Over and over Syrians said, “We have always been told that Israelis are our worst enemy, the cruelest ones on earth, but we see that we have been taught lies…” In the midst of this awful conflict something amazing has been taking place, face to face and one on one.

In the mean time, Iran (Syria’s ally, Biblical Persia with the avowed goal of our destruction) has been building huge military bases on our northern border, within our sight.  This is quite a dilemma: ISIS fighting on one side and Iran on the other, both in pursuit of our total destruction.  While other nations joined forces to defeat the awful foe ISIS in the Iraqi/Syrian area, they unwittingly became enablers of Iran, a VERY smart country historically, ancient and part of the Biblical scheme.  It is painful to admit that while they were all fighting one another, we were relatively safe.  They are poised to turn their attentions toward Jerusalem – the prize.

Another result of the defeat of ISIS to the north of us is that ISIS has scattered, splintered, and of course, used the Internet to recruit.  Egypt, directly on our Southern border, is experiencing awful waves of attacks, mainly in the Sinai (the area that we returned to them). The last mosque attack just 2 weeks ago killed at least 300 people.  These violent militant groups are spreading across our southern border, to the loud applause of the people of Gaza.

GAZA!  How interesting it is to read the Biblical thread strung by Gaza throughout the scriptures.  So the world applauded the peace between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (Abbas’ Fatach party, recognized by the west) and militant Hamas so that restrictions upon Gaza could be lifted.  BUT THERE IS A PROBLEM.  Hamas has not changed

A TUNNEL was destroyed.  It was a tunnel being dug from Gaza into the Nation of Israel under the border into a border village. It was to exit under a kindergarten in Israel.  These tunnels into Israel serve ONE purpose only: to murder and kidnap.  Israel has developed a method of detecting and destroying these tunnels. There were 12 engineers in the tunnel at the time of this one’s destruction, whose bodies were on our side of the border.  Some of these engineers were higher ups in the terror network.  The ire of Gaza was released against Israel because we would NOT return these bodies for an honorable burial.

You MAY remember that Gaza has held the bodies of Lt. Hadar Goldin and Staff Sergeant Oron Shaul since the last war with Gaza, leaving their families anguished.  They also are holding 2 mentally challenged Israelis, one of Ethiopian descent, Avraham Mengistu, and a Bedouin man, both of who crossed into Gaza of their own accord during the conflict.  They are presumed alive, but we don’t know.  Israel has been trying to bring about their release to no avail, and now this cry went up from the Palestinian leadership, “See how inhumane these Israelis are? First they dare to blow up our tunnel and now they refuse to release our poor murdered sons.”

If it were not true, it would be laughable, but there is much support from the international community for these claims.

To our East there is much talk about our relations with Saudi Arabia and other nations who recognize the threat of Iran, but I have lived here long enough, and actually LIVED long enough to learn that where there is much talk, there is much speculation and TRUTH is a rare occurrence. So I will not comment.

I share these things with you – the events here often sound fearsome – but as believers here we are NOT AFRAID!  His promises are real bread and there simply IS no fear where perfect love exists.  His grace IS sufficient, so I hope that my sharing of the events around us does not leave you with any feeling that we are in fear.  GOD IS FAITHFUL and we believe HIM.  Period.

May we each be ones who refresh each other’s spirit.  May we be empty vessels, so easily broken that His Torch may burn brightly to those sitting in darkness. May the horn we blow be only HIS and may HE RECEIVE ALL OF THE GLORY!


your sis J


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Israel, Jerusalem, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

The New Weekly Columnist at WND Is Me


Somehow, I stumbled upon WND thirteen years ago. I immediately bookmarked the website and have been a regular reader ever since. Over the years, it has become my go-to website for news and commentary. I truly believe it’s the best!

Joseph Farah, CEO and Founder, is a godly man who loves Jesus, America, and Israel. His commentary is a must-read for me every morning. If you have not read any of his commentaries, check them out.

The other weekly columnists are some of the best in the news industry. I enjoy them all and love how they stretch my views on various subjects.

Today, my first weekly column appears on WND. You can read it here.


Filed under America, Commentary, World Net Daily, Writing