Thank God for Women, But… (Part 4)

Click on following links for earlier articles: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Do you realize that on any given Sunday only one out of three Christian men attend churches? And of those men who do attend churches, most do not want to be there.

You see, by and large, most men attend traditional churches just to placate a wife or a girl friend.  (Who said women do not have strengths, huh?)

But the fact remains: most men do not like attending traditional churches. Period.

So, what are traditional churches doing to rectify this problem?

Most have followed the examples of the corporate world and taken a Madison Avenue approach to their men problems. Exhaustive surveys are conducted to understand their markets; seminars are put on to explain the survey findings; and then, marketing plans are established.

But of course, the marketing plans really just repackage everything with a more masculine look. Maybe, the music choices are manned-up a little or the worship style is remodeled to appear more male friendly or the church is redecorated or the sermons are muscled up a bit.

But all in all, nothing is really changed. It’s still the same old, same old!

But what if…

I contend that the Lord has called most Christian men to leave the traditional church system and pioneer something new. A home church. A church in a business. A church in a park. A church in Starbucks. A church outside the four walls of a traditional church, with no strings attached to traditional churches, except for loving the brethren. A church where men can be apostolic trail blazers and not gelded pew sitters.

I further contend that the Lord has allowed the feminization of the Church to take place over the last thirty or forty years because the pendulum had swung too far toward the male side of the church. And when this happened, the females were ignored, especially the women with callings on their lives.

If my contentions are accurate, what should women do?

(Continued in Part 5)


Filed under Christianity, Church, church planting, Gifts of the Spirit, God, Home Church, jesus, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, reformation, spiritual warfare