Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Déjà vu All Over Again

The Charismatic Revival of the 1960s and 70s had its beginning on Sunday, April 3, 1960, when Rector Dennis Bennett announced to his St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Van Nuys, California, about his being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Newsweek and Time magazines featured articles on Bennett’s experiences,

The resultant controversy and press coverage spread the Holy Spirit fire from the Episcopal Church to the Lutherans, Presbyterians, Catholics, Methodists and most other denominations. 

The end result is that at its highpoint one-quarter of American Christians were tongue-talking, spiritual-gift using believers.

But sadly, the charismatic fires have been dying out over the last ten years, but I feel the Holy Spirit is about to change this:

            Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away (apostasy) comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition. (2 Thessalonians 2:3 NKJ)

The Apostle Paul just echoed the words of Jesus when our Lord said – “many will fall away and will betray one another and will hate one another.”

Several years ago, I felt the Lord say to me: “If believers are not warned and prepared for the End-Times, 50 – 70% of American believers may fall away.”

Why so many?

Because the End-Times will be so tough and the deceit will be so mind-boggling for any American believers who are lukewarm and who live their spiritual lives under the influence of the Laodicean spirit, which is the prevalent spirit over most American churches right now.

Thus, because the Lord is gracious and merciful, I feel He will soon send a second Charismatic Revival to stir up us American Christians. There will be an extreme emphasis on talking in tongues, prophetic words, discernment and healing.

We absolutely need these gifts for the days ahead!

P.S. I believe whole churches who are a part of the Reform tradition will be changed in a blink of an eye by the Holy Spirit to tongue-talking, prophetic churches.


Filed under Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Christianity, Day of the Lord, End-Times, Gifts of the Spirit, Prophecy, Spirituality

9 responses to “Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Déjà vu All Over Again

  1. Bill Keith

    Thank you Larry, you’ve written with your anointed pen. WOW such a powerful read. Blessings, bill

  2. Hallelujah! So glad that Holy Spirit does not leave us alone but comes again in a fresh new way!

  3. Thanks, Bill. Keep the men pressing onward.

  4. Thanks. If ever we needed the Holy Spirit, it’s now!

  5. Amen! We so need Holy Spirit, now!

  6. Not as up on prophecy as you are; but, lately my reading has stirred the waters a bit. Just finished Ezekiel and Daniel. My hope and praying for the past few years (swayed maybe by the period of the Judges and earlier stands against evil) is that there would be a standing so great that we, with God’s help, would see evil put in its place. And though I do still hope and pray for it, these more recent readings, along with the current events, are making me wonder if we are not on the front end of some truly awful times. My longing was to see evil set back. To see kids be able to play, once again, in the streets without fear. All along, I might have been praying for the big one, cause that will be the end result of it.
    It is a strange thing to possibly be on the front end of something that was told 1,000’s of years ago, (Daniel has this line, “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and laws.”) I have never seen such an attack on all that is good and a lifting up of what is evil. I like the way Ezekiel put it; “You dishearten the righteous with your lies, and encourage the wicked not to turn from their evil ways.” That is us to a tee.
    Sorry to derail your post. Good to hear your thoughts. I miss them. Not on social media any more so thoughts get pent up and just have to come out somewhere. I guess today you drew the short straw. I agree with your thought and post BTW. There is an outpouring to come. It will be good to see. Much needed.

  7. Most of our views on the End-Times are from a Western mindset, which is pretty much filled with comfort and prosperity. (Just so you know – I like both!) If we lived in North Korea, China or many other places, we would look at the End-Times for what it really is: God taking back His creation, all of it. I believe we will soon suffer and know deep sorrows, but out of that, the Lord will have a purified Bride without spot or wrinkle.

  8. Not looking forward to the cleansing process.

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