Who is Restraining the Antichrist?

There are so many ridiculous End-Time prophecies circulating on the internet that many of our brains are ready to explode. Let’s search Scripture for some answers, okay?

The Apostle Paul wrote;

            Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son on perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3 NKJV)

Frank Viola states that reading Paul’s epistles is like listening to one side of a phone call, and yes, we miss the other side of the conversation. Thus, we have to assume that Paul was answering questions that had been communicated to him by the various churches.

In Chapter 2, Paul was explaining to the Thessalonian Church that they had not missed the Lord’s return and the Rapture because two events needed to happen first:

            1. The falling away (or apostasy).

            2. The Antichrist is revealed.

Now, if you’re thinking Paul just pulled these two events out of thin air. He hadn’t! He was actually quoting what Jesus said in Matthew 24:

            And at that time, many will fall away and will betray one another and will hate one  another (Matthew 24:10 NASB)

            Therefore, when you see the “abomination of desolation,” which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand (Matthew  24:15 NASB)

Have both of these events happened yet? No. Maybe a few preachers and others have fallen away from the faith, but it is not what anyone would refer to as “many.” And as far as the Antichrist’s identity? We have no clue as yet.

So, what’s holding back that Day?

            And do you know what restrains the Antichrist now, so that in his time he will be revealed. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed… (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 NASB)

Who is restraining or holding back the Antichrist from appearing right now?

For the answer to this question, let’s look at Jesus’ first coming, okay?

            But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son… (Galatians 4:4)

What determined the fullness of time for Jesus’ first coming? Over 300 Old Testament prophecies had to be fulfilled in Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection. With one of the toughest ones being:

            Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: “Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)

Not only did the woman have to be a virgin, but also, her freewill could not be violated. Only a wonderful woman like Mary could fulfill this prophecy:

            And Mary said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word…” (Luke 1:38)

Then, if you consider all of the prophecies for Jesus’ supporting cast, such as Judah, John the Baptist, Simeon and others, the fullness of time had to be determined by all of the Old Testament’s prophetic words coming to pass in their perfect timing.

Okay, did you realize that there are more prophetic words for Jesus’ second coming than there are for Jesus’ first coming? 

Over 150 chapters in the Bible are devoted to His second coming. That’s more chapters than are in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John combined!

            So, we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts. (2 Peter 1:19 NASB)

            …For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. (Revelation 19:10 NASB)

Some scholars believe the Church is the one who restrains the Antichrist. Others believe it’s the Holy Spirit. Still others suggest different ideas. 

But I believe it’s all of the prophetic words (or the Word) in the Bible that restrains the Antichrist so that he’s revealed in his time

Hey! The prophetic words ushered Jesus into His first coming and I believe this will be true for His second coming, too.

My suggestion is that we study the 150 chapters and know His word so that we are not deceived.


Filed under Antichrist, End-Times, Prophecy

12 responses to “Who is Restraining the Antichrist?

  1. Did not realize there were more scriptures about Jesus’ second coming than his first, but it makes sense. Thank you!

  2. It’s amazing just how many second-coming prophecies there are…and yet, we only know a little bit and must trust Him for more revelation.

  3. Hmm, but how will the Word be taken out of the way? The Holy Ghost is God and will be omnipresent, even in the world after the Church is gone. It seems much more logical to me that this is a reference to the “restraining influence” of believers who will be removed in the first phase of the rapture. (See https://thepatmosproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/The-Gold-Mine.pdf for an exclellent exegesis of Revelation that will cover this.)
    Of course, the bottom line is that whether we are correct or not in our understanding of this or other prophecies, Father will do what He has planned. But it is worthwhile to study this, as you point out, because so much of Scripture addresses Jesus’ return!
    Even so, come Lord Jesus.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

  4. Thanks for your comment. It provided me something to think about as I drove today.

    Matthew 24 is an easy to understand prophetic calendar for the End-Times. In the New King James, the word “then” is used eight times between 24:6 and 24:31, the word “therefore” is used two times and the words “Immediately after” is used one time in the same verses. All of these are time sensitive words, indicating an order of events.

    If you look at 24:30-31, this is when the rapture takes place – long after the Antichrist is revealed in 24:15, which is the midpoint of the seven years of tribulation.

    Thus, it cannot be the Church that restrains the Antichrist because the Church is still on the earth, preaching the gospel (24:14) until 24:30-31.

    I believe the prophecies in God’s word hold back the Antichrist until it’s his time to be on the scene.

    (Just so you know, God’s Word is not taken out of the way, but prophecies within God’s Word come to pass and are fulfilled.)

  5. Hmm, like I said, this does not seem logical to me. The 2 Thessalonian’s reference does not make sense as The Word or a prophecy being “taken out of the way.” The antichrist is not “restrained” by the prophecies; he is simply fulfilling those that refer to him.
    If your look up chapter 7 in my reference to The Gold Mine, this will clarify that many have “settled” on verses supporting their particular view of pre-, mid- or post-trib rapture. Dr. Christie makes it clear that Father does not wish to send anyone to hell and will make every effort to save any who will repent. (See Rev 16:10-11)
    He suggests that the three views are all correct, except for their exclusiveness of the others.
    Cordial disagreement on these issues does not mean either of us is not a brother, and as I said, we will find out one day, maybe soon!😉 I hope so!
    love (genuine and not feigned) and prayers,

  6. “Hmm, like I said, this does not seem logical to me. The 2 Thessalonian’s reference does not make sense as The Word or a prophecy being ‘taken out of the way.’ The antichrist is not ‘restrained’ by the prophecies; he is simply fulfilling those that refer to him.”

    In the Greek, “taken out of the way” could have just as easily been translated “come to pass.” (Check with Strongs) As far as the personal pronoun “he,” the translator added this. AND most translators thought it was the Holy Spirit. Thus, a little bias.

    Yes, you’re right. We all use verses to justify our position. BUT I will stand with the 150 chapters in the Bible, concerning Jesus second coming, especially Matthew 24 where Jesus gives a clear timeline of many events and states He will return after the Antichrist appears in the Temple.

    And I will stand with my hypothesis that prophesies restrain the Antichrist until it is his time. Remember, Satan was once an angel and he is forced to obey “the voice of God’s word,” which in this case would be prophesy. (Psalm 103:20)

    This was fun.

    My wife and I used to live in Louisville and we loved it there. May the Lord bless you and your family

  7. c.a.

    If you’re ever back in the area, maybe to visit The Creation Museum or The Ark Encounter, give Anita and I a head’s-up and we’ll meet up for the tour or coffee, at least. Then we can butt heads over the future! 🤠
    ❤️🙏, c.a.

  8. If we ever come back to Kentucky, we will have to meet up with you guys. We’d love that!

  9. Not a prophecy guy. Right or wrong, I’m more of a wash of the whole. And right now, to me, the whole is just good against evil. Evil has gained much ground due to a lack of restraint. I am praying and hoping that is about to change. I believe that as long as there is restraint evil will be held back. And once there isn’t, it won’t be. Right now, I think there is just barely enough. But . . . little is much in God’s hands. I sense he intends to bless it.

  10. God’s prophecies in His word will come true, with or without our faith in them. God bless you.

  11. If we were all alike, God would get bored. Just glad we’re both in the family.

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