Tag Archives: Gays

Prayers for LGBT Believers (5/1/2018)


Francis Chan talking on homosexuality:

“The reason gays have a problem with the church is that we treat their sin as so much worse than the others. We will excommunicate people for homosexuality but not for divorce. And I do it for divorce. Divorce is a terrible sin in the sight of God…

“It’s also what  I said about singleness. This isn’t about sexuality as much as it is about surrendering to the Kingdom and being a person about the Kingdom. Look, if I’m single for the rest of my life, that’s not the biggest thing in my life. It’s not my sexuality or my sexual urges which define who I am.

“I find my identity — are you kidding me? I can actually speak to God. I can be His servant. I’m going to be with Him forever. Where’s my identity found in?

“A lot of these sin issues are secondary. The bottom line – let’s just start here. Whatever issues you are dealing with today…Are you willing to surrender to God? No matter what He says. What if He said in this book [Bible] that Chinese people have to stand on their heads? Just an example, but I will try to stand on my head. He’s God! What if He said Chinese people don’t get to marry? He’s God. I don’t like that but I’m going to surrender to that because I understand the difference between a Creator and a created being. So whatever!

“And before we get to what this book [Bible] actually says, I have to say, ‘Will you surrender? If you disagree with God on an issue, would you still submit to Him?’ I really believe that is the core issue here.

“Then if so, because that’s the type of person I want to be also, let’s look at this book [Bible] together. A lot of following Jesus is about denying yourself and pick up your cross and follow Me. A lot of this is about beating your body and making it your slave. It’s about not doing the things you very much want to do. That’s the core issue.

“Two guys walking in, holding hands. That’s not the first thing I’d address. I really think we jump to that too quickly, rather than saying, ‘At the core of your being, do you believe in a Creator and if He is your Creator, would you surrender to whatever He asks for you to do? Maybe I’m wrong on this thing. Let’s study together and then you tell me.

“From my personal understanding of this book [Bible], it [homosexuality] appears to be a sin to me. But if you study it and your best personal conclusion is that it is not. Help me understand that from scripture and not from reasoning. Because we all reason and we all fight for the things we want.” (See full video here.)

My prayer today:

Lord, help American Christians to follow Your example of reasoning together with LGBT believers, allowing You to be Lord and us to be Your flawed disciples. (Based on Isaiah 1:18)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for LGBT believers.




Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gay, Homosexual, Kingdom of God, LGBT, Prayer, spiritual warfare

Prayers for LGBT Believers (4/10/2018)


“Son you have been deceived.”

This short message came to me after praying for hours in the early morning of July 8, 1994. I knelt on the floor next to my bed in an upstairs bedroom of my two-bedroom townhouse apartment in Ames, Iowa.

The words were not the ones I longed to hear from the Lord at that particular moment. I hoped to hear about a miraculous deliverance, much like the Lone Ranger arriving on his white stallion, Silver, with the U. S. Cavalry riding alongside.

Those five words could have just as well been etched on my gravestone. They ripped my life to shreds. My prophetic calling, ministry, and finances died right then and there. Rigor mortis settled upon my dreams as I knelt on the carpet.

“Lord, I never wanted to be in this battle,” I said through sobs, not knowing what else to say. “The only thing I know for sure right now is You love me and Your grace is unending and sufficient, even for a loser like me. This means at some time in the future, You will deliver me out of this mess, but until then, I’ll learn how to lean on Your grace even more than I do now.”

Let me tell you, twenty-four years is a long time, especially when you consider I was forty-eight years old and physically strong on that morning. I’m now seventy-two years old. My youth has long since passed me by, along with the move of God I was a part of back then. All are forgotten yesterdays to most people, but not to me.

If the Apostle Peter’s worst day occurred when he denied Jesus three times, then this was my all-time worst day. Every bad day since then has been, at best, a little speed bump on the road of life compared to that day.

(Excerpt from The Hunt for Larry Who by Larry Nevenhoven, © 2014, Amazon eBook)

Cold shivers still run down my spine when I think about the Lord saying, “Son, you have been deceived.”

Yet at the same time, I praise God that my deception was unmasked before I stood face-to-face with Jesus at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Deceptions handled in my life here on earth are stepping stones to greater revelations of Jesus’ love and grace, ones that make me love Him even more.

But deceptions uncovered at the Judgment Seat will result in loss of rewards and position in the Millennial Kingdom and throughout eternity. Although the Lord would wipe away my tears of shame, I don’t want to ever hear Him say those words to me again.

My prayer today:

Lord, send Your light and truth to every LGBT believer, leading them to a life of holiness in You. (Based on Psalms 43:3)

What do you think and has the Lord spoken to you today?

Join with me on Tuesdays to fast and pray for LGBT believers.


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Fasting, Gay, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

My LGBT Tuesdays

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My new weekly column entitled, “My LGBT Tuesdays,” can be read by clicking here.

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Filed under America, Christianity, Commentary, Gay, Kingdom of God, Prayer, World Net Daily, Writing

San Francisco: God Loves You, But… (Conclusion)

Dolly 77


If callings were chosen by popular elections, Saul of Tarsus would have garnered the same number of votes as King Herod or Caiaphas for the calling of apostle: zero.

After all, Saul hunted believers down, murdered them, tossed them into prisons, and tried to force them to blaspheme. He was the main reason Jerusalem Christians opted to go on permanent missionary trips to other cities.

Historians described Saul as a skinny, 4’6″ lightweight who was not much of a speaker. These physical  attributes were not exactly a winning formula for the Gentiles, who admired polished orators with a strong physical presence.

Yet Jesus said, “Saul is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel…”

The Lord’s reasoning behind His choice: “…for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

So what did God see in Saul’s heart?

He saw Paul the apostle to whom God could reveal His mystery of Christ, that the Gentiles and the Jews would be joined together in the Bride of Christ, His church. He also saw a man who would willingly suffer afflictions for Christ and His body.

Today, there are some who want to downgrade Paul and his teachings and just go with the red letter words of Jesus in the four Gospels. They don’t like Paul’s teachings on sexual immorality and other subjects. But if this were actually followed, where would the guidelines and revelations about the Church come from?

Furthermore, if Paul had not appeared on the scene, Peter and James would have most likely caved into the Jewish influence on the early church. And today our churches would be little more than a revamped Temple 2.0 System, complete with circumcision, priesthood, and sacrifices.

Thank God for the Apostle Paul, right?

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9: 37-38 Amplified Translation)

Likewise, the Lord has looked down on San Francisco, especially the Castro District, and has seen men and women who have hearts much like Saul of Tarsus. He is not concerned that these people are now actively engaged in lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender life styles because He remembers Saul the murderer. He knows how the life changing power of His heavenly light and just one divine  experience from Him will cause each to ask, “Who are You, Lord?”

Then, He will answer each one, “…I am Jesus …”

The Lord doesn’t want to lose any of these precious callings as each has been specifically chosen to be a leader in His Church for the dark days lying ahead in America. So important are these callings that the Lord has assigned teams of fully prepared  fishermen and hunters who will search through the alleys, streets, and haunts of San Francisco for these prized callings.

The teams of fishermen and hunters will suffer bloodshed, pain, and jail cells. Who will persecute these teams? The chosen Sauls. Yet, the chosen Sauls will have the gospel preached to them by how the fishermen and hunters handle the persecutions: with humility and love.

In the end, the chosen Sauls will come out of San Francisco as Pauls who will help lead the Church into victory after victory. What Jesus said about the woman who wiped His feet with her tears and hair will be true of these chosen Pauls:

For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little. (Luke 7:47)

CONCLUSION…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2011, may be seen here.


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

San Francisco: God Loves You, But… (Part 3)

Dolly 77

“What you’re seeing is the governing demonic principality over the University of California, Berkeley. It’s a religious one and one of the gatekeepers mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 16:18. Now, look down,” he said, pointing to students walking along the sidewalks below us.

I watched various students crisscrossing the Campanile Esplanade on their way to classes. At first, they looked normal to me, wearing typical college apparel. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then, my spiritual eyes kicked in and what appeared normal in the natural realm was not so normal in the spiritual one.

Have you ever seen pictures of a flying dinosaur known as a pterodactyl? It has a long, slender head with a mouth filled with sharp teeth, scaly-like body, web-like wings and talons for feet. This sort of resembles the creatures I saw, sitting on the shoulders of almost every student walking below me. Each creature was the size of a large crow and had wolf hair on its body, and a slender rat’s tail. The beings constantly whispered into the ears of students while holding a wing over the students’ other ears. At times, the creatures defecated and vomited on the students so that each person dripped with slop and sewage. It was ghastly and I yearned to warn the students.

“Follow those two over there,” said the angel, pointing toward two guys.

Somehow, I was able to focus on the two students. They talked to each other as they walked along, just basic talk about their classes. Then, they walked into a free speech area where a street evangelist was preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. Both stopped and listened. As they were standing there, I watched the pterodactyl-like creatures use their beaks to snatch the seeds of the gospel out of the twosome’s hearts with swift surgeon-like precision. After a few minutes, the two students walked away, none the better for their experiences.

Again, I wanted to shout and warn everyone. Someone needed to do it. Why not me?

The angel touched my shoulder again with his hand and I turned toward him. “Now, it’s time for your spiritual ears to be opened.” He reached up and touched both of my ears with his hands.

Wouldn’t you think it would be quiet in the spiritual realm over the University of California, Berkeley? It’s not. There is constant clamor, reverberating throughout the whole atmosphere, most of which comes from the ruling principality. But what really shocked me is that the demonic principality’s words mirrored the liberal attitudes on the campus. From the deans down to the professors, and then, to the students. The religious principality constantly spewed out proclamations like:

White Americans are racists… All wars are immoral and wrong… Homosexuality is not a sin… Pro-choice is a woman’s right… Same-sex marriage is morally acceptable…Traditional Christianity is irrelevant, mean, hateful, judgmental and dogmatic…Jesus never said anything about homosexuality…Jesus is the Way which is open to other ways, such as Hare Krishna, Buddha and Mohammad…God is a God of love and not judgment… Satan and demons are fictional beings…The Bible contains  no more authority than the Koran, Buddhist sutras, Veda and other spiritual writings…Creating social justice is the main emphasis of the gospel…Global warming is a Christian stewardship concern…

I stood there with my mouth open, drool running down my chin. “Hey, many of these statements I agree with,” I muttered aloud, not realizing I had done so.

“And that’s why you are deceived.”

“Deceived? Me?”

“Yes, you and most liberal Christians who believe such garbage.”

“But, but – ”

“Not only are you deceived, but your faith is dead when it agrees with Satan’s agenda. He’s always a liar, even when his words sound righteous. Your faith, in order to have life, must be based on what the Lord has stated in Scripture and is presently saying to His church.”

I kept quiet as his words ripped my theology apart.

Then, he pointed down again. “Look.”

There just below us, was a student resembling a fluorescent light bulb walking across the esplanade. She lit up the whole area around her as she hurried on her way. But unlike the others, she did not have a creature sitting on her shoulder and instead, one hovered around her head like a helicopter, trying to alight on her. For some unseen reason, the creature could not land. Frustration etched across its face.

“Listen,” said the angel.

My ears adjusted themselves to only listening to the girl. Her footsteps and the movement of her arms came through loud and clear, but there was something else. “Dee, dee, bah, bah, hooka mah hundae,” she whispered over and over.

She was speaking in tongues!

“Your message to Christians on college campuses is very simple,” said the angel. “It’s the same one Paul gave to the believers in Ephesus when he said, ‘Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.”

Then he added, “In case you have forgotten, these scriptures are Ephesians 6: 17-18.”

It bugged me that he knew I had not read my Bible for years. What else did he know?

The above scene is from my eBook novel, Deceived, Dead and Delivered.   

(Continued in Part 4…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2011, may be seen here.)  


Filed under Christianity, Church, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

San Francisco: God Loves You, But… (Part 2)

Dolly 77


At 9 p.m., my studying was completed. So, I stood up and walked into the kitchen for a drink of water. Turning on the recessed ceiling lights, I stopped dead in my tracks. A grotesque creature was sitting on a stool at the island counter. If the angel was the epitome of the Kingdom of Light, then this being was the dark side’s counterpart. Its gloomy eyes glared at me and its lips formed a sneer. Oozing sores plastered the being’s face and neck. A filthy robe covered its torso. The air was charged with a stench of decay.

“Listen up Chuck,” the creature said in a raspy voice.

Fear struck my chest like a baseball bat. I had trouble breathing. Confusion settled over me like a morning fog. Two and two did not add up at that moment.

“If you go to businessmen and tell them to leave churches and no longer give money to ministries and churches, some bad things will happen to your family. Your two sons will die in an auto accident and your wife will go insane. Do you hear me?”

I could not speak.

The creature drummed its dirty two-inch long fingernails on the granite counter. The beat reminded me of a funeral march.

“I said – do you hear me?” the creature hissed out the words.

I nodded.

“And I can do it. It will be easy, just as easy as it was for me to come into your home. No one can protect you from me! Not even God!”

The creature bared its brownish-yellowish teeth with a hideous grin as it stood up. “Don’t you ever forget what I told you – okay?”

The being walked over to the door leading out to the deck. Then without opening the door, he stepped through it, and left.

I collapsed on the floor and wept. My body convulsed in fear.

“Oh God! What have I done to my family?” I screamed.

Afterward, I pulled myself together and wandered into the family room, collapsing on the sofa. What is happening? I thought. Everything is hitting me at once. What can I do? My mind raced in circles searching for answers, but I found none. Finally, I fell asleep.

As I slept, a voice visited me. Was it a dream or a vision? It was like both, but different at the same time. I was awake, but asleep.

“Chuck,” the voice said.

Looking up, I saw myself standing in front of a stage in what looked like a large auditorium. It was black. None of the spot lights were turned on. The red velvet curtains were drawn apart. The voice seemed to be flowing out of the darkness blanketing the stage. I felt no fear, but in fact, was comforted by the voice.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Do you have some questions?”


“Go ahead.”

“What was that being in my kitchen?”

“What do you think it was?”

“A demon.”

“Yes. That was a demon power sent to frighten you by the religious ruling spirit over America.”

“But how did that happen?” I asked. “I always pray for angelic protection over me.”

“Yes, you do,” the voice said. “For just a few moments, the angels who protect you backed off their posts. When they did that, the demon power slipped into your realm.”

It hit me like a hammer between the eyes. The Lord set me up and used me as ambush bait.

“But – ” I said, trying to put my thoughts into words.

The voice interrupted me. “You have been chosen to have insight into spiritual warfare so that you can teach others. Spiritual warfare is not played on a Game Boy. It is played out in real life scenarios where lives and destinies are at stake.”

The voice paused for a moment and then added, “Satan and his army want to kill Christians and their families, and destroy their destinies on the earth.”

I cringed. “But what can I do to protect my family?”

“What does scripture say?”

Once again, the voice bounced my question back to me.

I thought for a moment before answering. “Cast my cares on the Lord for He cares for me.”

“Yes. And don’t forget that Jesus rebuked demons. He refused to allow them to speak because they are all liars. You can do the same in Jesus’ name.”

I was silent, not wanting to ask my next question.

“Can Satan and his forces really hurt my children or Dusty?” I finally asked.

“Yes. Your rebellion and sin can open the gates for Satan’s army to come into your family’s lives. But by the same token, a causeless curse will not alight on you or your family. So, walk with God and avoid sin.” The voice was silent for a moment. “Any more questions?

“What about my problems with Dusty?”

“She is not the problem – you are. Dusty is like most women in that she desires to see her husband as a sold-out man of God, not a half-hearted pew-sitter. You obey God, follow His instructions, and she will be happy to walk by your side.”

With that answer, the voice left and I returned to my sleep.

The above scene is from my eBook novel, Deceived, Dead and Delivered.   

(Continued in Part 3…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2011, may be seen here.)  


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Why California? Why San Francisco? Why Now? (Conclusion)



Sins are never committed in a veiled vacuum, out of eyesight. God sees everything, but even more than that, all sins are committed openly in the spiritual atmosphere which envelopes the earth. This is the realm where  the prince of the power of the air reigns.

Our sins do more than cause a separation between God and us. They empower the prince of the power of the air (or Satan) to gain a greater foothold on earth. I believe this empowerment works according to the same spiritual principle stated in Matthew 18:19-20, because our sins agree with the father of lies. Then, if the sins are committed with the consent of a second person or more, the sins invite more of the presence of the kingdom of darkness into a city, a region, a state, or a nation (territory).

So, when people say, “Our sins don’t affect anyone but us,” they are not quite accurate. At the least, the sins lessen the amount of righteousness in that territory on earth, which then affects everyone who lives there.

Spiritual warfare may be defined as the constant, never-ending war between the forces of God and the forces of Satan to displace wickedness with righteousness, or vice versa, here on earth, territory by territory.

If righteousness displaces a measure of wickedness in a territory on earth, that area will then have a higher level of godliness. But if wickedness displaces a portion of righteousness in an area, then that territory will have a higher level of depravity.

Unlike physical warfare, spiritual battles are not fought with swords or guns, but rather with our acts (of love or sin) and our words.

The acts should be self-explanatory, but if you have any doubts, check Galatians 5:16 – 26 to study the acts of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit.

And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell… But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. (James 3: 6, 8-9)

Our spoken words have the power of life and death in them.

If our words are spoken in love, backed by faith, and filled with the truth of God’s words, then we will impart life and advance righteousness in a territory. These God-filled words may be spoken in prayers or through other communications.

Sadly, the opposite is also true.

If our spoken words agree with the iniquities committed in a territory and do not agree with God’s words, then our words bestow death and advance wickedness in that territory.

Now, even though God has set up the world to be in subjection to angels, He is still the CEO of the universe. If the cry of wickedness in a territory becomes too great and the iniquity too severe, God will act. He may even remove that city, region, state, or nation (territory) from His sight. That is exactly what He did with Sodom and Gomorrah in 2067 BC and Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Remember: God has not changed so we need to pay attention to His voice before it’s too late.

So, why California? Why San Francisco? Why now?

The answer I believe can be summed up in one word: children.

As many realize, God is patient with mankind because He wants everyone to repent and none to perish in an eternal Hell.  This is the Father’s heart filled with love for His creation.

Yet, when the ruling principality over San Francisco, the spirit of depravity, gained enough power to compel politicians  in the state capitol in Sacramento, California, to vote in laws requiring innocent children (K-12) to be exposed and lied to about iniquity, God must act.

The three branches of government, which are supposed to protect innocent children, have been totally deceived by the spirit of depravity. Since these three branches refuse to act for the children’s sake, the Lord God of Hosts will rise up and act.

Because of the many saints who have labored in fasts and prayers over the years for San Francisco and California, God will first act in mercy. The calamities, which will soon hit California, will look anything but merciful because of the damage and death toll involved. But yet, like Elijah’s prophetic warning about a forty-two month drought, it is the mercy of God, calling people to repentance.  (Prophetic words on earthquakes taken from my ebook,  Planning + Preparation = Survival.)

Yet, if California ignores the earthquake calamities and continues to follow and bow before the spirit of depravity, God will bring such heavy calamities on California that the whole world will mourn and weep over its demise. (Prophetic words about terrorists’ attacks also taken from Planning + Preparation = Survival.)

California, choose for yourself this day whom you will serve.

(Conclusion…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2012, may be seen here.)  


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gay

Why California? Why San Francisco? Why Now? (Part 9)


In 863 BC, a stranger showed up at the gates of Samaria. He mentioned that he was from Tisbeh, a city forty miles east of Israel’s capital and on the opposite side of the Jordan River.

Somehow, the stranger wangled an audience with King Ahab. The stranger’s dress, coarse camel’s haircloth with a rough leather belt, showed him to be a nomad of the desert, not a man suitable for the king’s court. But still, he approached the king.

King Ahab most likely wondered what the country bumpkin wanted when he saw him. He probably gave an impatient sigh and uttered, “So, Elijah, what do you have for me?”

Elijah spoke one of the shortest and most powerful messages in the Bible, just twenty-four words:

“As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.” (1 Kings 17:1)

The Bible does not give us an inkling of Ahab’s immediate reaction to Elijah’s short message.  But, most likely, it caused a big enough ruckus so that Elijah was able to slip away without being stopped or followed.

Okay, was the drought which Elijah warned King Ahab and Israel about an example of God’s love toward the Jews?

You have to remember the drought lasted forty-two months. No rain meant no crops, which in turn meant starvation for animals and people. Babies and the elderly would have been the hardest hit, but also prophets of God were slain.

As a guess, let’s say 1/2% of the population died. That would translate into 20-25,000 deaths resulting from the drought.

Now, what’s your thoughts on whether or not the drought was an example of God’s love?

Eventually, Elijah showed up and challenged four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal to a fire contest on Mount Carmel. Why fire? Because Baal was the god of fire. Why Mt. Carmel? That was where the pagan prophets sacrificed to Baal.

“Eureka!” The prophets of Baal probably thought to themselves. “Elijah has stepped in it this time. He’ll be toast!”

But in the end, the Lord God of Israel sent fire and consumed the sacrifice on the altar made by Elijah. Then, Elijah slaughtered the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal in front of Israel and prayed for rain to fall on the nation.

Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God! The LORD, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:39)

Once again, what’s your thoughts on whether or not the drought was an example of God’s love? Tough question, right? Although the people repented, thousands of people died or were slaughtered.

For myself, I have no doubt it is God love:

First,  God is loveHis character  never changes and there are no variations in His perfect love at any time. And even when He judges a nation in His godly anger, He is 100% love. It is who He is. Period.

while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn whom the LORD had struck down among them. The LORD had also executed judgments on their gods. (Numbers 33:4)

Secondly, God knows how to set people free who are imprisoned by their second nature sins, also known as iniquities. He is willing to take on the gods of the people’s iniquities, or ruling principalities, in a face to face battle, not on neutral ground, but in the ruling principalities’ strongholds.

You see, God is not afraid of a fight. He is not a bit fearful of how entrenched or how fortified the enemy is in its own stronghold. He just needs a man who is willing to be His vessel, like Moses was in Egypt, Elijah at Mt. Carmel, or Jesus on earth. The man just has to believe:

No man [champion, servant, or whosoever] will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. (Joshua 1:5)

Yes, there may be collateral damage in setting the people free and deaths may occur. But the deaths are due to our rebellion and sin and not to a lack of love on His part. We must trust that God knows what He is doing.

So, why California? Why San Francisco? Why now?

(Continued in Part 10…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2012, may be seen here.)  


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gay, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Why California? Why San Francisco? Why Now? (Part 8)



If I were a photographer, an apartment owner, or just an ordinary businessman, and two gays wanted to do business with me, I’d say, “Okay, will that be cash or credit card?”

I believe sound business sense dictates that my services or products  should be available to as many people as possible without ever attempting to exclude any particular groups. This is how I believe the marketplace works best.

My personal responsibility as a businessman is to walk in integrity and offer good values to customers for fair prices. This means that each customer, no matter who he is, must receive equal treatment and service. Period.

Now, if two gays lived next door to me, I’d obey scripture by loving them as I love myself. I’d be their friends. I’d help them. I’d defend them. I’d pray for them. I’d drink coffee and eat with them. Most likely, unless they asked me, they’d never know how I actually felt about homosexuality.

This is how I normally live the gospel of the kingdom of God in the world around me.

But there is another side of me, which is filled with red-hot anger.

The anger is a result of being sick and tired of seeing Satan lie and deceive 2-3% or more of America’s population into thinking a gay life style is acceptable before God and man because it is not! This lifestyle was created by Satan and his kingdom of darkness to mock the Creator and destroy men and women.

So God created man in His [own] image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:27-28)

God created man in His own image…what does that mean?

First, because God is Spirit, He created Adam and Eve to have a God-like spirit within them which was alive to God. Both communicated and fellowshipped in their spirits with Him without any problems.

Secondly, man’s spirit was wrapped in a physical body. But wait, how can flesh and blood possibly be created in God’s image?

The answer lies in four words: Be fruitful and multiply.”

You see, the Creator designed man to be a creator. Sperm from a man joined with an egg from a woman creates life… another human being. This creation process is to be carried out within a marriage between a husband and a wife through sexual activity. And as creators, the two spouses decide for themselves whether or not to create life.

Satan eventually threw a wrench into God’s plans by deceiving Eve and causing Adam to sin with a boldface lie.

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5)

Adam and Eve were already created in the likeness of God!

Yet, Satan’s cunning words somehow caused the two to disbelieve the One who created them and instead believe Satan. After all, the  forbidden fruit looked pleasant to the eyes and was desirable.

This rebellion by Adam and Eve caused sin to enter the world and man spiritually died and was separated from God. Satan then became the god of this world.

Yet, the father of lies, Satan, was not satisfied with just a spiritual separation between God and and the apple of His eye —man. His ultimate goal was to mock God and destroy men. And what better way to accomplish this task than to get mankind to rebel against God’s first command:

Be fruitful and multiply… (Genesis 1: 28)

The Bible refers to sexual activity orchestrated by Satan between two men or two women as the unfruitful deeds of darkness. Unfruitful?  No life can ever be created from this activity. It mocks the Creator’s plan for men and women.

Okay, who killed Harvey Milk on November 27, 1978? The obvious answer is Dan White. But who helped push White into committing the murder?

The spirit of depravity.

(Continued in Part 9…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2012, may be seen here.)  


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare

Why California? Why San Francisco? Why Now? (Part 7)



The movie, Milk (2008), was nominated for eight Academy Award nominations and ended up winning two: Best Actor (Sean Penn) and Best Original Screenplay (Dustin Lance Black).

Milk tells the story of the struggles Harvey Milk endured in the last eight years of his life as a gay rights activist and politician. The high point of the film shows Milk (Sean Penn) being elected to a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977, which made him the first openly gay person elected to public office in California. But sadly, the movie ends with Milk and Mayor George Moscone being assassinated by Dan White on November 27, 1978.

Rotten Tomatoes rated the movie at 94%. And even though R rated, most Christian reviewers stated the movie was well acted and well done.

The film’s release was tied to the 2008 California voter referendum on gay marriage, Proposition 8, as its premiere was held in San Francisco two weeks before election day, November 4, 2008.

Although always considered an icon by the San Francisco gay community, the movie catapulted Harvey Milk into martyrdom status. President Obama posthumously awarded Milk a Presidential Medal of Freedom (August, 2009). Desmond Tutu supported the founding of the Harvey Milk Foundation (2009).

But then, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 572 on October 11, 2009. This bill designated May 22 as Harvey Milk Day and encouraged California public schools, K-12, to commemorate the life and values of Milk.

Was Harvey Milk a martyr, someone to be admired by school children? 

If you only watch the movie and listen to politicians and gay rights activists, the answer is “yes.” But if you do a little research, a different side of Harvey Milk can be seen.

The script for the movie, Milk, was adapted from Randy Shilt’s biography of Harvey Milk, The Mayor of Castro Street (St. Martins Press, 1982). Shilts wrote the book while struggling to find full-time employment as an openly gay reporter.

Later, Randy Shilt’s explained why he chose to write on Milk’s life:

At the time, for those of us who lived in San Francisco, it felt like it was life changing, that all the eyes of the world were upon us, but in fact most of the world outside of San Francisco had no idea. It was just a really brief, provincial, localized current events story that the mayor and a city council member in San Francisco were killed. It didn’t have much reverberation.” (Quartini, Joelle (June 20, 2008). “Harvey Milk Returns”, The New York Blade12 (25), p. 18.)

Here’s some quotes from Randy Shilt’s book, not portrayed in the movie, Milk:

“…sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure…At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.” (pages 30-31)

“It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20’s that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life.” (page 24)

“Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems.” (page 180)

“As homosexuals, we can’t depend on the heterosexual model…We grow up with the heterosexual model, but we don’t have to follow it. We should be developing our own life-style. There’s no reason why you can’t love more than one person at a time. You don’t have to love them all the same. You love some less, love some more — and always be honest with everybody about where you’re at. They in turn can do the same thing and it can open up a bigger sphere.” (pages 237-238)

Why in the world would politicians and educators hang their reputations on Harvey Milk?

(Continued in Part 8…if you are interested, the full series, which was written in 2012, may be seen here.)  


Filed under America, Christianity, Church, Gay, Gifts of the Spirit, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Prophecy, spiritual warfare