Monthly Archives: February 2015

What If We Ate A Few Less Cookies This Year?



It’s one of those chilly evenings in February. You are watching television when the doorbell rings. You hit pause on the remote and walk to the front door, expecting to see the neighbor’s daughter selling Girl Scout Cookies. But instead of a girl pulling a red wagon filled with overpriced cookies, you are confronted by eleven million abandoned Indian children. Each child has a hand out, begging for help. Each looks desperate and malnourished. You blink your eyes and hope the nightmare scene in front of you will change.

I know. I know. This is unrealistic and will never happen on our front porches.

Yet, the fact remains that there are eleven million abandoned children between the ages of 4 years and eleven years of age on the streets of India. Most are abandoned by parents who can’t afford to feed them. These children don’t have the option of blinking their eyes and hoping their nightmares will end because they won’t…unless we decide to help them.

How can we help?

By sponsoring a child through Gospel For Asia’s Bridge of Hope program for only $30 per month. Gospel For Asia has helped 72,000 children so far and hopes to sponsor 500,000 children in the near future.

Maybe we could eat a few less cookies this year and help Gospel For Asia reach its goal one child sooner.


Filed under 10/40 Window, Christianity, Gospel For Asia, India, Poverty, Prayer

What’s Our First Response? (Part 2)

Untergang der Titanic ("Sinking of the Titanic") by Willy Stöwer, 1912

Untergang der Titanic (“Sinking of the Titanic”) by Willy Stöwer, 1912

When I wrote Part 1, my thinking was that the answer to the question – What’s my first response – would be to pray. But after reading the comments on Part 1 and upon further reflection, prayer may not be the best answer for us at the precise moment that calamity ambushes our lives.


Let’s say, our ship is rapidly sinking in the midst of the ocean or a tsunami is staring us in the face or an epic earthquake strikes our homes, are we really going to take the time to pray? Probably not. Every second may be the difference between living and dying. We will need to react without thinking.

How can we do that?

“It is better to live ready than to get ready!” (Smith Wigglesworth)

To Wigglesworth, living ready meant spending time with the Lord and His Spirit in prayer and studying the Word on a daily basis. Wigglesworth then expected the Holy Spirit to lead him in every situation – expected or unexpected.

Is this scriptural?

One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. (Luke 6:12 NLT)

The next few verses reveal that Jesus called all of His followers together for a meeting. There He chose twelve men to be His inner group or apostles. Now, do you really think He interviewed the whole group to find the best men? No, of course not. Jesus lived ready and was the Son of God. The Holy Spirit then led Him to choose Peter, Andrew, John, James, and the rest of the apostles.

What about us believers?

For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. (Romans 8:14)

The secret to being led by the Holy Spirit is to follow Jesus’ example, and in the words of Smith Wigglesworth, “living ready at all times.” To do this, we need to spend time in prayer and study the Bible on a regular basis.

So, what is my answer to the question: “What’s my first response?”

I don’t know right now, but I will know at the time because I live ready and expect the Holy Spirit to lead me if calamity strikes. As for now, I will walk in peace, trusting the One who can see my future before it happens.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Prayer, spiritual warfare

What’s Our First Response? (Part 1)

Untergang der Titanic ("Sinking of the Titanic") by Willy Stöwer, 1912

Untergang der Titanic (“Sinking of the Titanic”) by Willy Stöwer, 1912

In her article, “The Simple Secret to Surviving Any Crisis or How to Prevent Paralysis During an Emergency,” Patricia Lewis quoted military survival instructor, Dr. John Leach, on how we can prepare ourselves ahead of time:

“All you have to do is ask yourself one question – if something happens, what is my first response? Once you can answer that, everything else will fall into place. It’s that simple.”

Lewis also quoted Dr. Leach’s research on survivors and victims from dozens of life-threatening disasters from around the world:

“… around 75 percent of people are so bewildered by the situation that they are unable to think clearly or plot their escape. They become mentally paralyzed. Just 15 percent of people on average manage to remain calm and rational enough to make decisions that could save their lives. The remaining 10 percent are plain dangerous: They freak out and hinder the survival chances of everyone else.”

Why do 75% of the people in life-threatening calamities freeze and become mentally paralyzed?

Today, most Americans have the attitude that someone will take care of them and therefore they have nothing to worry about. They’ve lost the courage to think for themselves, so they put their lives into the hands of others. This propensity starts young, when schoolchildren are taught to accept without question whatever is the current government line, rather than learn independent thinking skills. As adults, we specialize in denial unless told otherwise. (Patricia Lewis)

I read this article three times before it dawned on me: most of us Christians belong under the 75% heading of victims who will be bewildered and freeze in almost every crisis. We may even fall under the 10% grouping that will freak out and hinder others in their chances for survival.


Well, what do we Christians really know?

For sure, we know how to sit in pews.  Stand when told to stand.  Sit when told to sit. Sing when told to sing. Throw a check into an offering plate when told to give. Say “Amen” when told to respond to a sermon.  And leave all decisions in the hands of the paid professionals – the clergy.

This is not biblical discipleship because we are not equipped, not built up, not walking in the unity of the faith or the knowledge of the Son of God and in His fullness.

So, what can we do?

Each of us needs to ask himself, “If something happens, what will be my first response?”

Then, we need to come up with the right answer for ourselves now.

(Continued in Part 2)


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

I Hear Asia Calling


For the last six months, I have been fasting and praying one day a week for the nations where Christians are suffering the worst persecution. I used Open Doors’ World Watch List to chart my course, beginning with North Korea on 9/5/2014 and then India last Tuesday.

My plan was to continue down the World Watch List for the rest of 2015, but my Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation changed my mind. When I read about India, it dawned on me: India and the rest of Asia hold major parts of my heart.

Therefore, beginning with Tuesday, March 3, 2015, I will be fasting and praying for India and one other nation in Asia each Tuesday.

Why am I waiting until March 3rd to make a change? I will be taking a short vacation this Tuesday through Thursday.


Filed under Kingdom of God

To Listen or Not to Listen to Prophecy…That’s the Question (Part 6)



With our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection, He made the Old Covenant obsolete.

With this, we no longer need to appoint a high priest to go into the Holy of Holies to offer gifts and sacrifices for our sins. Jesus is our High Priest forever and His blood has cleansed us from all our sins. We also no longer need a Temple because we are His living temples and His Spirit dwells in us.

Thus, the ministry of the New Testament prophet has changed dramatically from that of the Old Testament prophet.

First: the New Testament prophet is still a mouthpiece for the Lord, but he no longer is the Lone Ranger galloping into town on a white horse ready to speak the word of the Lord to people. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, all believers can prophesy and are encouraged to do so.

Second: Prophecies spoken by a prophet (or a believer) are not to be accepted as prophetic words straight from the throne of God without being judged first by other believers. We judge prophecies by checking scripture and our inner spirits.

Third: A prophet or believer can no longer burst onto a scene, like a church, and prophesy. Everything has to be done decently and in order. Thus, the Holy Spirit has to make a way for the person to prophesy.

Fourth: If a prophet or a believer makes an error in his (or her) prophecy, he is to humble himself and ask forgiveness. Believers are to forgive him as the Lord has forgiven them.

Fifth: Prophets are still held accountable for prophesying words of warning and the full counsel of the Lord, but the sting of failing to do so has been removed at the cross.

The one thing that has stayed the same is that prophets or believers who prophesy may suffer afflictions, even severe ones.

Okay, what can we do to encourage believers to prophesy?

(Continued in Part 7)


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Thursday’s Prayers for America (2/19/2015)



 “Deception lasts until the faith for the deception is all used up.” (Francis Frangipane)

Last week, Chris Hayes, a news anchor, stated, “Global warming is the single most important thing we face.” He further added, “A 100 years from now, people will look back and be like, ‘How did they talk about anything else, ever?’  Like, didn’t they understand they were sitting tied to train tracks with a train coming?”

Hayes uttered his statement only a few hours before ISIS beheaded 21 Christians.

I assume that Haye’s faith for believing “global warming is the single most important problem” would have been all used up if he would have been the twenty-second prisoner bowing down in front of an ISIS terrorist on the beach that day.

Today, I prayed:

Lord, help us Americans to refocus our priorities so that we continuously walk in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. (Based on Acts 9:31)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you?

Join with me on Thursdays to fast and pray for America.

Click on to see MyGFA site.

Click on to see MyGFA site.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Fasting, Kingdom of God, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Tuesday’s Prayers for Prisoners (2/17/2015)

Each Tuesday I pray and fast for nations where Christians suffer the worst persecution around the world. This week I am praying and fasting for:

India. 1.3 billion people with 59 million Christians.

The oppressive caste system is blocking social mobility. Economic wealth is unevenly distributed. A new Hindu government (in power since May 2014 and led by Hindu hardliner Narendra Modi) is radicalizing society. All traditions of Christianity are affected by persecution in India, but Christian converts from a Hindu background and non-traditional Protestant groups are suffering most. At the top level the influence of fundamentalist Hindus has increased. Hindu radicals have started monitoring Christian activity in much detail. Many of them have planted spies in churches. Reports on pastors and church members beaten because of allegations of conversion are frequent; sometimes Christians are even killed. (World Watch List)

Prayer Points for India:

  • For Christian converts to stand strong against those who are trying to force a return to Hinduism
  • That hatred against Christians instigated by radical political parties may end
  • That the new government of Narendra Modi will give Christians the freedom to express their faith without violence in every part of India.

India is the world’s largest democracy and the second most populous country, behind China. It is a highly diverse country, with a multitude of languages, cultures and religions. The social and political structures in India are largely determined by religion, caste and language. Despite India’s increasing presence in the global economy, the vast majority of the rural population remains impoverished. India is the birthplace of Hinduism and has the second largest Muslim population in the world, after Indonesia, with at least 14 percent of its 1.2 billion people claiming that affiliation…(The Voice of the Martyrs)

The lyrics for the song, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, are based on the last words by an Indian man who along with his family converted to Christianity. His children, his wife, and he were executed for refusing to renounce their beliefs in Jesus. If you have the time, listen to the above song and the narrator tell the history behind the song…awesome.

Today, I prayed:

Lord, I pray for all of the believers in India who have decided to follow You, although they may wonder about their beliefs from time to time and may not have anyone to walk with them, I pray they will never turn back from following You. (Based on the lyrics of I Have Decided to Follow Jesus by S. Sundar Singh)

Join with me on Fridays to fast and pray for prisoners, according to Hebrews 13:3.

Click on to see MyGFA site.

Click on to see MyGFA site.


Filed under 10/40 Window, Christianity, Church, Fasting, India, Kingdom of God, Prayer, spiritual warfare

The Rumors of Larry’s Death Were Not Greatly Exaggerated (6)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Have you ever heard of Fred Smith?

When Smith attended Yale in the 1960s, he wrote a term paper, which invented an industry and dreamed of changing the impossible into the possible. His professor couldn’t visualize the revolutionary implications of Smith’s ideas and gave Smith’s term paper an average grade. The professor’s reasoning: the business was not feasible.

Smith’s impossible dream became a reality on April 17, 1973, when Federal Express began operations with 389 employees, 14 planes, and 186 packages in Memphis, Tennessee. The packages were flown to 25 cities and delivered the following day.

Today, we think little about dropping a package off at a Federal Express site or a competitive carrier and then expecting the package to be delivered the next day or soon after. Yet, the whole air/land express industry was just a dream fifty years ago and pooh-poohed by experts at the time.

Let’s say that I sat next to Fred Smith in his business class at Yale and also had to write a term paper on a proposed business, just like Smith did. For my business model, being the believer that I am today, I would have written:

1. My publishing company will have no partners, except for family.

2. It will never ask for money.

3. With the exception of book stores and eBook publishers, my publishing company will not set prices for its books.

4. My publishing company will operate under the U.S. and state business laws as a business and not as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax exempt organization.

5. The millions of dollars generated by my publishing company will help feed and care for the poor and needy of the world.

What do you think the professor would have said to me after reading my paper?

The professor probably would have called me into his office, closed the door, and stared at me for a few minutes in total quiet. Maybe he would have shaken his head and blown out a deep breath before saying, “Son, you remind me of the two guys who came up with the brilliant idea of buying watermelons in San Diego for $1 each and then hauling them to LA and selling them for 50¢ each. It wasn’t long before the two men learned they were losing lots of money. One of the guys came up with an idea and said, ‘We need a bigger truck so we can be like K-Mart and make up our losses with volume sales.'”

I can guess what my grade would have been on the paper. Can you?

(Continued in Part 7)


Filed under Christianity, Kindle, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Publishing, Self publishing, Writing

Too Good Not to Post Today…Really!

I have been praying about something for years and recently I acted on them.  I sent an email to a person in hopes of seeing my prayers being turned into reality. I laid everything on the line: my hopes, my dreams, my vulnerabilities, and so forth.

The net result of my email was zero. Nothing happened. The man never sent me a reply nor did he even acknowledge my email.

Now, this doesn’t bother me in the least because after almost thirty years of walking with the Lord, I have learned a few things about myself. The chief one being that not every idea of mine is from the Lord. Thus, I need to test them and see if they are from Him.

Okay, working with that particular man in the way I envisioned was not from the Lord. Thanks Jesus, I get it.

Then, Mark Pedder, a missionary to the Philippines, posted the above video on his Facebook account. I watched it and bingo! It grabbed my heart. I transcribed the three-minute video word for word and a powerful revelation arose within me. I am now praying and seeking the Lord on the rest of the details and the Lord’s timing.

Here’s the point I want to make: we never know exactly how the Lord is going to speak to us. We just need to seek Him and allow Him to be a BIG God…One that can even use a dancing guy to reveal His plans to us.

(The video is from Derek Sivers and his website can be seen here)

Click on to see MyGFA site.

Click on to see MyGFA site.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Leadership, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Inside Israel



Once again, it’s time to hear from our sister in Jerusalem about what she is witnessing there as a believer in Yeshua. Put your prayer shawls on and pray for Israel and Sister J. Now here she is …

Greetings in The Precious Name of Yeshua h’Meshiach, Jesus The Messiah, The Christ, The risen Son, King of kings and Lord of lords…may He ALONE be glorified and may you be blessed and edified.

I do greet you lovingly with shalom that comes from Him alone.  Surely there is no peace in the world. How sad it is to see so many lost without Him and His peace.

My cousin is here visiting us from New York City.  She knows that I’m a believer because I have shared my story with her.  She had planned on coming with me to fellowship on Shabat, but is now waffling.  Just before coming here, she met an old friend whom she hadn’t seen in 30 years.  Her friend is a Gentile believer who lives in Jerusalem and apparently shared very forcefully with Paula about Jesus. Thus far, it has had the opposite effect, so I am praying.

Our foster daughter, Yvonne, is scheduled to arrive this coming Monday. Then the day before she leaves on 1 March, my husband’s brother has tickets to arrive and to be here until two other very old friends from NYC arrive.  Phew! Here goes!

In the midst of this, I doubt that any of you could be unaware of the intense worldwide mockery and opposition against our Prime Minister’s upcoming speech before the US Congress.  I cannot imagine such pressure against a single man.  I do appreciate your prayers for him.

I am personally convinced that there is no political motivation involved but that he truly is a voice crying in the wilderness about the Iranian threat.  You might remember the dream that I had back in 1988 about Iran and the bomb.  That dream took place totally out of any context in my life at the time. It is one of the only two dreams that I ever had, which I felt was prophetic.  Up until recently it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for it to come to pass, but the days are running and are even here.

I believe that we are witnessing huge events, and that just as the worldwide weather patterns have changed into extreme patterns that populations are not prepared to deal with, it now seems to be in every area of life.  I feel that the life I have known is rapidly becoming extinct.  I don’t mean to be so dramatic, but from this vantage point, that is how I see it. I still wonder at how The Lord took me from living at the ends of the earth, a quiet life, uncaring about “current events” and what the world was doing, and for reasons of His own, placed me in the center of the earth and said: “What do you see?  Write it down.  You are a witness.”

In the past I have shared much about our fellowship (kehila) and many of you have prayed for different ones here.  Over the years that stopped for some reason, but it was in my heart to share some things with you about our fellowship today.  It’s great!

We are blessed with a Pastor who seeks Him and brings His Word faithfully without diluting it or removing from us the burden of responding to it.  It is a challenge to never coast, and also a most valuable gift.  There are many members of the kehila going through much fire right now. And I wonder if some of you might take one or more to pray for them. I know with me, that is how it works.

The Holy Spirit can put on your heart one person to battle for, so with that in mind I want to share a couple of needs:  Luba is a 67 year old sister who made aliyah from Russia 19 years ago.  She was already a widow back them and has one daughter who lives in the Tel Aviv area. But the daughter has her own burden and is pregnant with her 10th child. There’s no way for her to travel to help her mother.  One or more of the children are always ill with a cold or something, which also means that she can’t be with her Mom because Luba has a very rare and deadly cancer.  She has gone through chemo and radiation and needs a miracle.  We are all trying to care for her, but really, she is alone too often and is very weak.  Perhaps someone might pray for her.

Another is Keren.  She is still in a wheel chair after some 9 years already and it is hard on her, Tsaki (her husband) and the two girls.  She became paralyzed after she had an epidural (spinal) during the birth of their second daughter.  This godly young family needs their hands lifted up.

Carmen (with 5 godly children) and Hanna have recently had their backslidden husbands leave them. They also need encouragement.

Another sister, Elana needs prayer. I share these names just now because I felt an urging to in my spirit.  If one person is picked up by just one it is worth it.  The body is an amazing organism.


Once again I notice how MUCH this tiny country has changed in tangible ways, just since we arrived twenty years ago.  I was looking around our super market and remembering how it was when we came. Birds flew through the stores and perched on the shelves.  There was no English to be seen on any label, and our food experiments were often humorous. We could have delicious yogurt, especially when you couldn’t read that it was 28% fat sour cream. And who knew back then, that the nut butters were mixed with chocolate or that the zucchini was pale and not dark green.

There was much to learn by trial and error, plenty of erros. And NOW, there is much written in English, both on labels and signs.  And speaking of signs, I loved the fact that there were no billboard signs, no graffiti, no advertising anywhere to be seen when we came.  That too has changed and signs are displayed on every available space now, including buses and trucks.

I didn’t particularly like the fact that sales were a totally foreign idea in Israel back then.  If a food was outdated and you asked to pay a lower price, the merchant would look at you as if you were crazy and ask, “Why?”  Products would go from full price to the garbage. There was no in-between.  Now we have sales.

When we came the country was still naïve.  There was much more hope in the air.  In so many ways, the country has caught up with the West and lost its naiveté.

Thankfully I still think it has it’s flavor – the underlying heartbeat that exclaims, “The Lord has claimed us. Oh Abba Father, where are You and where are we?”

His hunt for the heart of this people will be won. He WILL be displayed and glorified in a people still lost.  His Word IS faithful, as is His Spirit.  How do you explain Israel?  How do you mark her towers and chart her path?  ONLY through His Word.  From Genesis through Revelation there it all is laid out for us to wonder at and walk and BELIEVE.

There is a new exhibit that has just opened at the museum called “By the rivers of Babylon.”  On display are ancient stone tablets with writings recording the Babylonian captivity and confirming the words of the prophets.  These were just found.

Will we hear them louder now?  It’s all knee work, isn’t it?  It’s all so simple; going to the cross, dying to self, following faithfully. Come, hear, obey, and LOVE.  Don’t I wish it were as simple to keep my feet in the center of that path?

God bless you and keep you.


your sis J


Filed under Christianity, Church, Israel, Jerusalem, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare